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- Arts & Media
ItalianShare (italianshare.net) by VeryStrangeFish [Review]
LaMoneta.it numismatica (numismatica-italiana.lamoneta.it) by Massimo Athome [Review]
MuVi (h1.ath.cx) by MuVi [Review]
ParmAgenda (cercaparma.it) by Francesco Lia [Review]
SlidePlayer IT (slideplayer.it) by strel [Review]
- Arts & Media - Film, TV & Video
35mm (35mm.it) by Marco Papa [Review]
Boomatic (boomatic.com) by Matteo Spinelli [Review]
cinematografo (cinematografo.it) by cosimo [Review]
ComingSoon.it (comingsoon.it) by Paul J [Review]
Davinotti ricerca (davinotti.com) by Massimo Svanoni [Review]
dvdessential.it (dvdessential.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
dvdessential.it MyCollection (dvdessential.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Filmot Transverso: auto -> Italian (filmot.com) by Anon [Review]
Filmot — channel tag cloud search (Italian) (filmot.com) by Anon [Review]
FilmTV (film.tv.it) by cptNemo [Review]
Geraagle (gerasimone.altervista.org) by gerasimone [Review]
Google Movies Italy (google.it) by Fabio Casciano [Review]
Google Videos Italia (video.google.it) by Anon [Review]
Jawapedia (it.starwars.wikia.com) by Beba [Review]
JustWatch IT (justwatch.com) by impwins [Review]
MotionGraphics.it (motiongraphics.it) by VeryStrangeFish [Review]
Movieplayer.it (movieplayer.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Movieplayer.it - Film (movieplayer.it) by andreabatt [Review]
Movieplayer.it - Personaggi (movieplayer.it) by andreabatt [Review]
Movieplayer.it - Programmi televisivi (movieplayer.it) by andreabatt [Review]
Movieplayer.it - Serie TV (movieplayer.it) by andreabatt [Review]
MovieUp.it (movieup.it) by greengreat [Review]
MYmovies.it (mymovies.it) by maurizio fanello [Review]
MyMovies.it (3rd Party - Google) (mymovies.it) by Ringo96 [Review]
PeertubeUno (peertube.uno) by Anon [Review]
PeoplezSearch (peoplez.it) by Peoplez.it [Review]
Swisstxt - TSI1 (swisstxt.ch) by Edwin Winkler [Review]
Virgilio - Video (search.alice.it) by Maedios [Review]
- Arts & Media - Images
DuckDuckGo Immagini IT (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
Excite Images IT (excite.it) by Zaleth [Review]
Fotolia Italia (it.fotolia.com) by GiorgioG [Review]
Google Immagini (google.it) by Roberto O. [Review]
Marotochi Sfondi (marotochi.it) by Marotochi [Review]
Mediagol Immagini (3rd Party - Google) (mediagol.it) by Anon [Review]
- Arts & Media - Literature
Google Libri Italia (books.google.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Internet Bookshoop Italia (ibs.it) by Keensit [Review]
- Arts & Media - Music
Angolo Testi - Artista (angolotesti.it) by vfede [Review]
Angolo Testi - Titolo (angolotesti.it) by Anon [Review]
Dada (dada.it) by Dada [Review]
DeBaser - album (debaser.it) by anonimo [Review]
DeBaser - artista (debaser.it) by anonimo [Review]
J-Music Italia (jmusicitalia.com) by Jirochan [Review]
Onda Rock (ondarock.it) by Anon [Review]
- Business
AutoBelle.it (autobelle.it) by Roberto Ori [Review]
FedEx IT Track (fedex.com) by Simone Vismara [Review]
- Business - Jobs
Job Mistral (jobmistral.com) by Antonio [Review]
lavoro.renego.it (lavoro.renego.it) by Anon [Review]
Mitula Italia - lavoro (lavoro.mitula.it) by Mitula [Review]
mrlavoro.com (mrlavoro.com) by Rosario [Review]
POSOT Lavoro IT (lavoro.posot.it) by Fernando Jalon [Review]
- Computer
HRW (hrw.it) by sykom [Review]
Il Bloggatore (ilbloggatore.com) by Roberto Travagliante [Review]
TurboLab.it (turbolab.it) by Anon [Review]
- Computer - Linux
