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- Education - Universities
Appalachian State University (gb1.appstate.edu) by Christopher Wells [Review]
Arizona State University (search.asu.edu) by Kathy Marks [Review]
Arizona State University Directory (webapp4.asu.edu) by Kathy Marks [Review]
Armed Campus (armedcampus.com) by Tony Massey [Review]
Arts and Humanities Commons (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
Ask_Bucknell (ask.bucknell.edu) by Anon [Review]
AsProvasDeVestibular (provasdevestibular.com.br) by Marcel [Review]
ASU Library One Search (asu.summon.serialssolutions.com) by Kathy Marks [Review]
AtoZUrbino (atoz.ebsco.com) by Vincenzo Russo [Review]
AUC Egypt Library Catalog (library.aucegypt.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
AUP Catalog (voyager.aup.edu) by Anon [Review]
Base Minerva UFRJ ( by Felipe Bastos [Review]
Beck E-Bibliothek (ebibliothek.beck.de) by w8h [Review]
beck-online (beck-online.beck.de) by wildwichtel [Review]
Beck-Online - Bundesverfassungsgericht (beck-online.beck.de) by w8h [Review]
Beck-Online - Verwaltungsgerichte (beck-online.beck.de) by w8h [Review]
Beck-Online – Rechtsprechung (beck-online.beck.de) by w8h [Review]
Berkeley People (Last, First) (calnet.berkeley.edu) by UncombedCoconut [Review]
Beuth Hochschule (beuth-hochschule.de) by Anon [Review]
BFH-TI - Web (ti.bfh.ch) by Michael Luggen [Review]
Biblioteca UPF títol (upf.edu) by jordi [Review]
Biblioteques UAB (cataleg.uab.cat) by Felipe Corredor [Review]
Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval (bibl.ulaval.ca) by Anon [Review]
BIM UNIFEI (unifei.phlnet.com.br) by Tiago Maluta [Review]
BIM UNIFEI v2 (elysio.com.br) by Tiago Maluta [Review]
BIM UNIFEI v3 (unifei.phlnet.com.br) by Tiago Maluta [Review]
Blue Waters (google.com) by Roland Haas [Review]
Bristol University (bristol.ac.uk) by Joshua Levy-Kramer [Review]
Bristol University - People (bristol.ac.uk) by Anon [Review]
BU Metz: recherche mots (opac.scd.univ-metz.fr) by Boumaza [Review]
BU Tours - Encore (portail.scd.univ-tours.fr) by Anon [Review]
BU Tours - Thèses (portail.scd.univ-tours.fr) by Anon [Review]
BU Tours - Thèses - Auteur (portail.scd.univ-tours.fr) by Anon [Review]
Bucknell Library Catalog (catalog.bucknell.edu) by Anon [Review]
Busca Notícia PUCGOIAS (noticias.pucgoias.edu.br) by Adriano F Borges [Review]
Busca usp.br (www4.usp.br) by Cristiano Gois de Araújo [Review]
bUSCatermos (aplicacions.usc.es) by Antón Méixome [Review]
BYU Kennedy Center Video Archive (kennedy.byu.edu) by BYU Kennedy Center [Review]
CABAM UFRGS (www6.ufrgs.br) by LFreitas [Review]
Calvin People Search (calvin.edu) by Andrew Darmawan [Review]
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (uni-oldenburg.de) by Thomas Seidel [Review]
Catalogue CIBLE ULB (bib7.ulb.ac.be) by kosMo [Review]
Clemson (clemson.edu) by Anon [Review]
College Search (collegesearch.collegeboard.com) by Sam Millner [Review]
Columbia University People (columbia.edu) by MC Pants [Review]
Concordia University Directory (First Name) (concordia.ca) by Caroline D'Amour [Review]
Concordia University Directory (Last Name) (concordia.ca) by Caroline D'Amour [Review]
Concordia University Site Search (concordia.ca) by Anon [Review]
