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- Libraries
(1337x.to) by Anon [Review]
1886 - Université Bordeaux Montaigne
(isidore.science) by Benjamin Sarcy [Review]
1886 - via Gallica
(gallica.bnf.fr) by Benjamin Sarcy [Review]
Aarhus University Library
(library.au.dk) by Anon [Review]
Aberdeen University Library
(aulib.abdn.ac.uk) by Nikos Vallianos [Review]
Aberdeen University Library - Title
(aulib.abdn.ac.uk) by Nikos Vallianos [Review]
(0-proquest.umi.com.eaglelink.cornerstone) by Eric Bradley [Review]
(library.city.abiko.chiba.jp) by Seigo Iguchi [Review]
(library.city.abiko.chiba.jp) by Seigo Iguchi [Review]
ABR - título
(abr.org.ar) by Gonzalo Faramiñan [Review]
ACT Public Library
(librarycatalogue.act.gov.au) by Andy Cranston [Review]
Adelaide Research & Scholarship
(digital.library.adelaide.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
Adelaide Uni Library Catalogue
(library.adelaide.edu.au) by Neeraj Shokeen [Review]
AHML Catalog
(iii.ahml.info) by Chris Krueger [Review]
Alamance County Public Libraries
(catalog.alamancelibraries.org) by David White [Review]
Alamance County Public Libraries
(catalog.alamancelibraries.org) by David White [Review]
Alameda County Library - Keyword
(alam1.aclibrary.org) by Anon [Review]
Alameda County Library - Title
(alam1.aclibrary.org) by Ronald Kwan [Review]
Alameda Free Library
( by Kenn Fong [Review]
(alicatplus.adelphi.edu) by Dawn Murdock [Review]
Alle Bestaende Uni Tuebingen
(swb2.bsz-bw.de) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
Alliance Sud Catalogue
(katalog.alliancesud.ch) by Anon [Review]
(anagrammeur.net) by Blaise Dugarry [Review]
anythink libraries
(ipac2.rangeviewld.org) by Matthew Hamilton [Review]
ATLAS Religion
(0-search.ebscohost.com.eaglelink.corners) by Eric Bradley [Review]
Auckland City Libraries
(search.aucklandcitylibraries.com) by James Edwards [Review]
Auckland Libraries
(aucklandlibraries.govt.nz) by James Edwards [Review]
Auckland Libraries Catalogue and Site Search
(search.aucklandlibraries.govt.nz) by BYuan [Review]
Auckland Libraries Classic Catalogue Keyword
(elgar.govt.nz) by James Edwards [Review]
Babord Plus
(univ-bordeaux.fr) by Pierre-Amiel Giraud [Review]
Babord+ Université Bordeaux Montaigne
(babordplus.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Pierre-Amiel Giraud [Review]
Babord+ Université de Bordeaux
(babordplus.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Pierre-Amiel Giraud [Review]
(bartleby.com) by Keith Perkins [Review]
BCPL Catalog
(catalog.bcpl.lib.md.us) by Sarah Elan [Review]
Bexley Libraries Online
(eps.bexley.gov.uk) by Andronikos Panayiotou [Review]
(opac.lulea.se) by Johannes Sjölund [Review]
Biblioteca Caja Madrid
(bibliotecas.obrasocialcajamadrid.es) by Jaime Perez Dans [Review]
Biblioteca UPF autor
(upf.edu) by jordi [Review]
Bibliotècnica UPC
(cataleg.upc.edu) by Edgar Gonzàlez [Review]
Bibliotek.dk (SSL)
(bibliotek.dk) by Anon [Review]
Biblioteken - Luleå
(opac.lulea.se) by Johannes Sjölund [Review]
Bibliotheek Aartselaar
(aartselaar.bibliotheek.be) by Jeroen Claes [Review]
Bibliotheek.nl e-books
(bibliotheek.nl) by Anon [Review]
Bibliothek H-BRS (BIB-Discover)
(bib-discover.bib.h-brs.de) by Anon [Review]
Bibliotheksportal Karlsruhe
(bibliotheksportal-karlsruhe.de) by Jan Henning [Review]
Bibliothèque Caluire et Cuire - Bokeh
(bm.ville-caluire.fr) by SylvainD [Review]
Bibliothèque de Caluire
(bm.ville-caluire.fr) by Deflache Sylvain [Review]
Bibliothèque Médiathèque Evreux
(culture-evreux.fr) by Yves Le Bail [Review]
Bibliothèque Médiathèque Evreux
(mediatheques.evreux.fr) by Yves Le Bail [Review]
Bibliothèques Cayenne
(bibliotheques.cg973.fr) by Anon [Review]
Bibliothèques de la ville de Paris
(b14-sigbermes.apps.paris.fr) by Rémy Péterlongo [Review]
Bibliothèques du Collège de France - Tous les mots
(bude.college-de-france.fr) by Anon [Review]
(bibsys.no) by Anon [Review]
Biekorf Films
(brugge.bibliotheek.be) by Sir_MacCoy [Review]
(jussieu.fr) by Nicolas Limare [Review]
BM Antony
(bm.ville-antony.fr) by BM Antony [Review]
BNA Digital Collections Keyword Search
(bna.aw) by BNA Digital Collections [Review]
BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
(bnf.fr) by Anon [Review]
BnF Opale - Recherche par mots de la notice
(catalogue.bnf.fr) by Anon [Review]
(bauforum.wirklichewelt.de) by Martin Vogel [Review]