Debianizzati.Org (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (debianizzati.org) by pmate [Review]
Guide@Debianizzati.Org (guide.debianizzati.org) by Claudio Moratti [Review]
Linuxpedia (linuxpedia.netsons.org) by LucaC [Review]
Pollycoke :) (pollycoke.wordpress.com) by felipe [Review]
Slacky.eu (slacky.eu) by Marcello Marchese [Review]
Ubuntu-it Forum (forum.ubuntu-it.org) by Sergio Vaccaro [Review]
Ubuntu-it Wiki - Testo (wiki.ubuntu-it.org) by Volans [Review]
Ubuntu-it Wiki - Titoli (wiki.ubuntu-it.org) by Sergio Vaccaro [Review]
www.tuxfeed.it (tuxfeed.it) by www.tuxfeed.it [Review]
- Computer - Software
Driver-Download.it (driver-download.it) by Björn Fröhlich [Review]
extenzilla (extenzilla.org) by numerone [Review]
Free Play Club (freeplayclub.org) by numerone [Review]
IlSoftware.it (ilsoftware.it) by Jacopo Moronato [Review]
- Dictionaries
Alice Parole - Coniuga i verbi (parole.virgilio.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Alice Parole - Sinonimi e contrari (parole.alice.it) by Alberto Schiavone [Review]
Coniugazione (coniugazione.it) by Anon [Review]
Corriere it (dizionari.corriere.it) by fedcas [Review]
DiPI Online - Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (dipionline.it) by Anon [Review]
Dizi - Il dizionario collaborativo (dizi.it) by Alberto Gialluca Palma [Review]
dizionari.corriere.it (dizionari.corriere.it) by Franck Japon [Review]
Dizionario d'ortografia e di pronunzia (dizionario.rai.it) by Kef Schecter [Review]
Dizionario di italiano Hoepli (hoepli.it) by Alberto Gialluca Palma [Review]
Dizionario Inglese-Italiano Hoepli (dizionari.hoepli.it) by pcomenso [Review]
Dizionario Italiano (dizionario-italiano.it) by Fabio Strozzi [Review]
Dizionario Italiano-Inglese Hoepli (dizionari.hoepli.it) by pcomenso [Review]
Dizionario Repubblica (dizionari.repubblica.it) by Gianluca Di Mauro [Review]
È facile! (efacile.eu) by Mark Visser [Review]
Etimo (etimo.it) by Mark Zackie [Review]
Garzanti it (garzantilinguistica.it) by Uli666 [Review]
Garzanti sinonimi it (Login) (garzantilinguistica.it) by Antonello Lobianco [Review]
Il Nuovo De Mauro (dizionario.internazionale.it) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Mozilla l10n (IT) (frenchmozilla.fr) by gialloporpora [Review]
Reverse Conjugator IT (conjugator.reverso.net) by Anon [Review]
Sapere - Sinonimi (sapere.it) by Alberto Schiavone [Review]
Sapere - Vocabolario (sapere.it) by Alberto Schiavone [Review]
Simone.it dizionario economico ita <-> eng (simone.it) by Ben [Review]
Sinonimi (xtutto.com) by BrOncO [Review]
Sinonimi e contrari (homolaicus.com) by daviweb [Review]
SZTAKI hu->it (szotar.sztaki.hu) by László Koncz [Review]
Treccani - Sinonimi e contrari [diretto] (treccani.it) by Arturo Orlando [Review]
Treccani - Sinonimi e contrari [ricerca] (treccani.it) by Arturo Orlando [Review]
Treccani - Vocabolario [diretto] (treccani.it) by Andrea Lazzarotto [Review]
Treccani - Vocabolario [ricerca] (treccani.it) by Alberto Luzi [Review]
Wiktionary (it) (it.wiktionary.org) by Franco Guidi [Review]
Wiktionary (it) (it.wiktionary.org) by Daniele Rizzo [Review]
WordReference it - Coniugazione (wordreference.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
WordReference it - definizione (wordreference.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
- Dictionaries - Translation
Babylon en->it (translation.babylon.com) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Italian (fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Italian URL (fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Italian (bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Italian URL (bing.com) by strel [Review]
