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- Computer - Programming
.NET API Browser (docs.microsoft.com) by Kevin Locke [Review]
4D Knowledge Base (4d.com) by Angelo Caroprese [Review]
Abenteuer (abenteuer.extremeplannerlive.com) by Carlo Dilodilo [Review]
ActionScript 3 Refrence Search (2ln.org) by suman [Review]
ActivePython24 (aspn.activestate.com) by Ivan Pozdeev [Review]
ActiveState Python 2.5 Docs (docs.activestate.com) by Ivan [Review]
ActiveState Python Recipes (code.activestate.com) by David H. Brokne [Review]
Adobe Exchange (adobe.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
ADOdb documentation (google.com) by Chris Bloom [Review]
AIX Feature List (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
Ajaxian (ajaxian.com) by Matias Russitto [Review]
AMXX Function Wiki (amxmodx.org) by Anonymous [Review]
Android Developers (developer.android.com) by Anon [Review]
Android Snippets (androidsnippets.org) by Chris Hager [Review]
Apex Developer Guide (salesforce.com) by Daniel Blackhall [Review]
Apple Developer (developer.apple.com) by Will [Review]
Apple Developer - iOS (developer.apple.com) by Libin Varghese [Review]
Apple Developer - iOS Reference (developer.apple.com) by Libin Varghese [Review]
Apple Developer - Mac (developer.apple.com) by Jano [Review]
AutoHotkey (autohotkey.com) by Laktionov Ivan [Review]
AutoHotkey (autohotkey.com) by Krzysiu [Review]
AutoIt Forum (autoitscript.com) by LouNGeR [Review]
b4a forum (basic4ppc.com) by Truls Osmundsen [Review]
B4X Forums (b4x.com) by Anon [Review]
baidu_cnblogs (baidu.com) by ZHANG Yin [Review]
Bennu GD Wiki (wiki.bennugd.org) by Darío Cutillas [Review]
BitBucket (bitbucket.org) by Jaderson Barreto Sathler [Review]
Bootsnipp for Bootstrap (bootsnipp.com) by Luis Martinez [Review]
Botwiki Full Search (botwiki.sno.cc) by Snowolf [Review]
Bugtrack (bugtrack.net) by Maurycy Widera [Review]
C++ Reference (full search) (en.cppreference.com) by Anon [Review]
Can I Email ? (caniemail.com) by A.G [Review]
CconClase.net (c.conclase.net) by Ignacio Moreno Doblas [Review]
Clojars (clojars.org) by Cheuk Yin Ng [Review]
cmake.org (cmake.org) by Anon [Review]
Code Search Trunk (tools01.corp.linkedin.com) by Simón Medrano [Review]
Codeberg (Organizations) (codeberg.org) by Sertonix [Review]
Codeberg (Repositories) (codeberg.org) by Sertonix [Review]
Codeberg (Users) (codeberg.org) by Sertonix [Review]
CodeIgniter search (google.com) by Aleksey Trufanov [Review]
CodeProject (codeproject.com) by yestersexy [Review]
CodeProject (3rd Party - Google GR) (codeproject.com) by Paulk [Review]
CodeProject (3rd Party - Google) (codeproject.com) by yusnielb [Review]
Coders City (coderscity.pl) by Piotr Mazur [Review]
CodeS SourceS DelphiFr - Src/Forum (delphifr.com) by Cirec [Review]
Concrete CMS (concretecms.com) by Anon [Review]
coq_refman (coq.inria.fr) by STyx [Review]
CPAN - All (search.cpan.org) by Packy Anderson [Review]
CPAN->grep (grep.cpan.me) by Will Hawes [Review]
cplusplus.com (C++) (cplusplus.com) by Anseloth [Review]
CppRef (en.cppreference.com) by supsm [Review]
css4you (css4you.de) by scr4ve [Review]
css4you-english (css4you.de) by kablamo [Review]
Datastore-Key for Google App Engine (datastore-key.appspot.com) by Deleplace [Review]
Day.com (dev.day.com) by Denis Howe [Review]
DB2 (ibm.com) by Anon [Review]
DB2 SQL Codes (pic.dhe.ibm.com) by kdzia [Review]
DeepHN (deephn.org) by Anon [Review]
Defect List (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
Defects Opened (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
delphi wiki (docwiki.embarcadero.com) by Anon [Review]