CONSULS Library Catalog (consuls.org) by Rebecca Hedreen [Review]
Cornell Course Description Search (cuinfo.cornell.edu) by Nathan Ward [Review]
Cornell Course Title Search (cuinfo.cornell.edu) by Nathan Ward [Review]
Cornell Vegetable Varieties (vegvariety.cce.cornell.edu) by chon [Review]
CRAI UB (cercabib.ub.edu) by Anon [Review]
Cranfield Uni (find.cranfield.ac.uk) by Ian Meadows [Review]
CRSid Search for University of Cambridge (lookup.cam.ac.uk) by Phil Kynaston [Review]
CSU Library Catalogue (bonza.unilinc.edu.au) by CSU Library Web Team [Review]
Curtin University Library Catalogue Search (catalogue.curtin.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
Dartmouth DND Lookup (dartmouth.edu) by Travis M. Gere [Review]
Dartmouth Name Directory Lookup (dartmouth.edu) by Ryan Speers [Review]
DBIS - Goethe Universität (dbis.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de) by Clemens Schefels [Review]
DBIS - Goethe University (dbis.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de) by Clemens Schefels [Review]
DBLP (dblp.uni-trier.de) by Anon [Review]
Dei People (dei.polimi.it) by +mala [Review]
DePauw University (search.depauw.edu) by Tiffany Hebb [Review]
Digital Commons Network (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
DPU (dpu.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
DTU-bibliotek (ext.kb.dk) by jgthb [Review]
DTU-kursusevalueringer (kurser.dtu.dk) by jgthb [Review]
DTU-kursuskarakterer (karakterer.dtu.dk) by jgthb [Review]
Durham University website (search.dur.ac.uk) by Andrew Millard [Review]
Ecole informatique Exia.Cesi (news.exia.cesi.fr) by Denis Szalkowski [Review]
Edinburgh University (ed.ac.uk) by Michael [Review]
Education Commons (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
Emory.edu Website Search (emory.edu) by Jon Arnold [Review]
Encyclopedia Britannica (Uppsala Proxy) (its.uu.se) by Erik Hedberg [Review]
enssib (search.enssib.fr) by Hervé Saladin [Review]
EPFL BEAST (beast-epfl.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Infoscience (infoscience.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Map (plan.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Map (old) (plan-old.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Network (network.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Outils de recherche (FR) (search.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL People (search.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Search tools (EN) (search.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EPFL Units (search.epfl.ch) by Nicolas Borboën [Review]
EReK .edu domain (erek.ta2o.net) by strayDuck [Review]
EUI Library Author Search (biblio.iue.it) by Chris Hanretty [Review]
EUI Library Title Search (biblio.iue.it) by Chris Hanretty [Review]
EZB Uni Kiel (rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Crusoli [Review]
Fachschaft.biz (google.at) by JoKalliauer [Review]
Fakultät EPB Uni Hamburg (epb.uni-hamburg.de) by Anon [Review]
Fernstudium Bachelor (fernstudiumbachelor.net) by Markus Bergamnn [Review]
FHNW Person Search (fhnw.ch) by Martin Kos [Review]
Film.drippink (filmdrippink.com) by Andreas Blümlein [Review]