Corriere de->it (dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere en->it (dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere fr->it (dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere it (dizionari.corriere.it) by fedcas [Review]
DAI Paravia (dizionariodai.it) by coyote83 [Review]
DeepL ANY -> IT (deepl.com) by Daniele Rizzo [Review]
Dizionario Italiano - Tedesco online Hoepli (grandidizionari.it) by Franck Japon [Review]
Electropedia - IT (electropedia.org) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Excite en->it (excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->it (excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Frasi.net de->it (frasi.net) by Gabriele Galati [Review]
Frasi.net en->it (frasi.net) by Gianluca Moretti [Review]
Frasi.net es->it (frasi.net) by Gabriele Galati [Review]
Garzanti en-it (Login) (garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Garzanti fr-it (Login) (garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Garzanti it-en (Login) (garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Garzanti it-fr (Login) (garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Google Traduttore [Rileva]->it (translate.google.it) by K [Review]
Google Translate de->it (translate.google.com) by Uli666 [Review]
Google Translate en->it (translate.google.com) by SyKoM [Review]
Google Translate es->it (translate.google.com) by Uli666 [Review]
Google Translate fr->it (translate.google.com) by youl [Review]
Google Translate [Auto]->Italian URL (translate.google.com) by strel [Review]
Google Translate [Detect]->it (translate.google.com) by Uli666 [Review]
Hoepli - Español-Italiano (grandidizionari.it) by Anon [Review]
Hoepli - Español-Italiano (grandidizionari.it) by GM72 [Review]
Hoepli - Español-Italiano (grandidizionari.it) by GM72 [Review]
Hoepli tedesco-italiano (dizionari.hoepli.it) by Alexander Schuster [Review]
IATE en->it (iate.europa.eu) by Giancarlo Bianchi [Review]
Infocina Cinese-Italiano (infocina.net) by Gianni [Review]
it.flexidict.de (it.flexidict.de) by bull [Review]
Larousse Dictionnaire en->it (larousse.fr) by Anon [Review]
Larousse Italien fr->it (larousse.fr) by Steve Michaud [Review]
Linguee en<->it (linguee.it) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Microsoft - Terminology (microsoft.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Microsoft Language - Termini (en->it) (it) (microsoft.com) by Ringo [Review]
Microsoft Language - Terminology (en->it) (en) (microsoft.com) by ASpecchiulli [Review]
MyMemory EN-IT (mymemory.translated.net) by Blisset [Review]
PROMT Translator English->Italian URL (online-translator.com) by strel [Review]
Proz en<->it (proz.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Repubblica Dizionario en->it (dizionari.repubblica.it) by Mario [Review]
Reverso fr->it (fr) (dictionnaire.reverso.net) by Keech [Review]
Reverso Traduction en->fr (reverso.net) by kiloxxx [Review]
Reverso Traduzione EN->IT (reverso.net) by kiloxxx [Review]
Reverso Traduzione IT->EN (reverso.net) by kiloxxx [Review]
SAPERE.it de->it (sapere.it) by Paolo Fulgoni [Review]
SAPERE.it it->de (sapere.it) by Paolo Fulgoni [Review]
SAPERE.it it->es (sapere.it) by Marcelin0 [Review]
Vocabolario Italiano-Esperanto (swahili.it) by Paolo Fulgoni [Review]
Vocabolario Italiano-Swahili (swahili.it) by Nino Vessella [Review]
Yandex Translate Russian->Italian URL (translate.yandex.net) by strel [Review]
Yandex Translate Ukrainian-Italian URL (translate.yandex.com) by strel [Review]
- Directories - Address,Phone...