Delphi-Source (dsdt.info) by Stefan Hittler [Review]
Delphi-Source - Forum (forum.dsdt.info) by Stefan Hittler [Review]
Delphi-Treff (delphi-treff.de) by Schdefoon [Review]
Development (google.com) by Michael Safyan [Review]
Developpez.com (developpez.com) by edno [Review]
Developpez.com Javasearch - Java 6.0 - Classes (javasearch.developpez.com) by Oso Pardo [Review]
DevExpress (search.devexpress.com) by seth [Review]
DevExpress (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Romke Bon [Review]
Django stable documentation (docs.djangoproject.com) by smrqdt [Review]
djbook.ru 1.8 (djbook.ru) by Shandrinoff WaD [Review]
djbook.ru 1.9 (djbook.ru) by Shandrinoff WaD [Review]
dll-download-system.com (dll-download-system.com) by James Cook [Review]
Doc SPIP org (doc.spip.org) by Aurélie [Review]
DocHub - jQuery (dochub.io) by LouCypher [Review]
Docjar (docjar.com) by Diego [Review]
Dojo Toolkit (dojotoolkit.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Dojo Toolkit API (api.dojotoolkit.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Eclipse Galileo Help (help.eclipse.org) by Holger Voormann [Review]
Eclipse Search Engine (Cypal) (cypal.in) by P. Dal Farra [Review]
Eclipse Tips (eclipse-tips.com) by Holger Voormann [Review]
EDM/2 Search (edm2.com) by Lewis Rosenthal [Review]
EE Documentation (eedocs.pmachine.com) by EE Docs [Review]
Embedded.com (embedded.com) by Janez Stangelj [Review]
Erlang Documentation (google.com) by André Laszlo [Review]
ESQL (ibm.com) by Carl Volhard [Review]
esql (ibm.com) by Carl Volhard [Review]
ESRI Forums (forums.arcgis.com) by Anon [Review]
Experts Exchange - Delphi Programming (EE) (experts-exchange.com) by Martin Barreda [Review]
Experts Exchange - Delphi Programming (Google) (experts-exchange.com) by Martin Barreda [Review]
Ext JS Forum (extjs.com) by LudoO [Review]
Ext JS Forum (3rd Party - Google) (extjs.com) by Murat Çorlu [Review]
eZ Publish Documentation (ez.no) by Damien Pitard [Review]
findJAR.com (findjar.com) by Jonathan De la Torre [Review]
firefox (jira.wisefly.cn) by Anon [Review]
Flex Collection (google.com) by Kenneth Sutherland [Review]
Fogbugz (bugz) by Alasdair North [Review]
Font Awesome (fontawesome.com) by Anon [Review]
Font Awesome Free (fontawesome.com) by silva_surfa [Review]
Forrst (forrst.com) by Josh Kendall [Review]
Forum 4programmers.net (forum.4programmers.net) by adf88 [Review]
Gaia Flash Framework Forum (gaiaflashframework.com) by TimTeka [Review]
gdataonline md5search (gdataonline.com) by pengi [Review]
Git SCM (git-scm.com) by Spencer [Review]
GitHub - Code (github.com) by LouCypher [Review]
GitHub - Help (help.github.com) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
GitHub - Stargazers forks (forked.yannick.io) by Mr. Sessile [Review]
GitHub Apheris (github.com) by Kasper Malfroid [Review]
GitLogs (gitlogs.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
Gitorious (gitorious.org) by strel [Review]
Gitorious SSL (gitorious.org) by strel [Review]
Glitch (glitch.com) by Denilson [Review]
Gnome Library (library.gnome.org) by Ruben Schmidt [Review]
Godoc (godoc.org) by Thomas Sänger [Review]
Google AdWords Help (adwords.google.com) by Dru Truong [Review]
Google Analytics Help (google.com) by Dru Truong [Review]
Google Code (code.google.com) by Michele Maniscalco [Review]
Google Code - Projects (code.google.com) by Jasonm23 [Review]
Google Data APIs - Javadoc (code.google.com) by Shannon Eric Peevey [Review]
Google Doctype (code.google.com) by Brian Dukes [Review]
Google Groups GWT Contrib Search (groups.google.com) by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [Review]