Foros-FIUBA (foros-fiuba.com.ar) by Dr Emett Brown [Review]
FTPUN fishnet (google.com) by starslooker [Review]
FU Berlin OPAC (opac.fu-berlin.de) by FF [Review]
GEODOK (geodok.uni-erlangen.de) by Christoph Warmbold [Review]
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (uni-frankfurt.de) by Clemens Schefels [Review]
Google CityU HK (cityu.edu.hk) by Savina [Review]
Google CSUChico (googlesyndicatedsearch.com) by Sean H [Review]
Google UC Irvine (googlesyndicatedsearch.com) by University Communications [Review]
Google Université d'Ottawa (uottawa.ca) by Guy Beauvignet [Review]
Google University of Antwerp (google.com) by Ben Jeurissen [Review]
Google University of Cambridge (google.com) by Phil Weir [Review]
Google University of Ottawa (uottawa.ca) by Guy Beauvignet [Review]
Google UNM (google.unm.edu) by segank [Review]
Griffith University (griffith.edu.au) by Richard Powell [Review]
Grinnell College Libraries ( by Julia Bauder [Review]
Grupo de investigación Didáctica i Multimedia (dewey.uab.es) by Paco Rivière [Review]
Guia Unizar (moncayo.unizar.es) by Juan Carrera [Review]
Guia Unizar (directorio.unizar.es) by Juan Carrera [Review]
Hacettepe Üniversitesi Kütüphaneleri (ha6uq4xy8k.cs.serialssolutions.com) by Hacettepe Üniv Kütüphaneler [Review]
Harold B. Lee Library (lib.byu.edu) by Steve Mott [Review]
Harold B. Lee Library (lib.byu.edu) by Steve Mott [Review]
Harvard Kennedy School Directory (hks.harvard.edu) by David Fishman [Review]
Harvard University Phonebook (Last Name) (directory.harvard.edu) by David Fishman [Review]
HathiTrust (hathitrust.org) by Anon [Review]
HdM Personen (hdm-stuttgart.de) by Anon [Review]
Higher Education Salaries (purdue.highedsalaries.com) by Higher Education Salaries [Review]
HighPoint.edu (googlesyndicatedsearch.com) by Scott Hull [Review]
HKU (hku.hk) by Mart van de Ven [Review]
HS Esslingen (hs-esslingen.de) by Jian Wu [Review]
HSA Hochschule Augsburg (hs-augsburg.de) by Martin Möhwald [Review]
HTW Berlin - Personenverzeichnis (htw-berlin.de) by FS [Review]
HU Berlin Primus (Beta) (vs30.kobv.de) by J.E. [Review]
HZLWiki (uni-leipzig.de) by HZLWiki Sysop [Review]
ICDC Online (icdccollege.edu) by Onjefu Efada [Review]
iDiscover (idiscover.lib.cam.ac.uk) by Anon [Review]
Illinois.edu (illinois.edu) by Patrick Mulrooney [Review]
ImageNet: by name (image-net.org) by Yohai Devir [Review]
ImageNet: by synset (image-net.org) by Yohai Devir [Review]
INRIA_doc (opac.inria.fr) by Isabelle Gilles-Gallet [Review]
Institutional Repository University of Groningen (ir.ub.rug.nl) by Digicmb [Review]
is muni (is.muni.cz) by jiri kolar [Review]
IS MUNI Courses (is.muni.cz) by Mr.Dickens [Review]
IS MUNI People (is.muni.cz) by Mr.Dickens [Review]
ISU (search.ilstu.edu) by Biased Truth [Review]
IT-Universitetet (itu.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
JLU Giessen (uni-giessen.de) by Sven Augustin [Review]
juris.de (juris.de) by wildwichtel [Review]
Kansas State University (search.k-state.edu) by Samuel Kempf [Review]
Katalog FHB-SWF (ub-firenze.fernuni-hagen.de) by FHB-SWF [Review]
KCL - Keats (keats.kcl.ac.uk) by Ed Burness [Review]
King's College London (kcl.ac.uk) by Ian Meadows [Review]
Kiwi (kiwi.blogs.ca.ua.pt) by Filipe Batista [Review]