Blocchicad.com (blocchicad.com) by Federico Pelloni [Review]
Edilportale.com - prodotti (edilportale.com) by Federico Pelloni [Review]
Infobel Italia (infobel.com) by Jefferson JEREMIE (Jabe) [Review]
PagineBianche.it (Nome) (paginebianche.it) by skiunta [Review]
PagineBianche.it (Numero) (paginebianche.it) by el_carlos [Review]
Tellows Italia (tellows.it) by Stefan Rick [Review]
- Education
Grix.it (grix.it) by BiGAlex [Review]
MolecularLab.it (molecularlab.it) by MolecularLab.it [Review]
Splash Latino (latin.it) by www.latin.it [Review]
- Education - Universities
AtoZUrbino (atoz.ebsco.com) by Vincenzo Russo [Review]
Dei People (dei.polimi.it) by +mala [Review]
OPAC - UniMiB (opac.biblio.unimib.it) by Diego Morone [Review]
Polinformatici (polinformatici.it) by Matteo Guarnerio [Review]
Rubrica PoliTo (swas.polito.it) by Danilo [Review]
Unina - Ricerca docenti (docenti.unina.it) by BiGAlex [Review]
- File Sharing
adunanza (forum.adunanza.net) by numerone [Review]
ALTRINFOtracker (altrinformazione.com) by signo [Review]
Colombo - Torrent (colombo-bt.org) by el_carlos [Review]
DDL Hits (ddlhits.com) by Anon [Review]
FoRCe (forcelista.altervista.org) by bentolino [Review]
ilCorSaRoNeRo.info (ilcorsaronero.info) by lightblue [Review]
ilCorSaRoNeRo.link (ilcorsaronero.link) by Anon [Review]
Le-Riviste (le-riviste.net) by Ronny Fox [Review]
Ricerca privata (hotdog.mypets.ws) by Anon [Review]
TNT Village (by Date) (tntvillage.scambioetico.org) by Gualtiero [Review]
TNT Village (by Seeds) (forum.tntvillage.scambioetico.org) by redirete [Review]
Zippy Club (it) (zippyclub.com) by Tyrant [Review]
- Games - Video Games
Gamelife (gamelife.it) by Kuroneko [Review]
GamesRadar Forum (forumgamesradar.futuregamer.it) by Snowolf [Review]
GamesRadar Forum - Mondo Computer (forumgamesradar.futuregamer.it) by Snowolf [Review]
GameStop (IT) (gamestop.it) by Symbolic [Review]
Gamesurf (gamesurf.tiscali.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Ludus (ludus.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Multiplayer.it (multiplayer.it) by Luca Anselmi [Review]
TGMOnline (futuregamer.it) by Symbolic [Review]
zapDos (zapdos.info) by zapDos [Review]
- Health
alimenticalcio.it (alimenticalcio.it) by Giancarlo Antonelli [Review]
alimentiferro.it (alimentiferro.it) by Andrea Mazzanti [Review]
Biodizionario (biodizionario.it) by Luca [Review]
proteinetotali.it (proteinetotali.it) by Marco Di Mateo [Review]
- Internet
Abrowser Add-ons (IT) (trisquel.info) by Trisquel GNU/Linux [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by B1 [Review]
Nerooogle (nerooogle.com) by pao [Review]
tecnoseek com (tecnoseek.com) by Graziano Brotto [Review]
- Internet - Mozilla
BlogZilla (blogzilla.info) by Giuliano Masseroni [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
- Internet - Programming
Oberweb Programming (oberweb.com) by Andreas Oberhauser [Review]
Zen Cart Italia (zencart-italia.it) by Sandro Carniel [Review]
- Internet - Tools
DHL Express Italia (dhl.it) by Simone Vismara [Review]
istella (istella.it) by Alessandro Picchiri [Review]
Spenki (spenki.it) by Spenki [Review]
YopMail (yopmail.com) by Stefano Stagnaro [Review]
- Libraries
MetaOPAC AZALAI (aib.it) by gbonanome [Review]
OPAC - UniPV.it (opac.unipv.it) by Francesco Marchesi [Review]
OPAC SBN (opac.sbn.it) by gbonanome [Review]
OPAC SBN (opac.sbn.it) by Horif [Review]
OPAC SBN (opac.sbn.it) by Anon [Review]
OpacUniurb (opac.bib.uniurb.it) by Vincenzo Russo [Review]
Trovaora Libri - ISBN (trovaora.it) by GiorgioG [Review]
UNIMI Opac (opac.unimi.it) by fabio perotta [Review]
- Major Engines
Google CH-it - nel Web (google.ch) by Uli666 [Review]
Google CH-it - pagine in Italiano (google.ch) by Uli666 [Review]
Google Italia (Mi sento fortunato) (google.it) by Angelo Santillo [Review]