Google Groups GWT Search (groups.google.com) by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [Review]
Google J2EE 1.4 API (google.com) by Jakob Havstein Eriksen [Review]
Google java2se api 1.2.4 (google.com) by Juan Lopez [Review]
Google Javascript (google.com) by SomeDood [Review]
Google Suche auf phpfusion-support.de (phpfusion-support.de) by Sascha [Review]
Gpucomputing.net (gpucomputing.net) by Anthony Cohen [Review]
GreaseSpot (wiki.greasespot.net) by PaulJ [Review]
GreasyFork (greasyfork.org) by ANIMAL [Review]
grep.app (grep.app) by André Carini [Review]
GrepCode.com (grepcode.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
GWT Issues Search (code.google.com) by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [Review]
GWT JavaDoc search (google.fr) by Valise [Review]
GXSearch (gxtechnical.com) by Gonzalo Cuiñas [Review]
HackageDB functions (Google) (hackage.haskell.org) by Roman Beslik [Review]
HackageDB packages (Google) (hackage.haskell.org) by Roman Beslik [Review]
Hash'em all! (MD5) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (SHA256) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (SHA384) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (SHA512) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (WHIRLPOOL) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Haskell Wiki (haskell.org) by baldo [Review]
Hayoo (holumbus.org) by Hayoo [Review]
hayoo (hayoo.fh-wedel.de) by ncaq [Review]
Heroku Add-ons (addons.heroku.com) by Chris Kemp [Review]
Heroku Dev Center (devcenter.heroku.com) by Chris Kemp [Review]
Hexosearch (hexosearch.com) by tv1986 [Review]
Hotscripts.com (hotscripts.com) by David Stark [Review]
HTCGeeks Search (forum.htcgeeks.com) by LennySh [Review]
HTML - CSS - JS (google.com) by Christophe Le Besnerais [Review]
Huawei Developers (developer.huawei.com) by awaLing [Review]
IBM iSeries IC V6R1M0 (publib.boulder.ibm.com) by Juri Müller [Review]
icdevgroup (icdevgroup.org) by Rob Aldred [Review]
Icones.pro (icones.pro) by Anon [Review]
IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (opengroup.org) by Finnbarr P. Murphy [Review]
info pages ( by K [Review]
Intel Software Network - MID (softwarewiki.intel.com) by Jeremy Saldate [Review]
J2SE 1.5 API search (onesearch.sun.com) by Steven Gould [Review]
Jarvana Classes (jarvana.com) by Deron Eriksson [Review]
Jarvana Content (jarvana.com) by Deron Eriksson [Review]
Jarvana Projects (jarvana.com) by Deron Eriksson [Review]
Java Bug Database (by ID) (bugs.sun.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
Java Bug Database (by keywords) (bugs.sun.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
Java SE 21 & JDK 21 (docs.oracle.com) by xehpuk [Review]
Java SE 22 & JDK 22 (docs.oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Java SE 23 & JDK 23 (docs.oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Java Source (java-source.net) by Vadim Bauer [Review]
JavaBooks (javabooks.org) by teo danciu [Review]
Javadoc (google.com) by Christophe Le Besnerais [Review]
JavaDoc 8 (docs.oracle.com) by Nathan Reynolds [Review]
javaplatformse6 (google.com) by Florian [Review]
JDE/PSFT BSFN (bsfn.road2fusion.com) by Yuri Dmytrenko [Review]
JDK 11 JavaDoc (docs.oracle.com) by Nathan Reynolds [Review]
JDK 17 JavaDoc (docs.oracle.com) by Nathan Reynolds [Review]
JiraId (jira.bbqnx.net) by Anon [Review]
JoelOnSoftware Biz Forums (discuss.joelonsoftware.com) by BigProf Software [Review]
Joomla! 1.5 API documentation (google.de) by Thomas Schuermann [Review]
JseCoop (google.com) by Gabriel [Review]
