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- Society - Government
1A.net (1a.net) by Anon [Review]
a wybory samorządowe (wybory-samorzadowe.blogspot.com) by samorządowy [Review]
A.C. (camera.it) by Glauco [Review]
A.S. (senato.it) by Glauco [Review]
Accidents (accident-24.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
accidents24.info (accidents24.info) by Anon [Review]
achtanna.ie (acts.ie) by Felim Borland [Review]
admin.ch - SR - de (admin.ch) by Rafael Steiner [Review]
AllAZSearch (azpsic.gov) by Justin Turner [Review]
ALLRIS Bonn (bonn.sitzung-online.de) by Anon [Review]
Annuaire etat (etat.lu) by Alex Loes [Review]
ares.cz vyhledávání firmy (wwwinfo.mfcr.cz) by Anon [Review]
Australian Government Google Search (google.com.au) by Michael H [Review]
Bezpieczeństwo Sieci Komputerowych (askme.com.pl) by Jurand [Review]
Boletín Oficial de Gipuzkoa (ssl4.gipuzkoa.net) by Anon [Review]
Bonner Rats- und Informationssystem Bo-RIS (www2.bonn.de) by Anon [Review]
bordeaux.fr (bordeaux.fr) by Mairie de Bordeaux [Review]
Busca Portal do Professor (portaldoprofessor.mec.gov.br) by Equipe do Portal do Professor [Review]
buscador.gub.uy (buscador.gub.uy) by Maestro Pascal [Review]
C-SPAN (c-span.org) by Anon [Review]
California Code of Civil Procedure (leginfo.legislature.ca.gov) by Michael Shubeck [Review]
California Government Code (leginfo.legislature.ca.gov) by Michael Shubeck [Review]
CEIOPS (ceiops.eu) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
City of Nanaimo (nanaimo.ca) by Jeff Jacob [Review]
Combined Trademark Search (TESS, USPTO)) (tmsearch.uspto.gov) by Pedro PSI [Review]
Congresso Nacional (www6g.senado.leg.br) by Maike André [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Brasília) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Brazlândia) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Ceilândia) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Gama) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Núcleo Bandeirante) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Paranoá) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Planaltina) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Riacho Fundo) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Samambaia) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Santa Maria) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (São Sebastião) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Sobradinho) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 1ª Instância (Taguatinga) (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - 2ª Instância (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - Jurisprudência (tjdft.jus.br) by Eliezer_guedes_de_oliveira [Review]
Consulta Processual - TJ-RS (www3.tjrs.jus.br) by revertex [Review]
Controllo Partita Iva italiane (www1.agenziaentrate.it) by Samuele Martini [Review]
CORDIS (cordis.europa.eu) by Anon [Review]
Correos - Códigos Postales (correos.es) by Juan Manuel Rico [Review]
Correos - Localizador (correos.es) by Juan Manuel Rico [Review]
CosIng (ec.europa.eu) by MK2 [Review]
CosIng (ec.europa.eu) by MK2 [Review]
CosIng (ec.europa.eu) by MK2 [Review]
CosIng (ec.europa.eu) by MK2 [Review]
CourtListener (courtlistener.com) by Brian Carver [Review]
CURIA by Citation (curia.europa.eu) by Huey [Review]
CVR - Erhvervsstyrelsen (datacvr.virk.dk) by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen [Review]
DevTracker (devtracker.dfid.gov.uk) by Dan Hetherington [Review]