Bonn Stadtbibliothek WebOPAC
(lib.bonn.de) by Anon [Review]
(book4me.org) by Anon [Review]
(bookos.org) by mindboom [Review]
(bookza.org) by Anon [Review]
(borrow-direct.indexdata.com) by Ben Sunshine-Hill [Review]
Boulder Public Library Catalog
(nell.boulderlibrary.org) by Matthew Hamilton [Review]
British Library - Authors
(catalogue.bl.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
British Library - Main Catalogue
(search.bl.uk) by Andrew Jackson [Review]
British Library - Maps
(catalogue.bl.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
British Library - Music
(catalogue.bl.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
British Library - Serials
(catalogue.bl.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
British Library - Subjects
(catalogue.bl.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
British Library - Titles
(catalogue.bl.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
Brooklyn Public Library
(catalog.brooklynpubliclibrary.org) by Alex Farrill [Review]
Brunel University Library Catalogue
(library.brunel.ac.uk) by Georgina Parsons [Review]
(opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de) by BSB Muenchen [Review]
BÜ Kütüphanesi Arama
(seyhan.library.boun.edu.tr) by Onur Güngör [Review]
Busca Tede Pucgoias
(tede.biblioteca.pucgoias.edu.br) by Adriano F Borges [Review]
CA Libraries (all)
(california.worldcat.org) by henry [Review]
CA Public Libraries
(california.worldcat.org) by henry [Review]
Cahiers du Cinema.España
(caimanediciones.es) by evol [Review]
Cambridge UL WorldCat
(cul.worldcat.org) by HLHJ [Review]
Cambridge University Library
(ul-newton.lib.cam.ac.uk) by Ed Chamberlain [Review]
Campus-Katalog SUB UniHH
(kataloge.uni-hamburg.de) by Jens Rogmann [Review]
Cardinal Stritch University Library
(library.stritch.edu) by Cardinal Stritch University [Review]
Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation
(cclc.vic.gov.au) by Soon Van [Review]
Catalog Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
(cat.llgc.org.uk) by Paul Bevan [Review]
Catálogo Fama - BUS
(fama.us.es) by BUS [Review]
Catálogo Memoria Anierta
(memoriaabierta.org.ar) by Laura Palomino [Review]
Catalogue Bm Nantes
(catalogue.bm.nantes.fr) by Nantais [Review]
Catalogue SCDR 1
(supernova-koha.univ-rennes1.fr) by Veronique Prevet, SCD Rennes 1 [Review]
Catalogue UBO
(portail-scd.univ-brest.fr) by phelly [Review]
Catalogus RuG
(opc.ub.rug.nl) by Digicmb [Review]
(ccuc.cbuc.cat) by Anon [Review]
(celalibrary.ca) by Anon [Review]
Central Rappahannock Regional Library
(librarypoint.bibliocommons.com) by rimamassabni [Review]
Central West MA Libraries
(cmars.cwmars.org) by skuchi [Review]
Champaign Public Library
(champaign.org) by Teal'c [Review]
Chapel Hill Public Library (NC)
(catalog.chapelhillpubliclibrary.org) by David White [Review]
Chatt-Hamilton County Library (by Author)
(lib.chattanooga.gov) by i4au [Review]
Chevaleret - Titre
(jussieu.fr) by Nicolas Limare [Review]
Chicago Public Library
(chipublib.org) by JZ [Review]
Chicago Public Library ISBN
(chipubweb.org) by Dennis [Review]
Childrens Library (ICDL)
(childrenslibrary.org) by Stephen Judge [Review]
Christchurch Public Library
(christchurchcitylibraries.com) by Daniel McRae [Review]
CLAMS Library Catalog
(library.clamsnet.org) by Edward Donovan [Review]
CLEVNET catalog
(cpl.org) by Michael Dalby [Review]
CMU Libraries' Catalog
(catalog.lib.cmich.edu) by Krista Graham [Review]
(cbpl.sirsi.net) by Ron Judenberg [Review]
CofC Catalog (Keyword)
(libcat.cofc.edu) by C of C Library [Review]
Columbus Library
(columbuslibrary.org) by Eric Hanneken [Review]
Columbus Library - Author
(columbuslibrary.org) by Eric Hanneken [Review]
Columbus Library - Title
(columbuslibrary.org) by Eric Hanneken [Review]
Community Library Search
(community.lib.oh.us) by Chauncey Montgomery [Review]
Connected Papers
(connectedpapers.com) by Anon [Review]
Contra Costa Public Library
(ccclib.org) by Mike Cunningham [Review]
CPL Catalog
(catalog.cantonpl.org) by Brad Czerniak [Review]
(suncat.csun.edu) by Andrew Wick Klein [Review]
CSUN Library: Keyword
(suncat.csun.edu) by Andrew Wick Klein [Review]
CSUN Library: Title
(suncat.csun.edu) by Andrew Wick Klein [Review]
CU Library Catalog
(eaglelink.cornerstone.edu) by Eric Bradley [Review]
CU Summon
(cornerstone.summon.serialssolutions.com) by Eric Bradley [Review]