KAMESHsoft (kameshsoft.isgreat.org) by kamesh [Review]
Katacoda (katacoda.com) by gittaca [Review]
Key for Google Datastore Viewer (datastore-key.appspot.com) by Deleplace [Review]
Klikipedia (romanx.kosa.net.pl) by RomanX [Review]
l1sp.org (l1sp.org) by Thomas M. Hermann [Review]
Lazarus Free Pascal Components (lazarus-components.org) by Matthieu GIROUX [Review]
Lift Documentation (google.com) by Silvestre Zabala [Review]
lispdoc (lispdoc.com) by William Bland [Review]
List Features (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
lobste.rs (lobste.rs) by alex [Review]
Lotus Notes Search (GoogleCSE) (lotus.googlecse.org.ua) by Dmitriy Voytishin [Review]
Lotus Notes/Domino 8 Forum (www-10.lotus.com) by Brian Vincent [Review]
Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 Forum (www-10.lotus.com) by Phil Warner [Review]
Lotus Sandbox (google.co.uk) by Stuart Orford [Review]
LSB Specification Database (linux-foundation.org) by Stew Benedict [Review]
lxr.kde.org (lxr.kde.org) by P. Spendrin [Review]
Malhar2010 Blog Search (malhar2010.blogspot.com) by Malhar Vora [Review]
man pages ( by K [Review]
Man Pages (man.cx) (man.cx) by Alexander Schlarb [Review]
MariaDB (mariadb.com) by Anon [Review]
MariaDB (Knowledge Base) (mariadb.com) by Anon [Review]
MashupGuide.net (blog.mashupguide.net) by Raymond Yee [Review]
Material Design Icons (material.io) by Anon [Review]
Mathematica Documentation (reference.wolfram.com) by Reiner Martin [Review]
Matlab Central (mathworks.co.uk) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Central Blogs (mathworks.com) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Central File Exchange (mathworks.co.uk) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Matlab Central Link Exchange (mathworks.co.uk) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Central Newsgroup (mathworks.co.uk) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Documentation (mathworks.co.uk) by Iain Robinson [Review]
MATLAB Documentation (mathworks.com) by Anon [Review]
MATLAB ducumentation (uk.mathworks.com) by Anon [Review]
MATLAB R2015a en (mathworks.com) by Anon [Review]
Matplotlib (matplotlib.sourceforge.net) by Oliver Breitwieser [Review]
Matplotlib 3.1.1 (matplotlib.org) by DTX [Review]
Matplotlib documentation (matplotlib.org) by Anon [Review]
Mentor Graphics Communities (communities.mentor.com) by Menor Community Admin [Review]
Microsoft Docs (docs.microsoft.com) by Kevin Locke [Review]
Microsoft Learn (learn.microsoft.com) by BurntVoxel [Review]
Microsoft TechNet - en (search.technet.microsoft.com) by Anton Ivanov [Review]
Microsoft TechNet - pt-BR (search.technet.microsoft.com) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
Mikrocontroller.net (mikrocontroller.net) by Andreas Schwarz [Review]
mikroElektronika Forums (mikroe.com) by Mark Nuccio [Review]
MongoDB (docs.mongodb.com) by kalaverin [Review]
MonkeyGuts (wiki.greasespot.net) by Mr. Sessile [Review]
Moodle code (on Github) (github.com) by Nick Freear [Review]
Moodle Developer Forum (en) - Discussion (moodle.org) by Frank Ralf [Review]
MQL4 Docs (docs.mql4.com) by mndt [Review]
MQL4.community (mql4.com) by MetaQuotes Software Corp. [Review]
MSDN (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
MSDN (3rd Party - Google) (microsoft.com) by Wyatt Culbertson [Review]
MSDN (3rd party Google - Lucky) (google.com) by __Vano [Review]
MSDN (Docs) (3rd party Google - Lucky) (google.com) by __Vano [Review]
MSDN (FR) (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
MSDN de-DE (msdn.microsoft.com) by Janis Veits [Review]
