Mycroft Project

Search results

Here are the Search Engine Plugins that match your query.
Click on the name to load a page with instructions to install.

  1. Computer - Programming
    OpenSearch Untested Icon HackageDB functions (Google) en-WW ( by Roman Beslik [Review]
    OpenSearch Untested Icon HackageDB packages (Google) en-WW ( by Roman Beslik [Review]
  2. Shopping - Computer
    OpenSearch Untested Icon Hackage en-WW ( by Jeremy Rubin [Review]

3 plugins found.

OpenSearch OpenSearch - supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome
Sherlock Sherlock - supported by Firefox and SeaMonkey.
Working This plugin/provider should be working. If not, please review the plugin.
Untested This plugin/provider has not been verified - it may not work as expected.
Broken This plugin/provider is probably broken. If you are able to fix it, please submit an update. Otherwise, please try again later.
Mouseover the status icon to see the date the plugin/provider was last updated / last verified.
New This plugin/provider was added or updated in the last 7 days.
Highlighted plugins are the most frequently downloaded (number highlighted varies with number of results).
Search plugins may contain affiliate links - normally marked (Support Mycroft*). When installed and a purchase is made this site may earn commission. This includes but is not limited to an affiliation with the eBay Partner Network.