Google Italia - pagine da Italia (google.it) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
Google Italia - pagine in Italiano (google.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Google-IT-IT-PWS (google.it) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (IT) (startpage.com) by CarbonDelta [Review]
StartPage (IT,Black,Unfiltered) (startpage.com) by CarbonDelta [Review]
Yahoo! Italia (it.yahoo.com) by Pippariello [Review]
- News
Adnkronos (adnkronos.com) by Enotecaquark [Review]
Bing News IT (bing.com) by strel [Review]
Gayburg (gayburg.blogspot.com) by Gayburg [Review]
Google News IT (news.google.it) by Anon [Review]
il Disinformato (attivissimo.blogspot.com) by Alessandro Carrega [Review]
- News - Technology
AgenziaInformatica (agenziainformatica.com) by Cristian Scalise [Review]
Geekissimo (geekissimo.com) by Andrea Guida (Naqern) [Review]
Marotochi News (marotochi.it) by Marotochi [Review]
Naqernet (andreaguida.wordpress.com) by Andrea Guida [Review]
Oberhauser Blog Search (oberhauser.it) by Andreas Oberhauser [Review]
pianetaPDA.com Search (pianetapda.com) by pianetaPDA.com [Review]
Spyware Site Search (spyware.it) by Andreas Oberhauser [Review]
- News - Weather
Meteo ilmeteo.it (ilmeteo.it) by Ben [Review]
Meteo repubblica.it (meteo.repubblica.it) by Ben Blumenthal [Review]
MeteoSvizzera it (meteosuisse.admin.ch) by Ben [Review]
- Other General Engines
AlterVista (altervista.org) by Dreadnaut [Review]
DuckDuckGo Custom Search (duckduckgo.com) by B1 [Review]
DuckDuckGo IT (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo IT-dark (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo IT-light (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
floogle (radiorock.org) by FabioFLX [Review]
Qwant it (qwant.com) by B1 [Review]
Startpage - Italiano (startpage.com) by Bobo74 [Review]
TicketOne.it (ticketone.it) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
Virgilio (ricerca.alice.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
WbSrch Motore di Ricerca (it.wbsrch.com) by Jason Champion [Review]
- Other General Engines - Custom(ised)
Blackle Italia (blackle.com) by Lorenzo [Review]
Google US (it, no SafeSearch, 100) (google.com) by ĞÖÔĢŁƏƑŨᴥþɖᴚᴙ [Review]
Google US (it, no SafeSearch, no suggestions, 100 Results) (google.com) by Anon [Review]
Searx.me (searx.me) by B1 [Review]
Seeku - Indice di Web (seeku.it) by Seeku [Review]
- Other General Engines - Metasearch
cineRip (cinerip.com) by cineRip [Review]
Excite IT (excite.it) by Zaleth [Review]
Firesharing (firesharing.net) by Firesharing [Review]
Scrocchio (scrocchio.com) by Scrocchio [Review]
SearX (searx.me) by B1 [Review]
SearX (IT) POST (searx.me) by uf78372a [Review]
searx.me (it) (GET) (searx.me) by Anon [Review]
searx.me (it) (GET) (searx.me) by Anon [Review]
searx.me Ita (searx.me) by bob [Review]
tokken (tokken.info) by Tokken [Review]
- Recreation
ricette (daubau.it) by Fabrizio [Review]
RomagnaNotte (romagnanotte.com) by Guido Grazioli [Review]
- Recreation - Food & Drink
Giallozafferano (giallozafferano.it) by VeryStrangeFish [Review]
Il Bloggatore - Cucina (cucina.ilbloggatore.com) by Roberto Travagliante [Review]
kucinare.it (kucinare.it) by Titty Sigillo [Review]
Le ricette di pepesenise (pepesenise.it) by Nemo [Review]
Milano Tonight (milano.tonight.eu) by intero [Review]
Mistercarota.IT (mistercarota.it) by Claudio Palma [Review]
Trovaricette (trovaricette.net) by Luca Miele [Review]
- Recreation - Sport
Tutto Mercato Web (tuttomercatoweb.com) by Nicola [Review]
- Recreation - Travel
Destinia Italiano (destinia.com) by Roberto [Review]
Expedia.it (expedia.it) by Expedia Italia [Review]
Rentocamp.it Ricerca Campeggio (rentocamp.it) by Claus Goyarts [Review]
Salentoogle (salentoogle.com) by Vincenzo Marzano [Review]