CU Summon All
(cornerstone.summon.serialssolutions.com) by Eric Bradley [Review]
Cuyahoga Library
(sciron.cuyahoga.lib.oh.us) by Holly [Review]
CWMARS Library System
(cwinn.cwmars.org) by Alistair Bell [Review]
CWU Library - Keyword
(library.cwu.edu) by Anna Creech [Review]
Darmstadt Stadtbibliothek WebOPAC
( by Franz Wundsam [Review]
DART-Europe E-theses Portal
(dart-europe.eu) by Anon [Review]
Dartmouth College Library Catalog Author Search
(libcat.dartmouth.edu) by Mark Mounts [Review]
Dartmouth College Library Catalog Keyword Search
(libcat.dartmouth.edu) by Mark Mounts [Review]
Dartmouth College Library Catalog Title Search
(libcat.dartmouth.edu) by Mark Mounts [Review]
(search.datacite.org) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
Dayton Metro Digital Library
(overdrive.daytonmetrolibrary.org) by lilpurplefaery [Review]
DBIS - TU München
(rzblx10.uni-regensburg.de) by Kerstin Weinl [Review]
DBIS UB Erlangen-Nuernberg - Schnelle Suche
(rzblx10.uni-regensburg.de) by U. Riedlberger [Review]
de nieuwe bibliotheek
(zoeken.denieuwebibliotheek.nl) by De Nieuwe Bibliotheek, Almere [Review]
(dedalus.usp.br) by Ecana [Review]
Dejure.org (BGB)
(dejure.org) by Martin Kociemba [Review]
Dejure.org (HGB)
(dejure.org) by Anon [Review]
Dejure.org (StGB)
(dejure.org) by Anon [Review]
Dejure.org (ZPO)
(dejure.org) by Anon [Review]
DePauw University Library Search
(palniprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Sherri Parker [Review]
Des Plaines Public Library Catalog
(dppl.org) by Paul Go [Review]
Dětský Online katalog - Knihovna m. HK
(carmen.knihovnahk.cz) by Petr Jandl [Review]
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
(portal.dnb.de) by leseratte [Review]
Dewey Search
(dewey.info) by Brian Vander Veen [Review]
Digibib - Rhein-Sieg-Kreis
(rhein-sieg-bib.de) by Anon [Review]
Digital Libraries Federation
(fbc.pionier.net.pl) by Poznan Supercomputing and Netw [Review]
(ext.kb.dk) by Kent Gottschalk Hansen [Review]
(dlfeb.com) by psicobelico [Review]
Dominican University Crown Library Catalog
(jicsweb1.dom.edu) by Paul Go [Review]
(dora.dmu.ac.uk) by Philip Adams [Review]
Durham University Library Author
(library.dur.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Durham University Library keyword
(library.dur.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Durham University Library Place of Publication
(library.dur.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Durham University Library Title
(library.dur.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
E-LIB SuU Bremen
(suche3.suub.uni-bremen.de) by mpohlig [Review]
(eahil.net) by digicmb [Review]
(dlib.eastview.com) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
EBDB.net - e-Books Search
(ebdb.net) by TaciturnMan [Review]
eBiblio Andalucia
(andalucia.ebiblio.es) by Daniel González Díaz [Review]
eBiblio Galicia
(galicia.ebiblio.es) by Daniel González Díaz [Review]
eBiblio Madrid
(madrid.ebiblio.es) by Daniel González Díaz [Review]
(ebook3000.com) by Anguz [Review]
(ebookdz.com) by Anon [Review]
(ec.europa.eu) by Jordi Gasull [Review]
(econis.eu) by Jan Lüth [Review]
Edmonton Public Library
(epl.bibliocommons.com) by Princesstefer [Review]
El rincón del vago
(rincondelvago.com) by Anon [Review]
(opac.isu.edu) by Annie Smith [Review]
Emerald (Kennesaw Proxy)
(proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
Emerald (Monash Proxy)
(emerald-library.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.e) by Huy Ha [Review]
(portal.eso-io.com) by Anon [Review]
EMU Archives - Creator
(aspace.emich.edu) by Aleksandr Kolbasov [Review]
EMU Archives - Keyword
(aspace.emich.edu) by Aleksandr Kolbasov [Review]
EMU Archives - Title
(aspace.emich.edu) by Aleksandr Kolbasov [Review]
EMU Halle Library - Author
(portal.emich.edu) by Sara Memmott [Review]
EMU Halle Library - Keyword
(portal.emich.edu) by John L. Knight [Review]
EMU Halle Library - Title
(portal.emich.edu) by Sara Memmott [Review]
EMU Library - Periodicals Locator
(corwin.emich.edu) by Sara Memmott [Review]
English Extra Site
(englishextra.org.ua) by Sergey Shimansky [Review]
(ereolen.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
ESTER - autor
(ester.ee) by Erich Soomere [Review]
ESTER - pealkiri
(ester.ee) by Erich Soomere [Review]
(europeana.eu) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