KMF Search (fkserv.ugent.be) by Faysal Boukayoua [Review]
KUG (kug.ub.uni-koeln.de) by Anon [Review]
Lancaster University Library Catalogue (cat.lib.lancs.ac.uk) by Soon Van [Review]
Lancaster University Search (lancs.ac.uk) by S Sharples [Review]
Law Commons (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
Le Moyne College (lemoyne.edu) by Anon [Review]
Liberty University (liberty.edu) by Anon [Review]
LibGuides at RIT (infoguides.rit.edu) by Lara Nicosia [Review]
Life Sciences Commons (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
lsf.ovgu.de (lsf.ovgu.de) by Michael Lipaczewski [Review]
MacTutor (www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk) by Karl [Review]
Marjon Library (libserv.marjon.ac.uk) by Rebecca Brown [Review]
Marjon Library - Author (libserv.marjon.ac.uk) by Rebecca Brown [Review]
Marlboro College Search (marlboro.edu) by Ryan Wolf [Review]
Medicine and Health Sciences Commons (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
Michigan Technological University (mtu.edu) (mtu.edu) by Vinesh Gagnani [Review]
MIT Barton Library - Keyword (library.mit.edu) by Greg Perkins [Review]
MIT OpenCourseWare (ocw.mit.edu) by Anon [Review]
MIT Sloan (mitsloan.mit.edu) by Jeff Derrick [Review]
Mocha (brown.mochacourses.com) by Adam Cath [Review]
Mohr Siebeck (de) (mohrsiebeck.com) by Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG [Review]
Mohr Siebeck (en) (mohrsiebeck.com) by Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG [Review]
Monash University (search.monash.edu) by Erin [Review]
MQ International Courses (international.mq.edu.au) by MQ International Web Master [Review]
MQ International Site (international.mq.edu.au) by MQ International Web Master [Review]
Mt Hood Community College (mhcc.edu) by jDragon [Review]
MUW Personensuche - Name, Vorname (meduniwien.ac.at) by JAB [Review]
MUW Suche auf der Website (meduniwien.ac.at) by JAB [Review]
MUW Suche nach Institutionen (meduniwien.ac.at) by JAB [Review]
NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu) by leonard [Review]
NCES College Navigator (nces.ed.gov) by NCES [Review]
Newcastle University (ncl.ac.uk) by Sam Mitchell Finnigan [Review]
Newcastle University Library Catalogue Keywords (sparky.ncl.ac.uk) by Hydrozoa [Review]
Newcastle.edu.au (google.newcastle.edu.au) by Kris Gesling [Review]
Newcastle.edu.au Encore (encore.newcastle.edu.au) by Kris Gesling [Review]
Newcastle.edu.au Staff Directory (newcastle.edu.au) by Kris Gesling [Review]
Northeastern Library (library.northeastern.edu) by Anon [Review]
Novanet Libraries Search (aleph1.novanet.ns.ca) by Ben Breen [Review]
NTNU (sok.ntnu.no) by Simen [Review]
NTUA - DSpace (dspace.lib.ntua.gr) by o_apolytos [Review]
Oficina Software Libre (UDC) (softwarelibre.udc.es) by Andrés J. Díaz [Review]
Ohio State Campus Map (osu.edu) by Jason Karns [Review]
Ohio State People (osu.edu) by Jason Karns [Review]
Ohio State Search (osu.edu) by Soon Van [Review]
OneSearch - Lancaster (onesearch.lancs.ac.uk) by John Krug [Review]
OPAC - FU (sf4.ub.fu-berlin.de) by User [Review]
OPAC - UniMiB (opac.biblio.unimib.it) by Diego Morone [Review]
OPAC der UdK Berlin (opac.udk-berlin.de) by Markus Lilge [Review]
OPAC FH Mainz (opac.ub.uni-mainz.de) by buecherwurm [Review]
