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- Education - Journals
AccessMyLibrary (accessmylibrary.com) by Eric Hoss [Review]
ACM Digital Library (dl.acm.org) by Peri [Review]
ACM Guide (portal.acm.org) by PEdroArthur_JEdi [Review]
ACS (Deakin Proxy) (ezproxy.lib.deakin.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
ACS (Kennesaw Proxy) (proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
ACS (Monash Proxy) (ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
ADS (adsabs.harvard.edu) by JunCTionS [Review]
ADS (Astronomy Author) (adsabs.harvard.edu) by Patricio Rojo [Review]
ADS (Bibcode Query) (Strasbourg, France Mirror) (cdsads.u-strasbg.fr) by Sergio Pascual [Review]
ADS (Single Author Query DE) (esoads.eso.org) by Hristo Stoev [Review]
ADS (Single Author Query FR) (cdsads.u-strasbg.fr) by Hristo Stoev [Review]
ADS (Single Author Query) (Santiago, Chile Mirror) (ads.astro.puc.cl) by Patricio Rojo [Review]
Anbieter wechseln (anbieterwechseln.net) by Marc [Review]
Appetitzügler Testberichte lesen (appetitzuegler-diaetpillen.de) by Bensch [Review]
Artikelfan (artikelfan.de) by Webster [Review]
ArXiv-author-math (arxiv.org) by li [Review]
arXiv.org (arxiv.org) by Thomas Reiter [Review]
arxiv.org (arxiv.org) by Anon [Review]
ArXiv.org - Authors (arxiv.org) by Artur Ankowski [Review]
arXiv.org - search (arxiv.org) by Anon [Review]
arXiv.org - submission ID (arxiv.org) by Anon [Review]
arXiv.org astro-ph (Title) (arxiv.org) by skytux [Review]
Azoren (azoren-web.de) by Maxim [Review]
betrachungsweise.eu (betrachtungsweise.eu) by n. betrachtungsweise [Review]
BiblioSHS (biblioshs.inist.fr) by Charalampos KARYPIDIS [Review]
BiblioVie (bibliovie.inist.fr) by Pierre Wizla [Review]
BibTeX Lead2Amazon (ready.to) by Niels Gierse [Review]
BioMed Central (Groningen Proxy) (proxy-ub.rug.nl) by Digicmb [Review]
BioMed Central (Monash Proxy) (ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
Blogalog (blogalog.de) by Bloga [Review]
Boston University medical e-journals (medlib.bu.edu) by Jeremy Thoms Hetzel [Review]
Chemistry Reference Resolver (chemsearch.kovsky.net) by F. Lapointe [Review]
Citeseer (citeseer.ist.psu.edu) by bfg [Review]
CiteseerX (citeseerx.ist.psu.edu) by MT [Review]
CiteseerX (citeseerx.ist.psu.edu) by MT [Review]
CNKI (cnki.net) by Ian [Review]
CNKI (cnki.net) by Ian [Review]
CNKI学术文献搜索 (search.cnki.net) by QI [Review]
CNKI文献搜索 (cnki.net) by hanchy [Review]
Consensus (consensus.app) by Pedro PSI [Review]
CORE (core.ac.uk) by Anon [Review]
CORE COnnecting REpository (core.kmi.open.ac.uk) by Jnfn [Review]
CORE COnnecting REpository (core.ac.uk) by neurogima [Review]
DAVZ (davz.org) by Anon [Review]
DBLP - Author (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Mycroft Project [Review]
DBLP - Author (informatik.uni-trier.de) by Mycroft Project [Review]
DBLP - Author (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
DBLP - Combined (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
DBLP - Combined (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
DBLP - Combined (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
DBLP - Complete (dblp.org) by Budianto Tandianus [Review]
DBLP - Faceted (dblp.l3s.de) by Andrea Bonomi [Review]
DBLP - Publication (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
DBLP - Venue (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
DBLP – Combined (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Shunsuke Shimizu [Review]
Digital Object Identifier - Name (doi.org) by Etienne Gaudrain [Review]
Dimensions AI (app.dimensions.ai) by valralf [Review]
DOAJ Search (doaj.org) by Jordi [Review]
DOI - BibTeX (doi2bib.org) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
doi.org (dx.doi.org) by Anon [Review]
EBSCO Academic Search Complete (Proxy) (search.ebscohost.com) by Axel [Review]
EBSCO Academic Search Complete (UHCL) (search.ebscohost.com) by K Berrish [Review]
EBSCO Business (UHCL) (search.ebscohost.com) by K Berrish [Review]
EBSCO LISTA (UHCL) (search.ebscohost.com) by K Berrish [Review]
EBSCO LLIS (UNC proxy) (libproxy.lib.unc.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
EBSCOhost Biz/Econ (UMD Proxy) (web.ebscohost.com.proxy-um.researchport.) by Cody Dunne [Review]
Elektr. Zeitschrift. Reg. (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Benedikt Schumacher [Review]
Encyclopaedia of Islam 2 (AUC Proxy) (0-www.brillonline.nl.lib.aucegypt.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