EZB JLU Gießen
(rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de) by Daniel Wrana [Review]
(fama.us.es) by JAAG [Review]
FAST Extranet Docs
(extranet.fastsearch.com) by Timothy Naylor [Review]
FCPL Catalog - Author
(fairfaxcounty.gov) by Neill Dumont [Review]
FCPL Catalog - Title
(fairfaxcounty.gov) by Neill Dumont [Review]
FHB Dortmund - Katalog
( by Franco [Review]
Find It @ DMU
(openurl.library.dmu.ac.uk) by Philip Adams [Review]
Find It! Washington
(find-it.wa.gov) by Rich Edwards [Review]
(flazx.com) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
FLO Keyword
(endeavor.flo.org) by Kyle Hutchinson [Review]
FLO Title
(endeavor.flo.org) by Kyle Hutchinson [Review]
Fontys Felix - Public Databases
(fontysmediatheek.nl) by Gerard Bierens [Review]
Fort Bend County Libraries - Keyword Search
(catalog.fortbend.lib.tx.us) by Victor Quijano [Review]
Fort Worth Library
(fwplhip.fortworthlibrary.org) by David J Raab [Review]
Frederick County (MD USA) Public Library
(fcpl.org) by Chris [Review]
Free Library of Philadelphia
(freelibrary.org) by Art [Review]
Freepik Search
(freepik.com) by Alper Demir [Review]
FSzEK cím szerinti keresés
(saman.fszek.hu) by HorEl [Review]
FVRL Catalogue
(catalogue.fvrl.bc.ca) by Sriseth [Review]
Gale Academic OneFile
(0-infotrac.galegroup.com.eaglelink.corne) by Eric Bradley [Review]
Gateway Bayern
(gateway-bayern.de) by Rainer Gnan [Review]
GCSU Library Catalog
(gil.gcsu.edu) by Sonny McKenzie [Review]
Gesamtbestand Tuebingen
(portal09.bsz-bw.de) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
Google Académico ES
(scholar.google.es) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
Google Académico México
(scholar.google.com.mx) by Anon [Review]
Google Scholar
(scholar.google.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Google Scholar (Adelaide Proxy)
(adelaide.edu.au) by Neeraj Shokeen [Review]
Google Scholar (Auckland Proxy)
(auckland.ac.nz) by Lee Reid [Review]
Google Scholar (BU Proxy)
(ezproxy.bu.edu) by Ben Carr [Review]
Google Scholar (Buffalo Proxy)
(buffalo.edu) by Derek Lackaff [Review]
Google Scholar (Chicago Proxy)
(uchicago.edu) by Andrew Lyons [Review]
Google Scholar (Curtin University Proxy)
(catalogue.curtin.edu.au) by Adam Szuster [Review]
Google Scholar (Drexel Proxy) - No Patents
(drexel.edu) by foo [Review]
Google Scholar (Flinders Proxy)
(flinders.edu.au) by DomeSteve [Review]
Google Scholar (HAM-TMC Proxy)
(library.tmc.edu) by lcdrcjnes [Review]
Google Scholar (INIST Proxy)
(inist.fr) by DDD [Review]
Google Scholar (JHU Proxy)
(proxy.library.jhu.edu) by James [Review]
Google Scholar (language by browser locale)
(scholar.google.com) by apostenet2 [Review]
Google Scholar (Maastricht Proxy)
(ezproxy.ub.unimaas.nl) by MagiX [Review]
Google Scholar (Monash Proxy)
(ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
Google Scholar (MU Proxy)
(proxy.mul.missouri.edu) by adelaide [Review]
Google Scholar (No Patents)
(scholar.google.com) by Jeff Krol [Review]
Google Scholar (Otago Proxy)
(otago.ac.nz) by Simon [Review]
Google Scholar (Penn Proxy)
(proxy.library.upenn.edu) by Samuel Eads [Review]
Google Scholar (Sydney Proxy)
(usyd.edu.au) by Peter Edwards [Review]
Google Scholar (UArizona)
(libguides.library.arizona.edu) by Lei Cheng [Review]
Google Scholar (UC Santa Cruz Proxy)
(oca.ucsc.edu) by Sue Perry [Review]
Google Scholar (UCF Proxy)
(ezproxy.net.ucf.edu) by Keith Brawner [Review]
Google Scholar (UGA / GALIB Proxy)
(galib.uga.edu) by Ananta Palani [Review]
Google Scholar (UIUC)
(library.uiuc.edu) by Abdullah Akce [Review]
Google Scholar (Uni SA Proxy)
(library.unisa.edu.au) by Adam Szuster [Review]
Google Scholar (University of Canterbury Proxy)
(scholar-google-co-nz.ezproxy.canterbury.) by Simon [Review]
Google Scholar (UW-Madison Proxy)
(library.wisc.edu) by James Lehman [Review]
Google Scholar (Vassar Proxy)
(libproxy.vassar.edu) by Toby Fox [Review]
Google Scholar (Zahnow Proxy)
(library.svsu.edu) by Scott Mellendorf [Review]
Google Scholar Argentina
(scholar.google.com.ar) by Adrian_Leguiza [Review]
Google Scholar AT
(scholar.google.at) by Rafael Ubl [Review]
Google Scholar AU
(scholar.google.com.au) by John Reid [Review]
Google Scholar Authors
(scholar.google.com) by Gerard Ridgway [Review]
Google Scholar BR
(scholar.google.com.br) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Google Scholar CA