OPAC HS Fulda (opac.uni-giessen.de) by nollsen [Review]
OPAC Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (lgubopc4.uni-lueneburg.de) by Alexander Finkenberger [Review]
OPAC UB Koblenz-Landau (aleph1.uni-koblenz.de) by Karl-Josef Ziegler [Review]
OPAC Uni Mainz (opac.ub.uni-mainz.de) by buecherwurm [Review]
OPAC Uni Osnabrueck (osopc4.ub.uni-osnabrueck.de) by Johannes Crückeberg [Review]
OPAC-SJTULib (opac.lib.sjtu.edu.cn) by WANG.SJTU [Review]
Open University (search.open.ac.uk) by Nick Freear [Review]
Oskicat UCB Library Catalog (oskicat.berkeley.edu) by Stefanie [Review]
OSU-CSE Search (cse.ohio-state.edu) by Jason Karns [Review]
Past Exams (bath.ac.uk) by Peter Saxon [Review]
Pitt Google (google.com) by Phil Marquis [Review]
PLUS Personensuche (uni-salzburg.at) by Juergen Zahrer [Review]
PLUS Personensuche (plus.ac.at) by Juergen Zahrer [Review]
PLUS Personensuche (plus.ac.at) by Juergen Zahrer [Review]
PLUS Personensuche (plus.ac.at) by Jürgen Zahrer [Review]
Polinformatici (polinformatici.it) by Matteo Guarnerio [Review]
Portland State Directory (PSU) (directory.pdx.edu) by Ed Hallman [Review]
Portland State University (PSU) (pdx.edu) by Ed Hallman [Review]
Prifysgol Bangor University (bangor.ac.uk) by Sekoya [Review]
Princeton Books+ (library.princeton.edu) by FFuchs [Review]
Princeton Books+ (library.princeton.edu) by FFuchs [Review]
Principia Students (prinweb.prin.edu) by Theodore Lindsey [Review]
Purdue People (itap.purdue.edu) by Isaac Vetter [Review]
Queen Mary Library (library.qmul.ac.uk) by BJP [Review]
Queen Mary Metalib Search (metalib.library.qmul.ac.uk) by BJP [Review]
QUT (qut.edu.au) by Tim Plaisted [Review]
RensSearch (library.rpi.edu) by Steven [Review]
ReSolc (iula.upf.edu) by David Arnau [Review]
RIT Archives Finding Aids (library.rit.edu) by Lara Nicosia [Review]
RIT Site Search (rit.edu) by Christopher Tomkins-Tinch [Review]
RMIT University (rmit.edu.au) by Mark Nuccio [Review]
Roble (roble.unizar.es) by Juan Carrera [Review]
roger: ucsd library catalog (roger.ucsd.edu) by Anon [Review]
RUB OPAC "suchen" Search (ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) by Chris [Review]
RUB OPAC Search (ub.ruhr-uni-bochum.de) by Chris [Review]
Rubrica PoliTo (swas.polito.it) by Danilo [Review]
Rutgers University (search.rutgers.edu) by Abhishek [Review]
RWTH-Telefonbuch (campus.rwth-aachen.de) by Johannes Ballé [Review]
RWTH-Veranstaltungen (campus.rwth-aachen.de) by Johannes Ballé [Review]
S2dy - Exam (s2dy.com) by Patrick [Review]
SAGGY search (saggyork.org.uk) by SAGGY [Review]
Science Studies Search (google.com) by Jørgen Tietze [Review]
SCU - AMH (www-amh-net-au.ezproxy.scu.edu.au) by Ruben Hillier [Review]
Search Academic (google.com) by lvhuiwei [Review]
SGI-IZO erabiltzaile (eu) (ehu.es) by SGI/IZO [Review]
SGI-IZO group (en) (ehu.es) by SGI/IZO [Review]
SGI-IZO grupo (es) (ehu.es) by SGI/IZO [Review]
SGI-IZO taldea (eu) (ehu.es) by SGI/IZO [Review]
SGI-IZO user (en) (ehu.es) by SGI/IZO [Review]
SGI-IZO user (es) (ehu.es) by SGI/IZO [Review]
SIMBAD Astronomical Database (simbad.u-strasbg.fr) by leonard [Review]
Simon Fraser University (sfu.ca) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