MSDN en-US (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by Richard Schnorenberg [Review]
MSDN en-US - Library (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by David Kane [Review]
MSDN en-US - Visual Basic 6 (microsoft.com) by Michael Hawes [Review]
MSDN es-ES (microsoft.com) by Brayan M Blanco [Review]
MSDN ru-RU (3rd party - Google Lucky) (msdn.microsoft.com) by Neris Ereptoris [Review]
MSDN Win API Functions (search.msdn.microsoft.com) by Juan Antonio Martinez RBermejo [Review]
MSFN Board Windows XP (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
MySQL Reference Manual (dev.mysql.com) by Takao IIZUKA [Review]
Nabble (nabble.com) by John Richard Cornell II [Review]
National Instruments (search.ni.com) by Anon [Review]
NetApp BuRT Search (burtweb-prd.eng.netapp.com) by Ashish Agrawal [Review]
networkx (networkx.org) by Anon [Review]
NI Forums (ni.com) by Joshua Harbert [Review]
Node Toolbox (toolbox.no.de) by Anon [Review]
NPM (npmjs.org) by Félix Saparelli [Review]
NuGet Gallery (nuget.org) by Brian Dukes [Review]
Nukepedia (nukepedia.com) by Anon [Review]
NumPy (numpy.org) by DTX [Review]
Object Management Group (omg.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Ocaml source code (ocaml.org) by STyx [Review]
oerr - Oracle Error Codes (11g) (tahiti.oracle.com) by Oraculix [Review]
oerr - Oracle Error Codes (12c) (docs.oracle.com) by Oraculix [Review]
Ogre Wiki Search (ogre3d.org) by James Wilmot [Review]
ohjelmointiputka.net (ohjelmointiputka.net) by lahtis [Review]
Ohloh Code (code.ohloh.net) by LouCypher [Review]
Ohloh projects (ohloh.net) by Daniel Luz [Review]
OLPC Australia development (issues) (dev.laptop.org.au) by Sridhar Dhanapalan [Review]
Online Web Fonts - SVG Vector Icons (onlinewebfonts.com) by Anon [Review]
OOTips - Google (ootips.org) by Gerrit Erasmus [Review]
Open gem page on Rubygems (rubygems.org) by Leonid Shevtsov [Review]
Open Hub Code (code.openhub.net) by Marc-André Lureau [Review]
OpenGL manpage search for opengl.org (google.com) by Nuno Subtil [Review]
OpenSourceInitiative Search (opensourceinitiative.net) by Andrew Kovalev [Review]
Oracle - Bugs (bug.us.oracle.com) by Abhishek [Review]
Oracle 10.2 Documentation (oracle.com) by Alper Ozisik [Review]
Oracle 11g R2 Documentation (oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Oracle Documentation (oracle.com) by Kirk Brocas [Review]
Oracle Support Notes by ID (support.oracle.com) by Pete Mahon [Review]
Oscommerce (forums.oscommerce.com) by voided [Review]
Pandas (pandas.pydata.org) by DTX [Review]
Parallax Forums (forums.parallax.com) by Anon [Review]
PassiveTotal (passivetotal.org) by KUZ [Review]
pd-list (lists.puredata.info) by poil apfrod [Review]
Perldoc browser (perldoc.pl) by Simeon Eberhardt [Review]
Perldoc Module::Name (search.cpan.org) by Bob Apthorpe [Review]
perldoc.perl.org (full-text) (perldoc.perl.org) by Tom Metro [Review]
PHP - Smarty - de (smarty.net) by Mario Lorenz [Review]
PHP - Smarty - pt-BR (smarty.php.net) by Ricardo Ferreira Rainha [Review]
PHP - Smarty - ru (smarty.php.net) by Mihail Dmitriev [Review]
phpBB.de (phpbb.de) by Tobi Schäfer [Review]
PHPBuilder Forums (phpbuilder.com) by Evan Kaufman [Review]
PHPFreakz (phpfreakz.nl) by Wouter Nijland [Review]
Pingdom page speed (tools.pingdom.com) by Alexey Murz Korepov [Review]
PInvoke (pinvoke.net) by M. Jackwerth [Review]
Plone 3.0 API Search (api.plone.org) by Shannon Eric Peevey [Review]
Poker AI (google.com) by Anon [Review]
Portapower Product Serach by LBNZ (portapowerhk.com) by nathan [Review]
POSIX.1/SUSv4/IEEE 1003.1, latest (pubs.opengroup.org) by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen [Review]