(scholar.google.ca) by Cliff Dugal [Review]
Google Scholar ca(talan)
(scholar.google.cat) by vtorra [Review]
Google Scholar CN
(scholar.google.com) by Rousant [Review]
Google Scholar DE
(scholar.google.de) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Google Scholar en
(scholar.google.com) by valralf [Review]
Google Scholar PT
(scholar.google.pt) by Miguel Machado [Review]
Google Scholar UK
(scholar.google.co.uk) by Peter Berry [Review]
Google Scholar US
(scholar.google.com) by valralf [Review]
Goshen College Catalog Search
(hickory.palni.edu) by Fritz Hartman [Review]
Goshen College Library Catalog
(goshen.on.worldcat.org) by Eric Bradley [Review]
Goshen College Library Search
(palniprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Fritz Hartman [Review]
Greater Victoria Public Library
(catalogue.gvpl.ca) by Gx7 [Review]
Greater Victoria Public Library - Author Search
(catalogue.gvpl.ca) by Murray Love [Review]
Greater Victoria Public Library - Keyword Search
(catalogue.gvpl.ca) by Murray Love [Review]
Greater Victoria Public Library - Subject Search
(catalogue.gvpl.ca) by Murray Love [Review]
Greater Victoria Public Library - Title Search
(catalogue.gvpl.ca) by Murray Love [Review]
GWU Gelman Lib Surveyor
(surveyor.gelman.gwu.edu) by Alex Xiong [Review]
Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen - Name
(buecherhallen.de) by Anon [Review]
Harrow Libraries
(harrow.gov.uk) by Padraic [Review]
Harvard University Hollis Catalog
(lms01.harvard.edu) by William Fleming [Review]
Harvard University Libraries
(lms01.harvard.edu) by Gaston Llanes [Review]
Hawaii Voyager
(uhlibs.lib.hawaii.edu) by Tara Severns [Review]
HCPL Catalog
( by Henderson Co Library [Review]
Healey eJournals
(find.flo.org) by Jeremy Seiferth [Review]
(google.com) by Aharon Don [Review]
Heidelberg Stadtbibliothek Katalog Stichwort
(ww3.heidelberg.de) by heidelberg_stadtbibl [Review]
(helmet.fi) by Anon [Review]
Hendersonville Overdrive Digital Library
(ncdigital.overdrive.com) by Anon [Review]
Hennef Stadtbibliothek Katalog (Koha)
(sb-hennef.lmscloud.net) by Anon [Review]
Hennepin County Digital Library
(econtent.hclib.org) by Anon [Review]
Hennepin County Library
(catalog.hclib.org) by Brian Fewell [Review]
Hennepin County Library - Music
(catalog.hclib.org) by Brian Fewell [Review]
Hillingdon Libraries Catalogue
(librarycatalogue.hillingdongrid.org) by Andronikos Panayiotou [Review]
HKU Library Catalog
(encore.hku.hk) by Mart van de Ven [Review]
(bib.hm.edu) by Petra Hell [Review]
Hochschulbibliothek Darmstadt
(pica1l.lhb.tu-darmstadt.de) by murmelchen [Review]
Hocken Ketu
(otago.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Anon [Review]
Hocken Keyword Search
(otago2.lconz.ac.nz) by Peter Sime [Review]
Hocken Search Ketu
(otago.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Anon [Review]
Hollis - Harvard Library
(library.harvard.edu) by Anon [Review]
Homer Library Catalog
(search.prairiecat.info) by Brian Smith [Review]
Houston Public Library - Keyword Search
(catalog.houstonlibrary.org) by Victor Quijano [Review]
Howard County Library
(hclibrary.org) by John Syers [Review]
HS-Schmalkalden Bibliothek
(katalog.bibliothek.tu-ilmenau.de) by Chris [Review]
(bibwpac.reutlingen-university.de) by Hochschulbibliothek Reutlingen [Review]
HSU Bibliothek Hamburg (OPAC)
(hsu-bibliothek.de) by LMG [Review]
(ub.hsu-hh.de) by Ulrich Hahn [Review]
(ub.hsu-hh.de) by Ulrich Hahn [Review]
(alephino.fh-salzburg.ac.at) by benju [Review]
Hudson Library and Historical Society
(hudsonlibrary.bibliocommons.com) by dukduk [Review]
HuKB Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (elektronische Medien)
(bib-sisis.bib.hochschule-bonn-rhein-sieg) by M. Kloes [Review]
HuKB Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Person)
(bib-sisis.bib.hochschule-bonn-rhein-sieg) by M. Kloes [Review]
HuKB Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Schlagwort)
(bib-sisis.bib.hochschule-bonn-rhein-sieg) by M. Kloes [Review]
HuKB Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Signatur)
(bib-sisis.bib.hochschule-bonn-rhein-sieg) by M. Kloes [Review]
HUL OneSearch
(ezproxy.hofstra.edu) by Dawn Romano [Review]
Hunter Library
(p83-apps.appl.cuny.edu.proxy.wexler.hunt) by Alex Farrill [Review]
(i-share.carli.illinois.edu) by Benjamin Walstrum [Review]