SJTU GSA (s.sjtu.edu.cn) by WangH@sjtu [Review]
SLU PeopleFinder (slu.edu) by Jeff Abernathy [Review]
Smu (smu.edu) by Ahmed Karam [Review]
Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons (network.bepress.com) by BenHLemos [Review]
Sowiport (gesis.org) by Anon [Review]
St Andrews SAULCAT (library.st-and.ac.uk) by Sunil Rodger [Review]
Stanford Google Search (stanford.edu) by Noah Abrahamson [Review]
studdex.com (studdex.com) by studdex [Review]
Sudoc (sudoc.abes.fr) by lezach [Review]
TAoM schedule (taom.ru) by xyzman [Review]
Telefonbuch JLU Gießen (hrza1.hrz.uni-giessen.de) by Daniel Wrana [Review]
Texas A&M Site Search (search.tamu.edu) by Michael McGinnis [Review]
Texas State University (search.txstate.edu) by ITS Web Development Team [Review]
The Wiki Fire (thewikifire.org) by Tom Fucoloro [Review]
Thèses de l'université de Tours - Auteur(s) (univ-tours.fr) by Anon [Review]
Theses.cz (theses.cz) by Adam Libuša [Review]
Tidewater Community College (tcc.edu) by Chris Martinez [Review]
TISS LVA-Suche (tiss.tuwien.ac.at) by JoKalliauer [Review]
TU Clausthal Suche (tu-clausthal.de) by Anon [Review]
TU Delft Library Discover (discover.tudelft.nl) by Mathijs de Weerdt [Review]
TU Delft Phonebook (phonebook.tudelft.nl) by Igor [Review]
TU Wien Adressbuch (tiss.tuwien.ac.at) by lual [Review]
TU Wien Hörsaalsuche direkt (wegweiser.ac.at) by Florian Pollak [Review]
U of T Libraries (library.utoronto.ca) by sokuban [Review]
UB Kiel (kiopc4.ub.uni-kiel.de) by Philipp L. [Review]
UBC Library (library.ubc.ca) by Lucho Casuso [Review]
UBC Library (full text online) (library.ubc.ca) by Sorgens [Review]
UC Irvine Directory (directory.uci.edu) by University Communications [Review]
UC Irvine Quicklinks (uci.edu) by University Communications [Review]
UC Santa Cruz (ucsc.edu) by benjamincaine [Review]
UCD (ucd.ie) by Stephen Judge [Review]
UCD Shields Library Catalog (Harvest) (harvest.lib.ucdavis.edu) by Dan Villarreal [Review]
UCD Students' Union (ucdsu.ie) by Stephen Judge [Review]
UCF (google.cc.ucf.edu) by Edgar Massoni [Review]
UCL Discovery (discovery.ucl.ac.uk) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
UCL Eprints (eprints.ucl.ac.uk) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
UCSB Library Site Search (googlesyndicatedsearch.com) by Adam B. Ross [Review]
UCSD Faculty & Staff (ucsd.edu) by David Tagatac [Review]
UiO - persons (uio.no) by Sigve Holmen [Review]
UK FF MU - catalogue (knihovna.phil.muni.cz) by Paolo [Review]
UK FF MU - catalogue (knihovna.phil.muni.cz) by Paolo [Review]
UK FF MU - Katalog Aleph (aleph.muni.cz) by Paolo [Review]
ULB Bonn (opac2.ulb.uni-bonn.de) by J. B. [Review]
UMDNJ Google Search ( by Mike [Review]
UMDNJ Website Search (www2.umdnj.edu) by Mike [Review]
UN - Personas (unav.es) by Benjamín Sádaba Chalezquer [Review]
UNCC Charlotte Employee Search (search.uncc.edu) by Dale Pike [Review]
Uni Stuttgart (uni-stuttgart.de) by bassjoe [Review]
Unina - Ricerca docenti (docenti.unina.it) by BiGAlex [Review]
Unipedia Koblenz (unipedia.uni-koblenz.de) by Lubosz Sarnecki [Review]
UniSA Course ID/Area & Catalogue No. (unisanet.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
UniSA Course Title (unisanet.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