EZB - from PSI (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Manuel A. Pouchon [Review]
EZB - USB Köln (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Patrick Bernau [Review]
EZB / EJL - Electronic Journals Library (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by G.Troger [Review]
EZB LMU München (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Sylvère Störmann [Review]
EZB Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik IPP (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Joachim Herb [Review]
EZB SUB Uni Hamburg (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Jens Rogmann [Review]
EZB TU München (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Joachim Herb [Review]
EZB UB Erlangen-Nuernberg - Schnelle Suche (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by U.Riedlberger [Review]
EZB UB Stuttgart (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Walid Mehanna [Review]
EZB ULB Bonn (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by J. B. [Review]
Fachportal Paedagogik Metasuche (fachportal-paedagogik.de) by Jens Rogmann [Review]
Fachportal Paedagogik Metasuche (fachportal-paedagogik.de) by Jens Rogmann [Review]
Frantiq (frantiq.fr) by Anon [Review]
Genome Research (genome.cshlp.org) by Mauricio Caceres [Review]
Gesundheit Medizin (medizinimdialog.com) by Bernd [Review]
Graphbib (siggraph.org) by Budianto Tandianus [Review]
Guia dos Quadrinhos v2 (google.com.br) by Maike [Review]
Hausbau-Hilfe (hausbau-hilfe.info) by Stefan Rick [Review]
Hein Online (Penn Proxy) (proxy.library.upenn.edu) by Samuel Eads [Review]
Highwire (highwire.stanford.edu) by Anon [Review]
Hrcak Croatian scientific journals (hrcak.srce.hr) by Drazenko Celjak [Review]
IEEE Xplore (ieeexplore.ieee.org) by PEdroArthur_JEdi [Review]
IEEE Xplore - Free (ieeexplore.ieee.org) by Marco Papa [Review]
IEEE Xplore - GaTech (library.gatech.edu) by Sungeun Lee [Review]
IEEE Xplore - TUD (elib.tu-darmstadt.de) by Zdravko Bozakov [Review]
Index Islamicus (UNC proxy) (libproxy.lib.unc.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
Index Islamicus (WMU Proxy) (library.wmich.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
Informa Healthcare (Monash Proxy) (informahealthcare.com.ezproxy.lib.monash) by Huy Ha [Review]
Informaworld (Monash Proxy) (informaworld.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.) by Huy Ha [Review]
IngentaConnect (Monash Proxy) (ingentaconnect.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.ed) by Huy Ha [Review]
IngentaConnect - Article Title (ingentaconnect.com) by Budianto Tandianus [Review]
iPubMed (ipubmed.ics.uci.edu) by Anon [Review]
JASA (Author) (scitation.aip.org) by Charalampos KARYPIDIS [Review]
JASA (Title) (scitation.aip.org) by Charalampos KARYPIDIS [Review]
JASSS (jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk) by Samer [Review]
Journal of Interactive Media in Education (jime.open.ac.uk) by Nick Freear [Review]
JournalBrowser RUG (journalbrowser.rug.nl) by @digicmb [Review]
JSTOR (jstor.org) by Chris Monaghan [Review]
JSTOR (AUC Proxy) (lib.aucegypt.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
JSTOR (Cornerstone Proxy) (cornerstone.edu) by Eric Bradley [Review]
JSTOR (CT State Proxy) (consuls.org) by Rebecca Hedreen [Review]
JSTOR (Eastern Michigan University Proxy) (jstor.org) by John L. Knight [Review]
JSTOR (Kennesaw Proxy) (proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
JSTOR (Macquarie Proxy) (mq.edu.au) by Simon Ives [Review]
JSTOR (Monash Proxy) (monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
JSTOR (OU Proxy) (open.ac.uk) by Chris Wacey [Review]
JSTOR (UCSC Proxy) (jstor.org.oca.ucsc.edu) by Sue Perry [Review]
JSTOR (UHCL Proxy) (libproxy.uhcl.edu) by K Berrish [Review]
JSTOR (UMass Boston Proxy) (ezproxy.lib.umb.edu) by Jeremy Seiferth [Review]
JSTOR (UMD Proxy) (jstor.org.proxy-um.researchport.umd.edu) by Cody Dunne [Review]
JSTOR (UNC Proxy) (libproxy.lib.unc.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
JSTOR (Western Michigan University Proxy) (library.wmich.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
JSTOR Economics (jstor.org) by Gaston Llanes [Review]
Jurn (jurn.org) by pattricejones [Review]
LeMonde.fr (lemonde.fr) by Olivier [Review]
Microsoft Academic Search (academic.research.microsoft.com) by Pedro Brandao [Review]
Murdoch University Library Portal (metalibprod.aarlin.edu.au) by Gregory Clarke [Review]