I-Share Vufind
(vufind.carli.illinois.edu) by David Levinson [Review]
IBS • Internet Bookshoop Italia
(ibs.it) by qix [Review]
ICSD - from ETH (by Elements)
(sixray.ethz.ch) by Manuel A. Pouchon [Review]
(iisg.nl) by joris [Review]
IMPA - Pergamum
(biblioteca.impa.br) by Danaq [Review]
Imperial Library of Trantor
(xfmro77i3lixucja.onion) by Anon [Review]
(de.inforapid.org) by AnTerNoZ [Review]
InfoRapid.org EN
(en.inforapid.org) by AnTerNoZ [Review]
(infosoup.org) by Kyle Gast [Review]
Inland Library Network
(inland.librarycatalog.info) by Anon [Review]
(documentation.unicaen.fr) by Jocelyn [Review]
ishare (by google)
(ishare.iask.sina.com.cn) by Anon [Review]
Jacksonville Public Library Catalog Search
(jpl.coj.net) by Clinton Lowery [Review]
Jesuit Online Library
(jesuitonlinelibrary.bc.edu) by Pedro PSI [Review]
(aries.jmrl.org) by Jeff Lavezzo [Review]
Johnson County Library
(jocolibrary.bibliocommons.com) by Dave LaCrone [Review]
JRAHS Library
(web1.jamesruse-h.schools.nsw.edu.au) by ruseID [Review]
(jubil.upmc.fr) by Etienne Cavalié [Review]
(jumblesolver.com) by Anon [Review]
(romaji.org) by Sternenfaenger77 [Review]
Kansas City Public Library
(catalog.kclibrary.org) by Dave [Review]
Kansas City Public Library
(kclibrary.bibliocommons.com) by Dave LaCrone [Review]
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
(kvk.bibliothek.kit.edu) by Anon [Review]
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
(kvk.bibliothek.kit.edu) by Anon [Review]
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog - Deutschland
(ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de) by Kerstin Weinl [Review]
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog - Deutschland plus
(ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de) by Johannes Gutenberg [Review]
Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog - Deutschland/Weltweit
(ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de) by Andreas Baumgartner [Review]
Katalog FH Duesseldorf
(bibl.fh-duesseldorf.de) by Jost Dreyer [Review]
Katalog SuU Bremen
(opac.suub.uni-bremen.de) by mpohlig [Review]
KCLS (King County Library System)
(kcls.org) by Anon [Review]
Keene Public Library (Subject)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
Keene-Link (Author)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
Keene-Link (Keyword)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
Keene-Link (Subject)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
Keene-Link (Title)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
(primo.bibliothek.kit.edu) by Jan Henning [Review]
KIT-Bibliothek Classic
(primo.bibliothek.kit.edu) by Jan Henning [Review]
KIT-Bibliothek Plus
(primo.bibliothek.kit.edu) by Jan Henning [Review]
Kitchener Public Library - Author
(books.kpl.org) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
Kitchener Public Library - CDs and Cassettes
(books.kpl.org) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
Kitchener Public Library - Keyword
(books.kpl.org) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
Kitchener Public Library - Title
(books.kpl.org) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
(kmdb.or.kr) by Anon [Review]
(digibib.kobv.de) by Stefan Lohrum [Review]
(portal.kobv.de) by Axel [Review]
(portal.kobv.de) by Axel [Review]
Koha - Bm Caluire
(bm-pro.ville-caluire.fr) by Deflache Sylvain [Review]
Koha Base Library
(koha.base-library.nhs.uk) by Emma Perks [Review]
Koha demo
(demo.biblibre.com) by Gladys Cathelain [Review]
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
(kb.nl) by joris [Review]
KSC Library (Author)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
KSC Library (Keyword)
(ksclib.keene.edu) by henry [Review]
(opac.tib.uni-hannover.de) by Anon [Review]
LA Public Library (by keyword)
(lapl.org) by Anon [Review]
Lafayette Library Catalog
(libcat.lafayette.edu) by Bob Duncan [Review]
LandesBib Karlsruhe
(blb.ibs-bw.de) by Jan Henning [Review]
LandesBib Karlsruhe
(rds-blb.ibs-bw.de) by Jan Henning [Review]
Langara Library Author
(twist.langara.bc.ca) by Langara College Library [Review]
Langara Library Journal Title
(twist.langara.bc.ca) by Langara College Library [Review]
Langara Library Keyword
(twist.langara.bc.ca) by Langara College Library [Review]
Langara Library Title
(twist.langara.bc.ca) by Langara College Library [Review]