UniSA Directory (applications.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
UniSA Program Code (unisanet.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
UniSA Program Title/Aim (unisanet.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
UniSA Programs with Course Code (unisanet.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
Unités EPFL (search.epfl.ch) by Dominique Quatravaux [Review]
Unités EPFL (search.epfl.ch) by Dominique Quatravaux [Review]
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (uao.edu.co) by Jyon [Review]
Universidad Pública de Navarra - Páginas web (www1.unavarra.es) by Josemary [Review]
Universidad Pública de Navarra - Personas (www1.unavarra.es) by Josemary [Review]
Università Bocconi Library (lib.unibocconi.it) by kiloxxx [Review]
Universität Wien - LVA Nr (online.univie.ac.at) by Nils Kalchhauser [Review]
Université de Sherbrooke (usherbrooke.ca) by Steve Michaud [Review]
University at Buffalo (buffalo.edu) by Anon [Review]
University of Alberta (ualberta.ca) by Justin [Review]
University of Brighton - Contacts (staffcentral.brighton.ac.uk) by David Morris [Review]
University of Calgary (ucalgary.ca) by Stephen de Kok [Review]
University of Delaware (udel.edu) by gnowland [Review]
University of East Anglia library (broadsearch.uea.ac.uk) by Chris Hanretty [Review]
University of Edinburgh Informatics Courses (inf.ed.ac.uk) by Margus Lind [Review]
University of Hull Search (google.com) by David Morris [Review]
University of Louisville (louisville.edu) by Dr. Furrfu [Review]
University of Melbourne Library - Title (cat.lib.unimelb.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
University of Michigan Mirlyn (mirlyn.lib.umich.edu) by Anon [Review]
University of Michigan Salaries (umich.highedsalaries.com) by Higher Education Salaries [Review]
University of Minnesota Directories (search.umn.edu) by Brian Dunnette [Review]
University of Otago (otago.ac.nz) by University Information Centre [Review]
University of Otago (3rd Party - Google) (otago.ac.nz) by Tim Thomas [Review]
University of Otago - Ask Otago (ask.otago.ac.nz) by University Information Centre [Review]
University of Otago - Otago Maps (beta) (corpsys.otago.ac.nz) by University Information Centre [Review]
University of Otago - Papers (otago.ac.nz) by University Information Centre [Review]
University of Otago - Phonebook (otago.ac.nz) by University Information Centre [Review]
University of Otago Network (corpsys.otago.ac.nz) by Daniel Stocker [Review]
University of Otago Network (IP) (corpsys.otago.ac.nz) by Daniel Stocker [Review]
University of Oxford (Contacts) (ox.ac.uk) by Anon [Review]
University of Oxford (Pages) (ox.ac.uk) by Anon [Review]
University of Pennsylvania (upenn.edu) by Michael Winkler [Review]
University of Rochester Miner Library (urmc.rochester.edu) by Jyoti Shankar [Review]
University of South Australia (applications.unisa.edu.au) by Darren Robjohns [Review]
University of Strathclyde - Mathematics (maths.strath.ac.uk) by Fraser Murray [Review]
University of Sussex - Google (sussex.ac.uk) by Alex [Review]
University of Sussex Library Catalogue (beta.lib.sussex.ac.uk) by Chris Keene [Review]
University of Sydney (search.usyd.edu.au) by Josephine Chee [Review]