POSIX.1/SUSv4/IEEE 1003.1, latest basedefs (pubs.opengroup.org) by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen [Review]
PostgreSQL (current) Manual (postgresql.org) by Vehikl [Review]
PostgreSQL 10 Manual - Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL 8.2 Manual (postgresql.org) by Ricardo Ferreira Rainha [Review]
PostgreSQL 8.3 Manual (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Valise [Review]
PostgreSQL 9.3 Manual (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL 9.4 Manual - Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL 9.6 Manual - Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL Doxygen (doxygen.postgresql.org) by Dan Colish [Review]
PostgreSQL Manual (postgresql.org) by Alexander Kruth [Review]
PostgreSQL Wiki (wiki.postgresql.org) by Hazel L. H. Jenkins [Review]
Processing (processing.org) by Greg [Review]
Programming Idioms (programming-idioms.org) by Deleplace [Review]
Progress Knowledgebase (3rd Party - Google) (knowledgebase.progress.com) by Paul Mowat [Review]
Proogle (oehive.org) by cverbiest [Review]
Propeller Spin Object Exchange (obex.parallax.com) by Rogersyd [Review]
Prototype API Search (google.com) by Chris Bloom [Review]
Prototype.js (3rd Party Google) (google.com) by Paul J [Review]
PSOUG Ref (google.com) by Daniel Priest [Review]
Python (3rd Party - Google) (python.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Python Docs (2.6) (docs.python.org) by Jordon Kalilich [Review]
Python Docs (2.7) (docs.python.org) by TeeKay [Review]
Python Docs (2.7ja) (docs.python.jp) by Anon [Review]
Python Docs (2.x) (docs.python.org) by __Vano [Review]
Python Docs (3.2) (docs.python.org) by Anon [Review]
Python Docs (3.3) (docs.python.org) by TeeKay [Review]
Python Docs (3.4) (docs.python.org) by TeeKay [Review]
Python Docs (3.5) (docs.python.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
Python Docs (3.6) (docs.python.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
Python Docs (3.8) (docs.python.org) by DTX [Review]
Python Docs (3.x) (docs.python.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
Python Docs (3rd Party - Google Lucky) (docs.python.org) by Johann Heller [Review]
Python Docs (3rd Party - Google) (docs.python.org) by Clovis Fabricio [Review]
Python Package Index (pypi.python.org) by Anon [Review]
Python Package Warehouse (pypi.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
PyTorch Docs (pytorch.org) by DTX [Review]
qiskit (qiskit.org) by Anon [Review]
Qt 4.6 Docs (doc.trolltech.com) by David Bronke [Review]
Qt 4.7 Docs (doc.trolltech.com) by David Bronke [Review]
Qt Centre Forum (qtcentre.org) by Gustavo Ribeiro Croscato [Review]
Qt Docs 4.6 (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Ademar de Souza Reis Jr. [Review]
Qt Project Docs (qt-project.org) by Roman Inflianskas [Review]
Qt Project Docs (4.8 via Google) (qt-project.org) by David Bronke [Review]
R Sig Geo Archives (stat.ethz.ch) by canoe.moore [Review]
R Sig Mixed Models Archives (stat.ethz.ch) by canoe.moore [Review]
R Statistical Language (3rd Party - Rollyo) (dangoldstein.com) by Richard Cotton [Review]
R-help Archives (stat.ethz.ch) by canoe.moore [Review]
Racket (docs.racket-lang.org) by Justin Zamora [Review]
RAFA - Android Development (rafa.qbitsapp.com) by cubiwan [Review]
referencesource (referencesource.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
regexper (regexper.com) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
Regular-expressions.info (Google Lucky) (regular-expressions.info) by Karl Horky [Review]