NCBI - Journals (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) by Matthew Bachtell [Review]
NCBI Homo Sapiens Gene (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) by Anon [Review]
NLNZ Index New Zealand (innz.natlib.govt.nz) by Peter Sime [Review]
NLNZ Index New Zealand BIBID (innz.natlib.govt.nz) by Peter Sime [Review]
OpenEdition Journals (openedition.org) by Anon [Review]
Oxford Islamic Studies Online (WMU Proxy) (library.wmich.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
Paper Digest (paper-digest.com) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
PLoS ONE (plosone.org) by Anon [Review]
Proquest (Drexel Proxy) (library.drexel.edu) by Josh Roberts [Review]
ProQuest (Monash Proxy) (proquest.umi.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.) by Huy Ha [Review]
Proquest (USC, AU Proxy) (usc.edu.au) by Simon Ives [Review]
ProQuest - UMI Microfilm (umi.com) by Dude [Review]
ProQuest LISA (UNC proxy) (libproxy.lib.unc.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
Publons - Researchers profiles (publons.com) by Jesús Murillo [Review]
PubPeer (pubpeer.com) by Lee [Review]
Q-Sensei Scholar (scholar.qsensei.com) by strel [Review]
Rasierer Testberichte lesen (rasierer-test.org) by Rasierer-Tester [Review]
Reader (nofe.me) (nofe.me) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
RepRap (reprap.org) by danielpublic [Review]
RepRap Forums (Results; Threads, All times.) (forums.reprap.org) by danielpublic [Review]
ResearcherID (researcherid.com) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
ResearchGATE - Abstract (researchgate.net) by Aaron [Review]
ResearchGATE - Publication (researchgate.net) by Aaron [Review]
ResearchGATE - Publication (researchgate.net) by Pierre MF [Review]
RII Jurnal Domestik Search (jurnal.dikti.go.id) by Abdul Arfan [Review]
RISS (riss.kr) by Dondekman [Review]
SAGE Journals Online (Monash Proxy) (online.sagepub.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.ed) by Huy Ha [Review]
Sci-Hub (sci-hub.st) by Anon [Review]
Sci-Hub (sci-hub.se) by Anon [Review]
Sci-Hub (fixed) (sci-hub.se) by Anon [Review]
Sci-Hub.ru (sci-hub.ru) by Anon [Review]
Sci-Hub.se (sci-hub.se) by Anon [Review]
Sci-Hub.st (sci-hub.st) by Aquifex [Review]
Science Photo Library - UK (sciencephoto.com) by Mayuresh Kadu [Review]
ScienceDirect (sciencedirect.com) by Anon [Review]
ScientificCommons (en.scientificcommons.org) by Hazel L. H. Jenkins [Review]
SciJournal (scijournal.org) by Aquifex [Review]
scitopia (scitopia.org) by Bryan Thale [Review]
Scopus (scopus.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Scopus (AU-Proxy) (statsbiblioteket.dk) by Anon [Review]
Scopus (Deakin Proxy) (lib.deakin.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
Scopus (Groningen Proxy) (rug.nl) by Digicmb [Review]
Scopus (Monash Proxy) (lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
Scopus (NTU Proxy) (ntu.edu.sg) by Budianto Tandianus [Review]
Scopus (TMC Proxy) (library.tmc.edu) by Lee [Review]
Scopus - Authors (scopus.com) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
Scopus - Title (scopus.com) by JoKalliauer [Review]
Semantic Scholar (semanticscholar.org) by Anon [Review]
Server Vergleich (serververgleich.com) by Marxeo [Review]
SHERPA/RoMEO (sherpa.ac.uk) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
SpringerLink (Monash Proxy) (springerlink.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.) by Huy Ha [Review]
SpringerLink - Book Chapters (springerlink.com) by Jan Wilms [Review]
SpringerLink - Books (springerlink.com) by Jan Wilms [Review]
Stiftung Warentest (test.de) by schwubbs [Review]
TeXMed (bioinformatics.org) by Mark Longair [Review]
TMH-QPSR (Author) (speech.kth.se) by Charalampos KARYPIDIS [Review]
TMH-QPSR (Year) (speech.kth.se) by Charalampos KARYPIDIS [Review]
UIUC e-journal (hi.baidu.com) by UCUI e-journal [Review]
Universal reference formatter (toolserver.org) by Martin Smith [Review]
University of Pennsylvania Journals (library.upenn.edu) by Michael Winkler [Review]
Web of Knowledge (Title) (apps.webofknowledge.com) by Iain Robinson [Review]
Web of Knowledge (Topic) (apps.webofknowledge.com) by Cody Dunne [Review]
Wiley InterScience (Monash Proxy) (ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
Wiley Online Library - Article Title (onlinelibrary.wiley.com) by Budianto Tandianus [Review]
zbMATH (zbmath.org) by polsys [Review]
ZMath (zentralblatt-math.org) by Alvise Trevisan [Review]
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