University of Vermont (uvm.edu) by Tanya Johns [Review]
University of Waterloo (uwaterloo.ca) by Mike S [Review]
University of Wolverhampton (google.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
University of Worcester (worcester.ac.uk) by Santhoshkumar Duraiswamy [Review]
Univesrity of Virginia Library Articles (search.lib.virginia.edu) by J.C. [Review]
Univesrity of Virginia Library Articles (search.lib.virginia.edu) by J.C. [Review]
Univesrity of Virginia Library Articles (search.lib.virginia.edu) by J.C. [Review]
UniWegweiser Hörsäle (wegweiser.ac.at) by Florian Pollak [Review]
UniWegweiser Hörsäle TU Wien (wegweiser.ac.at) by Florian Pollak [Review]
UniWegweiser Institute (wegweiser.ac.at) by Florian Pollak [Review]
UniWegweiser Institute TU Wien (wegweiser.ac.at) by Florian Pollak [Review]
UNSW Library (library.unsw.edu.au) by JS [Review]
UofA Phonebook (arizona.edu) by Edwin Skidmore [Review]
UofA-Aurora (aurora.adelaide.edu.au) by Ben [Review]
UofC Contacts (contacts.ucalgary.ca) by Stephen de Kok [Review]
UofC IT (it.ucalgary.ca) by Stephen de Kok [Review]
UofC Knowledge Base (kb.ucalgary.ca) by Stephen de Kok [Review]
UPM-EUIT Industrial Catalogo (euiti.upm.es) by chema [Review]
UQAM (uqam.ca) by PP [Review]
USP - DEDALUS (dedalus.usp.br) by Politécnico [Review]
UT Directory (directory.utk.edu) by bert_ernie [Review]
UTAS (Inktomi) (search.utas.edu.au) by Kevin Lyall [Review]
UTK.edu (utk.edu) by bert_ernie [Review]
UvA Catalogus (uba.uva.nl) by nikolas [Review]
UVa LDAP (virginia.edu) by J Wood [Review]
UWE (info.uwe.ac.uk) by Rekhyt [Review]
UWS ServiceNow (incident #) (uws.service-now.com) by Sridhar Dhanapalan [Review]
UWS ServiceNow (request #) (uws.service-now.com) by Sridhar Dhanapalan [Review]
UWS Staff Directory (name) (pubapps.uws.edu.au) by Sridhar Dhanapalan [Review]
UWS Staff Directory (record) (pubapps.uws.edu.au) by Sridhar Dhanapalan [Review]
UWSP (uwsp.edu) by Anon [Review]
Vassar Library Search (library.vassar.edu) by Walker [Review]
VCU People Search (phonebook.vcu.edu) by VCU Help Desk [Review]
VoWi TU (vowi.fsinf.at) by Florian Pollak [Review]
VUT - lidé (vutbr.cz) by Petr Špaček [Review]
Wayne State University (wayne.edu) by Mike [Review]
Western Michigan University Library Catalog (wmich.edu) by John D. Martin III [Review]
WISO Presse (wiso-net.de) by Kilian [Review]
Wofford Directory Search by LAST NAME (wofford.edu) by Nathaniel Colvin [Review]
Wofford Website Search (wofford.edu) by Nathaniel Colvin [Review]
WPI (google.wpi.edu) by Zan Hecht [Review]
WTS Seminary (wts.edu) by Bart Byl [Review]
Yale Articles+ (yale.summon.serialssolutions.com) by FF [Review]
Yale Quicksearch Catalog (search.library.yale.edu) by FF [Review]
YorSearch Catalogue (yorsearch.york.ac.uk) by Jim Adamson [Review]
Yufind Beta Yale Libraries (yufind.library.yale.edu) by Florian Fuchs [Review]
ZBW Kiel (econis.eu) by Agamemnon [Review]
פורומים אס"ט (google.com) by myfoolishgames [Review]
北大图书馆 (lib.pku.edu.cn) by Andeling [Review]
北大图书馆 (pku.summon.serialssolutions.com) by nekokira [Review]
고대 도서관 (library.korea.ac.kr) by Anon [Review]
고려대 도서관 (library.korea.ac.kr) by Anon [Review]
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