REST search engine (search.restlet.org) by Jerome Louvel [Review]
RFC-FAQ (faqs.org) by fxl [Review]
Rocket Search (sch.hari-krishnan.xyz) by kryptiksage [Review]
RosettaCode (rosettacode.org) by DiagonalArg [Review]
RosettaCode (en) (rosettacode.org) by Anon [Review]
RSeek.org (rseek.org) by Sasha Goodman [Review]
Ruby ApiDock (apidock.com) by Soleone [Review]
Ruby Kitchen Sink (rubykitchensink.ca) by cgr [Review]
Ruby on Rails ApiDock (apidock.com) by Valise [Review]
Rustcc (rustcc.cn) by Anon [Review]
Rustfmt Configuration (rust-lang.github.io) by Đăng Tú [Review]
SAS Support (support.sas.com) by Duncan Jakeway [Review]
Savannah GNU Project Search (savannah.gnu.org) by DiagonalArg [Review]
Scala API (current) (scala-lang.org) by Michael Dunleavy [Review]
Scala Documentation (google.com) by Silvestre Zabala [Review]
scikit-learn (scikit-learn.org) by DTX [Review]
SciPy (scipy.github.io) by DTX [Review]
Scratch (scratch.mit.edu) by Jacob [Review]
Scratch Projects (scratch.mit.edu) by Thomas [Review]
Scratch Studios (scratch.mit.edu) by programambcan142134 [Review]
SDN (search.sap.com) by Anon [Review]
SDN Search (developer.symbian.com) by Dave Brown [Review]
Seaborn (seaborn.pydata.org) by DTX [Review]
searchcode (searchcode.com) by Akinori [Review]
SearchDotNet (searchdotnet.com) by Daniel Cohen [Review]
Selenium .NET (Google) (google.com) by Ivan Pozdeev [Review]
Shadertoy (shadertoy.com) by Denilson [Review]
Snipt.net (snipt.net) by Ev David [Review]
SourcePawn API (sm.alliedmods.net) by Anon [Review]
Spotlight.de MS Access Forum (spotlight.de) by GS [Review]
Spotlight.de SQL Forum (spotlight.de) by GS [Review]
Spotlight.de Visual Basic Forum (spotlight.de) by GS [Review]
SQL.RU_MSSQL (sql.ru) by Maxim Kulibaba [Review]
SQL.RU_Sybase (sql.ru) by Maxim Kulibaba [Review]
SQLAlchemy Google Search (sqlalchemy.org) by nosklo [Review]
SQLHunt (sqlhunt.com) by Carsten Cumbrowski [Review]
sqlite (sqlite.org) by evandrofisico [Review]
sqlru_oracle (sql.ru) by Maxim Kulibaba [Review]
Squeak Wiki (wiki.squeak.org) by Michael Gruenewald [Review]
SR_Viewer (support.us.oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Stack Overflow Extended (google.com) by podosta [Review]
stackage (stackage.org) by ncaq [Review]
StackOverflow Reddit DevOps Edition (google.com) by Jakub Bielecki [Review]
StackOverflow Reddit Linux DevOps Edition (google.com) by Jakub Bielecki [Review]
stackoverflow tag (stackoverflow.com) by Shane Mulligan [Review]
STL Reference - Google (sgi.com) by David Bronke [Review]
Strainu onLine (cautare.strainu.ro) by Andrei Cipu [Review]
Sublime Text Package Control (sublime.wbond.net) by Les Chaps [Review]
SugarLabs Tickets (bugs.sugarlabs.org) by Anon [Review]
Sun Search - Community (sun.com) by Mustafa Uğur Uçar [Review]
SWI-Prolog Documentation (swi-prolog.org) by Peter Berry [Review]
Swing (google.com) by Christophe Le Besnerais [Review]
Sybase CR search (www-infra) by Benjamin Lei [Review]
Symbian Search (symbiansearch.com) by Mark Whitaker [Review]
symfony (3rd Party - Google) (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony API 1.0 (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony API 1.1 (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony API 1.2 (symfony-project.org) by Vasek [Review]
symfony Askeet Tutorial (3rd Party - Google) (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Book 1.0 (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Forum (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Snippets (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Wiki (3rd Party - Google) (trac.symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Wiki (fr) (3rd Party - Google) (trac.symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