There24.com IT (there24.com) by Michal [Review]
TripAdvisor Italia (tripadvisor.it) by Alessandro Gregori [Review]
Wikitravel (it) (wikitravel.org) by maedios [Review]
- Reference
EUR-Lex IT (Titolo e testo) (eur-lex.europa.eu) by Giacomo [Review]
Forvo - Italian (forvo.com) by Anon [Review]
leopinioni (leopinioni.com) by Giancarlo Peralti [Review]
Voltimum IT (voltimum.it) by bobbi [Review]
Yahoo! Answers IT (it.answers.yahoo.com) by naaaaaah [Review]
- Reference - Encyclopedias
Nonciclopedia (nonciclopedia.wikia.com) by KornaKill [Review]
Palio di Siena (ilpalio.siena.it) by Andrea [Review]
Treccani - Enciclopedia [diretto] (treccani.it) by Alberto Luzi [Review]
Treccani - Enciclopedia [ricerca] (treccani.it) by Alberto Luzi [Review]
Treccani.it (treccani.it) by Anon [Review]
Wikipedia (Italiano) (it.wikipedia.org) by Snowolf [Review]
Wikipedia (Itiliano) - Cerca (it.wikipedia.org) by CarbonDelta [Review]
- Reference - Maps
Google Maps IT (maps.google.it) by Nicola [Review]
Italy surname distribution map search (gens.labo.net) by Ted Kandell [Review]
MapQuest Open IT (open.mapquest.it) by Anon [Review]
Tuttocittà (mappa località) (tuttocitta.it) by Ben [Review]
- Shopping
Amazon IT (amazon.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Bakeca Milano (milano.bakeca.it) by LucaC [Review]
Cerca&Ricerca (cercaericerca.it) by Dom [Review]
CeX (Italy) (it.webuy.com) by Jake Cracknell [Review]
Drogheria Pedrelli (pedrelli.com) by Drogheria Pedrelli [Review]
eraspares.it (eraspares.it) by Anon [Review]
Gto (gtobay.com) by Maurizio Solli [Review]
ilpiubasso (ilpiubasso.it) by _Fabio_ [Review]
Immobili si21 (immobili.si21.com) by Goran Dodig [Review]
Pagomeno.it (pagomeno.it) by salvo nicolosi [Review]
PortaPortese (portaportese.it) by Antonio Misiti [Review]
Scambioauto.it (scambioauto.it) by Anon [Review]
Top Partners (toppartners.it) by Top Partners [Review]
Trovaora (trovaora.it) by GiorgioG [Review]
Virtual-Village.it Keyword Search (virtualvillage.de) by Jonathan Peter [Review]
- Shopping - Auction
eBay Annunci Italia (annunci.ebay.it) by ilGaspa [Review]
eBay Italia (As an eBay Partner, Mycroft Project may be compensated if you make a purchase) (ebay.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
tutti.ch (Svizzera) (tutti.ch) by Didier CLERC [Review]
- Shopping - Books
Ateneonline (ateneonline.it) by LucaC [Review]
Biblioteche di Roma (bibliotechediroma.it) by Anon [Review]
Bookrepublic (bookrepublic.it) by Pippo [Review]
libreriauniversitaria - Libri Universitari (libreriauniversitaria.it) by Cisco [Review]
- Shopping - Classifieds
Annunci Gratuiti (annunci.gratuiti.biz) by Andrea [Review]
annunci offrocerco.com (offrocerco.com) by rosario [Review]
Annuncigratis.net (annuncigratis.net) by Anon [Review]
Kijiji Italia (kijiji.it) by Anon [Review]
Kijiji Milano (kijiji.it) by Giorgio [Review]
Mitula Italia - vendita case (case.mitula.it) by Marcelo [Review]
Nestoria.it (nestoria.it) by Lokku Ltd. [Review]
- Shopping - Computer
Spyware Shop Search (shop.spyware.it) by Andreas Oberhauser [Review]
- Shopping - DVD & Video
Cb01.tv (cb01.tv) by Anon [Review]
dvd.it (dvd.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
IBS - DVD (ibs.it) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Next Video Search (nextinnovation.it) by Banjo [Review]
Webster.it - DVD (webster.it) by Cisco [Review]
Yahoo! Cinema (IT) (it.movies.yahoo.com) by mikima [Review]
- Shopping - Electronics
Farnell Italia (it.farnell.com) by KRISS [Review]
RS Components IT (it.rs-online.com) by Stefano Rago [Review]
- Shopping - Home & DIY
ASSPERR.it (searchformurl) by X-Globe Srl [Review]
IKEA Italia (ikea.com) by gabryboom [Review]
- Shopping - Music
Mercatino Musicale (mercatinomusicale.com) by VeryStrangeFish [Review]