DGUV (dguv.de) by Martin Gerken [Review]
DHS Form Finder (hsi.dhsstaff.dhs.gov.au) by Ryan [Review]
Directgov (direct.gov.uk) by Puffbox [Review]
Dobre Miasto (dobremiasto.info) by Pawel [Review]
DTIC Technical Reports (dtic.mil) by Jason Steinmetz [Review]
DZPCX (app.nifdc.org.cn) by gws [Review]
DZPCX (app.nifdc.org.cn) by gws [Review]
e-Gov法令検索 (elaws.e-gov.go.jp) by KAWASAKICHIRO [Review]
e-Gov法令検索 (elaws.e-gov.go.jp) by KAWASAKICHIRO [Review]
e-Gov法令検索 全文検索 (elaws.e-gov.go.jp) by KAWASAKICHIRO [Review]
EIOPA (eiopa.europa.eu) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
EP Document Register (europarl.europa.eu) by Felim Borland [Review]
EU Whoiswho (publications.europa.eu) by Anon [Review]
EUR-Lex EN (eur-lex.europa.eu) by Felim Borland [Review]
EUR-Lex IT (eur-lex.europa.eu) by Ame.Arena [Review]
European Parliament (europarl.europa.eu) by Felim Borland [Review]
European Parliament MEPs (europarl.europa.eu) by Felim Borland [Review]
Fedlex (fedlex.admin.ch) by Thauros [Review]
Fedlex (Deutsch) (fedlex.admin.ch) by Thauros [Review]
Fedlex (français) (fedlex.admin.ch) by Thauros [Review]
Finansinspektionen (fi.se) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Finanstilsynet (finanstilsynet.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Findlaw Summaries Search by Party (caselaw.findlaw.com) by Anon [Review]
FISMApedia (en) (fismapedia.org) by Dan Philpott [Review]
FISMApedia Acronyms and Abbreviations (en) (fismapedia.org) by Dan Philpott [Review]
FISMApedia Terms (en) (fismapedia.org) by Dan Philpott [Review]
Foretaksregisteret (brreg.no) by Ole Klaussen [Review]
FR - Erlass-Sammlung (bdlf.fr.ch) by Thauros [Review]
FR - Erlass-Sammlung nach Nummer (bdlf.fr.ch) by Thauros [Review]
Fundusze emerytalne (ofe2008.pl) by Anon [Review]
Gesetze im Internet (gesetze-im-internet.de) by Anon [Review]
Gesetze im Internet (gesetze-im-internet.de) by Anon [Review]
Gob.MX (gob.mx) by Mnts [Review]
gokin.pl (gokin.pl) by Anon [Review]
Google Scholar - 3rd Circuit Law Cases (scholar.google.com) by Bryan Griffith [Review]
Google Scholar - California Law Cases (scholar.google.com) by Michael Shubeck [Review]
goo郵便番号 住所からさがす (postcode.goo.ne.jp) by Anon [Review]
Government of India (GOI) Search (goisearch.nic.in) by Aditya [Review]
Greek VIES VAT number validation (ec.europa.eu) by dkarnout [Review]
Guide to Social Policy Law - Social Security Guide (guides.dss.gov.au) by Michael H [Review]
Hennef Bürgerinfoportal Recherche (session.hennef.de) by Anon [Review]
Human Services Website (humanservices.gov.au) by Michael H [Review]
Intranet Senado Federal (intranet.senado.leg.br) by Maike André [Review]
Iraq & Afghan War Log Explorer (warlogs.wikileaks.org) by Anon [Review]
IRS Forms and Publications (apps.irs.gov) by Brendan Dillon [Review]
JF - Jurisprudência Unificada (STF e STJ) (jf.jus.br) by Ygor Durães de Oliveira [Review]
Justia Cases Search (law.justia.com) by Brian W. Carver [Review]
Justice Services Malta (google.lu) by Owen [Review]
Justice.cz - Obchodní rejstřík (or.justice.cz) by Martin Strnad [Review]
Landtagsdrucksache (BY) (bayern.landtag.de) by Andreas Beer [Review]
Lawriter - ORC (codes.ohio.gov) by Dean Davis [Review]
League of Minnesota Cities (lmc.org) by Edward S. Cadman [Review]
Légifrance - Code civil (legifrance.gouv.fr) by Anon [Review]
Legislación BOE.es (boe.es) by Anon [Review]
Legislation of Ukraine (zakon1.rada.gov.ua) by Anon [Review]
Maine Local Government (maine.gov) by Patrick S. [Review]