Symfony2 (symfony.com) by Anon [Review]
The Elder Geek Forum (theeldergeek.com) by ricktendo64 [Review]
TMS Software (tmssoftware.com) by Alper Demir [Review]
Toad Knowledge Xpert for Oracle (toadworld.com) by G. Calis [Review]
trac - bug search (trac.dev.guestcentric.com) by Pedro Araujo [Review]
Turk-PHP Search (turk-php.com) by Alihan Çetin [Review]
Tutorialized.Com (tutorialized.com) by Menan [Review]
Twisted Documentation - Google (twistedmatrix.com) by David Bronke [Review]
TYPO3 English Forum (forum.typo3.org) by Lewis Rosenthal [Review]
TYPO3 Extension Repository (extensions.typo3.org) by Martin Terber [Review]
TYPO3 Wiki (wiki.typo3.org) by Martin Terber [Review]
Unicode Char Lookup (unicode.org) by Jon Connelly [Review]
Unisys.Bugtrack (unisys.bugtrack.net) by Brook Smith [Review]
Unity Docs Scripting API (docs.unity3d.com) by Anon [Review]
Unity3D (unity3d.com) by spamme [Review]
Unity3D combined search (unity3d.com) by spamme [Review]
Unity3D community forums (forum.unity3d.com) by Benoit FOULETIER [Review]
Unity3D script reference (unity3d.com) by Benoit FOULETIER [Review]
Unlocalize (unlocalize.com) by Jaroslav Bucek [Review]
Unserialize.com (unserialize.com) by bluepostit [Review]
UTF-8 Icons (utf8icons.com) by lhunath [Review]
valadoc (valadoc.org) by lhw [Review]
vB Online Manual (vbulletin.com) by Skavenger [Review]
VB6 KB (support.microsoft.com) by Peter Nann [Review]
VBForums (vbforums.com) by test2 [Review]
View HTTP headers (web-sniffer.net) by Alexey Murz Korepov [Review]
Vijos PID (vijos.cn) by liangent [Review]
Vim plugins (vim.org) by Anon [Review]
Vim Tips Wiki (vim.fandom.com) by webgirl [Review]
Visual Studio Marketplace - VSCode (marketplace.visualstudio.com) by Anon [Review]
Visualforce Developer Guide (salesforce.com) by Daniel Blackhall [Review]
Vuetify Search Plugin (vuetifyjs.com) by Daniele Tentoni [Review]
vvvv.org (vvvv.org) by Melchior blausand (@blausand) [Review]
vvvv.org - nodes (vvvv.org) by Melchior blausand (@blausand) [Review]
W3Schools (Google search) (w3schools.com) by Stephen Hermans [Review]
wiki.tcl.tk (wiki.tcl.tk) by eiji [Review]
Wikimedia Technical Search (google.com) by FreedomFighterSparrow [Review]
WinCert.net Forum (wincert.net) by RaGhul [Review]
WorkingWithRails (workingwithrails.com) by Juanjo Bazán [Review]
Wotsit.org (wotsit.org) by trashed [Review]
wxWidgets - docs/stable (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Eric Stevens [Review]
wxWidgets - docs/trunk (docs.wxwidgets.org) by Joel Low [Review]
xajax Wiki (xajaxproject.org) by levhita [Review]
XDA-Developers (forum.xda-developers.com) by StickyIcky17 [Review]
XDA-Developers (forum.xda-developers.com) by maxelo [Review]
XDA-Developers (forum.xda-developers.com) by maxelo [Review]
XSSed.Com Search (xssed.com) by snipe [Review]
xulplanet (xulplanet.com) by cysiek10 [Review]
You code (you.com) by mavuriel [Review]
YQL REST Query (developer.yahoo.com) by Les Chaps [Review]
Zend Framework API Doc Search (google.com) by escakir [Review]
Zend Framework Manual (google.nl) by ecakir [Review]
Zend Framework Programmer's Reference Guide (framework.zend.com) by Jon Peck [Review]
Zvon.org (zvon.org) by ycc [Review]
Все о фреймворке Kohana (kohanaframework.su) by Sergey Yakovlev [Review]
Русскоязычный форум Kohana (forum.kohanaframework.su) by Sergey Yakovlev [Review]
探索兔 (tansuotu.com) by zhtt [Review]
菜鸟教程 (runoob.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
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