PostRockNotes.com (postrocknotes.com) by Woland783 [Review]
- Shopping - Price Comparison
alaTest.it (alatest.it) by Raphael Duhayon [Review]
Cibbo.it (cybbo.it) by Deborah Rossi [Review]
Cosa Costa IT (cosacosta.it) by neolele [Review]
Del Corso (delcorso.org) by LucaC [Review]
idealo.it (idealo.it) by faz [Review]
iPrezzi - Confronta Prezzi (iprezzi.com) by Luigi [Review]
Kelkoo IT (kelkoo.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Safarà Search for firefox (safara.it) by Americo Iacovizzi [Review]
toppreise.ch (it) (it.toppreise.ch) by Didier CLERC [Review]
Trova Prezzi (trovaprezzi.it) by @ndry [Review]
Trova Prezzi (trovaprezzi.it) by p@tch [Review]
Trova Prezzi (trovaprezzi.it) by p@tch [Review]
Twenga It (twenga.it) by Salvo Nicolosi [Review]
- Society
PeaceLink (peacelink.it) by Giacomo Alessandroni [Review]
Roglo (it) (roglo.eu) by Joan Francés Blanc [Review]
Smorfia Napoletana (lasmorfianapoletana.com) by Stefano Stagnaro [Review]
- Society - Blogs
Andrea Giuliani (andreagiuliani.com) by Andrea Giuliani [Review]
Cerca Flickr CC (flickr.com) by Danilo De Martin [Review]
Cerca nel BLOZ (lozzodicadore.eu) by blozdicadore [Review]
exaggerate (exaggerate.wordpress.com) by Alberto [Review]
GirlpowerVSCioe (girlpowervscioe.blogspot.com) by KornaKill [Review]
michelozzo.it (michelozzo.it) by Michele Pinto [Review]
- Society - Government
A.C. (camera.it) by Glauco [Review]
A.S. (senato.it) by Glauco [Review]
Controllo Partita Iva italiane (www1.agenziaentrate.it) by Samuele Martini [Review]
EUR-Lex IT (eur-lex.europa.eu) by Ame.Arena [Review]
NormAttiva.it (normattiva.it) by interno.135.it [Review]
SISTAN (sistan.it) by Anon [Review]
- Undefined
Amazon (amazon.it) by Anon [Review]
C.A.P. (poste.it) by DISCHERT [Review]
Cerca con Google (agenziaweb.info) by Giovanni Grasso [Review]
Coniugazione Verbi Italiani (italian-verbs.com) by Hari Seldon [Review]
Conosci Te Stesso (conoscitestesso.selfip.net) by Luciano [Review]
Corriere Diz (dizionari.corriere.it) by Matteo Cristiani [Review]
CSBNO (webopac.csbno.net) by Anon [Review]
Dendi Downloads (dendi86.com) by Anon [Review]
Dissacration (dissacration.com) by Shor [Review]
DuckDuckGo IT SSL lite (POST) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
Elenco telefonico svizzero - directories.ch (it) (directories.ch) by neyro [Review]
Energeticambiente.it (progettomeg.it) by Roberto Marongiu [Review]
Google Last Year (google.it) by Anon [Review]
HTML.it Network (html.it) by Francesco Terenzani [Review]
Hulbee IT (hulbee.com) by Fixu [Review]
i-droid01 (i-d01.deagostini.it) by numerone [Review]
Il Tempio della Luce (iltempiodellaluce.forumfree.net) by Mark Zackie [Review]
Partiora (partiora.it) by GiorgioG [Review]
Poste Italiane - Cerca Spedizioni (poste.it) by M [Review]
Poste Italiane - Cerca Spedizioni (poste.it) by M [Review]
Poste Italiane - Cerca Spedizioni (poste.it) by M [Review]
Qwant Lite (lite.qwant.com) by Anon [Review]
ricercaenergia.info (ricercaenergia.info) by ricercaenergia.info [Review]
RPG Making (rpgmaking.netsons.org) by Stefano "Animal" [Review]
SDA.it - Ricerca Spedizione (sda.it) by Marco Sommella [Review]
SEO Catania (cerca.seocatania.it) by Giovanni Martino Grasso [Review]
Shpock (it) (it.shpock.com) by M [Review]
SIA by Google (search.siasolutions.it) by Anon [Review]
Spedizioni SDA (sda.it) by Andrea C. [Review]
Stilo & Bravo Club [Forum Search] (forum.stiloclub.it) by stefanello [Review]
Subito (subito.it) by Anon [Review]
Subspedia - Serie TV (subspedia.tv) by VeryStrangeFish [Review]
tecnoseek it (tecnoseek.com) by Graziano Brotto [Review]
Tuttitotem Fast Search (tuttitotem.altervista.org) by pimple [Review]
YouPost.it (youpost.it) by Erika [Review]
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