Members of Victorian Parliament (hansard) by Hansard [Review]
Mentor (mentor.adc.education.fr) by marecord [Review]
Mysłowice (mckmyslowice.pl) by Anon [Review]
NormAttiva.it (normattiva.it) by interno.135.it [Review]
NosDeputes.fr (nosdeputes.fr) by Regards Citoyens [Review]
Nota fiscal paulista (paulistanotafiscal.com.br) by Jorge Aragão [Review]
Ohio Administrative Code Quick (codes.ohio.gov) by Bryan M. Griffith, J.D. [Review]
Ohio Legislature Bills (legislature.state.oh.us) by Bryan M. Griffith, J.D. [Review]
Ohio Revised Code Keyword (codes.ohio.gov) by Bryan M. Griffith, J.D. [Review]
Ohio Revised Code Quick (codes.ohio.gov) by Bryan M. Griffith, J.D. [Review]
Online Vergleich Versicherung (online-vergleich-versicherung.de) by Sven [Review]
Parlamentsspiegel (parlamentsspiegel.de) by metaphil [Review]
Peterborough CC (ask.peterborough.gov.uk) by Anon [Review]
Pomoc Drogowa (pomoc-drogowa-ciechanow.pl) by Anon [Review]
Real Clear Politics Twitter (realclearpolitics.com) by Paul B. Strandrud [Review]
retsinformation.dk (retsinformation.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
RIS Bundesrecht (ris.bka.gv.at) by Philipp [Review]
RIS Gesamtabfrage (ris.bka.gv.at) by Philipp [Review]
ruBlackList.net - Dissemination organizers (reestr.rublacklist.net) by Anon [Review]
ruBlackList.net - Registry of news aggregators (reestr.rublacklist.net) by Anon [Review]
ruBlackList.net - Russian blocklist of websites (reestr.rublacklist.net) by Anon [Review]
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (sfmta.com) by gotrees [Review]
SFMTA Muni routes (sfmta.com) by gotrees [Review]
Siegburg Bürgerinfoportal Recherche (buergerinfo.siegburg.de) by Anon [Review]
SISTAN (sistan.it) by Anon [Review]
Śmieszne filmiki (zaltube.pl) by Anon [Review]
Soczewka.eu (soczewka.eu) by Anon [Review]
South Dakota Constitution (legis.sd.gov) by Michael Shubeck [Review]
STJ (stj.jus.br) by Eliezer guedes de oliveira [Review]
Sunshine Review (sunshinereview.org) by Patrick S. [Review]
Supreme Court of the Philippines (sc.judiciary.gov.ph) by foobarph [Review]
Taxi Olsztyn (taxi-olsztyn.pl) by Anon [Review]
TheyWorkForYou (theyworkforyou.com) by Anon [Review]
thomas.loc.gov (thomas.loc.gov) by repeal17thamendment [Review]
TJ/RS - Jurisprudência (tjrs.jus.br) by Ygor Durães de Oliveira [Review]
TRF5 - Busca no site (trf5.jus.br) by Hítalo Silva [Review]
TRF5 - Consulta Processual por Nome da parte (trf5.jus.br) by Hítalo Silva [Review]
TRF5 - Consulta Processual por Nº do processo (trf5.jus.br) by Hítalo Silva [Review]
Tłumacze (e-tlumacze.net) by Anon [Review]
UN Document Symbol Search (un.org) by Bowe [Review]
USA.gov (search.usa.gov) by sav_dc [Review]
UTAHSRIGHT.COM (utahsright.com) by repeal17thamendment [Review]
VicHansard Exact Phrase (hansard.parliament.vic.gov.au) by Hansard [Review]
Vicroads (service.vic.gov.au) by Tony Diep [Review]
Weber County Wiki (www1.co.weber.ut.us) by Justin Morris [Review]
Wikileaks Cable Search (cablesearch.org) by Jon Randy [Review]
zefix zentraler Firmenindex der Schweiz (zefix.ch) by MK2 [Review]
Публічна кадастрова карта - пошук (map.land.gov.ua) by slay-ua [Review]
Сайт Администрации города Уфа (ufacity.info) by Vlad [Review]
公開資訊觀測站 (mops.twse.com.tw) by Anon [Review]
法令索引検索 (law.e-gov.go.jp) by Anon [Review]
法說會查詢 (mops.twse.com.tw) by wangtsun [Review]
공공누리 저작물 (kogl.or.kr) by Anon [Review]
공공누리 통합검색 (kogl.or.kr) by Anon [Review]
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