Lansing Library (Keyword)
(lanspl.ent.sirsi.net) by Kelli Staley [Review]
LAPL Catalog: Author Search
(lapl.org) by Matthew Mattson [Review]
LAPL Catalog: Keyword Search
(lapl.org) by Matthew Mattson [Review]
LAPL Catalog: Title Search
(lapl.org) by Matthew Mattson [Review]
LCCC Library Catalog
(wyld.state.wy.us) by Ludden Library [Review]
Le Moyne College Library
(library.lemoyne.edu) by Anon [Review]
Leeds Uni Library Author
(lib.leeds.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Leeds Uni Library Keyword
(lib.leeds.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Leeds Uni Library Title
(lib.leeds.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Lego Instructions
(lego.com) by Boomer [Review]
Leipziger Städtische Bibliotheken
(webopac.stadtbibliothek-leipzig.de) by Bjoern Roehricht [Review]
Lib La Trobe
(lib.latrobe.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
libgen aggregator
(libgen.me) by Anon [Review]
(libgen.fun) by LibGen [Review]
(libgen.gs) by Anon [Review]
LibGen.io Comics
(libgen.io) by Anon [Review]
LibGen.io Fiction
(libgen.io) by Anon [Review]
(libgen.is) by Greek God [Review]
LibGen.is Fiction
(libgen.is) by Anon [Review]
LibGen.is Scientific articles
(libgen.is) by Anon [Review]
Libgen.lc (Fiction & Non-Fiction)
(libgen.lc) by Anon [Review]
(libgen.rs) by Anon [Review]
(libgen.rs) by Anon [Review]
(libgen.rs) by LibGen [Review]
LibGen.rs Scientific articles
(libgen.rs) by Anon [Review]
LibGuides @ BC
(libguides.bc.edu) by kliss [Review]
LibGuides at DePauw
(libguides.depauw.edu) by Tiffany Hebb [Review]
LibGuides at GW
(libguides.gwu.edu) by Elizabeth Edwards [Review]
LibGuides Community Site
(community.libguides.com) by Springshare [Review]
Librairie Eyrolles
(eyrolles.com) by Anon [Review]
Librarian Reference
(google.com) by Deb Morrissey [Review]
librarieshawaii.org author search
(ipac.librarieshawaii.org) by Jeff Orig [Review]
librarieshawaii.org title search
(ipac.librarieshawaii.org) by Jeff Orig [Review]
library - San Antonio Public, catalog keyword
(sapl.sat.lib.tx.us) by Miguel Garza [Review]
library - San Antonio Public, catalog keyword
(mysapl.bibliocommons.com) by Miguel Garza [Review]
library - San Antonio Public, catalog keyword
(mysapl.bibliocommons.com) by Miguel Garza [Review]
Library Catalogue University of Hohenheim
(pollux.bsz-bw.de) by Andreas Reiser [Review]
Library Genesis
(gen.lib.rus.ec) by Anon [Review]
Library Genesis
(libgen.li) by reykaf [Review]
Library Genesis
(libgen.li) by reykaf [Review]
Library Genesis (.lc)
(libgen.lc) by Anon [Review]
Library Genesis • Fiction
(libgen.is) by Anon [Review]
Library Genesis: Comics
(gen.lib.rus.ec) by Anon [Review]
Library Genesis: Fiction
(gen.lib.rus.ec) by Anon [Review]
Library Genesis: Fiction [grouped]
(gen.lib.rus.ec) by Anon [Review]
Library Genesis: Scientific Articles
(gen.lib.rus.ec) by Anon [Review]
Library of Congress
(loc.gov) by Aquifex [Review]
Library of Congress - Author
(catalog.loc.gov) by R. D. Wood [Review]
Library of Congress - Subject
(catalog.loc.gov) by TRH [Review]
Library of Congress - Title
(catalog.loc.gov) by Michael Kleckner [Review]
Library of Congress Authorities - Name
(authorities.loc.gov) by Ben [Review]
Library of Congress Authorities - Title
(authorities.loc.gov) by Ben [Review]
Library of Congress Ethnographic Thesaurus
(id.loc.gov) by Anon [Review]
Library of Congress Subject Authority Headings
(authorities.loc.gov) by Dave LaCrone [Review]
Library of Congress Subject Headings
(id.loc.gov) by archangel [Review]
Library of Congress Subject Headings (fixed 2019)
(id.loc.gov) by Anon [Review]
Library of HUST
(ftp.lib.hust.edu.cn) by Ron.Yin [Review]
Library System of Lancaster County
(catalog.lancasterlibraries.org) by Ian Shannon [Review]
(libribooks.com) by Alessandro Cioni [Review]
Linas Any Keyword Search
(ipac.lincc.lib.or.us) by Russell Neville [Review]
LINAS Author Search
(ipac.lincc.lib.or.us) by Russell Neville [Review]
LINAS Search
(ipac.lincc.lib.or.us) by Russell Neville [Review]
LINCC Catalog
(lincc.org) by Megan Banasek [Review]
LINK+ Catalog
(csul.iii.com) by Ronald Kwan [Review]
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
(llgc.org.uk) by Paul Bevan [Review]
LOIS Keyword
(lois.losrios.edu) by Anon [Review]
LOLA Keyword Search
(lola.law.upenn.edu) by Samuel Eads [Review]
(lookforbook.com) by Manuel Reinhard [Review]
LOPL Catalog Search
(webcat.liveoakpl.org) by Karen [Review]
(lovisa.lub.lu.se) by Ingemar Berg [Review]
Macaulay Library
(macaulaylibrary.org) by Brian Maltzan [Review]
(malmo.stadsbibliotek.org) by Ingemar Berg [Review]
Malmö högskolas bibliotekskatalog
(vega.bit.mah.se) by Ingemar Berg [Review]
Mansfield Library
(catalog.mrcpl.org) by Glenn Welker [Review]
MARINet Catalog - Keyword
(catalog.marinet.lib.ca.us) by John Navas [Review]
Markham Public Library
(markham.bibliocommons.com) by Hania A. [Review]
MARQCAT search
(libus.csd.mu.edu) by Lynn Whittenberger [Review]
Massachusetts Library Directory
(mblc.state.ma.us) by Paul J. Kissman [Review]
MCLINC search
(spica.mclinc.org) by aneesh bhoopathy [Review]
MCLINC: Abington
(spica.mclinc.org) by mccaviston [Review]
Médiathèque André Malraux
( by Christian Vaysse [Review]
Mediatheque d'Epernay
( by Beylier A. [Review]
Médiathèque de Dole
(dole.org) by Michaël Reichhard [Review]
Médiathèque de la Cité de la Musique, Paris
(mediatheque.cite-musique.fr) by Cité de la Musique [Review]
Médiathèque de Meudon
(media.mairie-meudon.fr) by Michaël Reichhard [Review]
Médiathèque de Montgeron
(mediatheque.montgeron.fr) by Moricet Fabien [Review]
Médiathèques de Massy
(mediatheque.ville-massy.fr) by Michaël Reichhard [Review]
Mediatheques du Pays de Romans
(mediatheques.pays-romans.org) by Gregory Watremez [Review]
(mediatum2.ub.tum.de) by Kerstin Weinl [Review]
(search.medscape.com) by Anon [Review]
(medvik.cz) by Filip Kriz [Review]
(elibrary.mel.org) by Eric Bradley [Review]
MeLCat - author
(elibrary.mel.org) by Sara Memmott [Review]
MeLCat - keyword
(elibrary.mel.org) by Sara Memmott [Review]
MeLCat - title
(elibrary.mel.org) by Sara Memmott [Review]
Melvyl - Subject
(melvyl.cdlib.org) by benjamin morgan [Review]
Melvyl - Title
(melvyl.cdlib.org) by benjamin morgan [Review]
Melvyl - UCD
(ucdavis.worldcat.org) by Gregory Burns [Review]
MetaLib Computer Science
(library.tudelft.nl) by Mathijs de Weerdt [Review]
(aib.it) by gbonanome [Review]
Metro Boston Library Network
(catalog.mbln.org) by Kitty Zaccari [Review]
METU Library - Keyword
(library.metu.edu.tr) by Harun Kaygan [Review]
Mid-Hudson Library System
(gigcat.midhudson.org) by Jeff Bonhag [Review]
milpitas library
( by x [Review]
milpitas library any word
( by x [Review]
milpitas library audio cd's
( by x [Review]
Ministry Library Search
(library.for.gov.bc.ca) by Lauralee Gilmour [Review]
Minuteman Library Network
(library.minlib.net) by Kitty Zaccari [Review]
Minuteman Library Network-ISBN/ISSN
(library.minlib.net) by prettydaisies [Review]
Mississauga Library Catalogue
(mississauga.bibliocommons.com) by BrotherAhmed [Review]
MIT Vera
(vera.mit.edu) by John Hawkinson [Review]
MOBIUS keyword
(mobius.missouri.edu) by Zak Watson [Review]
MU Libraries - ISBN
(beta.lib.muohio.edu) by byoose [Review]
MU Libraries - Keyword
(beta.lib.muohio.edu) by byoose [Review]
MU Libraries - Title
(beta.lib.muohio.edu) by byoose [Review]
(narcis.info) by digicmb [Review]
NasjonalBiblioteket i Norge
(nb.no) by tumler [Review]
Nat Art Library, London - author/subject
(catalogue.nal.vam.ac.uk) by R. D. Wood [Review]
Nat Art Library, London - titles
(catalogue.nal.vam.ac.uk) by R. D.Wood [Review]
National Library of Wales
(llgc.org.uk) by Paul Bevan [Review]
National Library of Wales Catalogue
(cat.llgc.org.uk) by Paul Bevan [Review]
Naver 모바일 영어사전
(m.endic.naver.com) by 이성준 [Review]
(nclive.org) by Josh Wilson [Review]
(nclive.org) by Josh Wilson [Review]
NCBI - PubMed (Monash Proxy)
(ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
NCBI - PubMed (TMC access)
(ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) by Lee [Review]
NCBI - PubMed (UIUC Proxy)
(proxy2.library.uiuc.edu) by Leslie Klis McNeil [Review]
NEBIS Rechercheportal
(recherche-portal.ch) by Anon [Review]
NetLibrary (Groningen Proxy)
(proxy-ub.rug.nl) by Digicmb [Review]
NetLibrary (Monash Proxy)
(netlibrary.com.ezproxy.lib.monash.edu.au) by Huy Ha [Review]
Next Generation Melvyl - UCSD
(ucsd.worldcat.org) by Teri Vogel [Review]
NIC Libraries Catalog Keyword Search
(niclibraries.org) by Brian Smith [Review]
NIWAP Web Library
(niwaplibrary.wcl.american.edu) by Levi Wolberg [Review]
NLNZ Catalogue
(nlnzcat.natlib.govt.nz) by Peter Sime [Review]
NLNZ Catalogue BIBID
(nlnzcat.natlib.govt.nz) by Amy Joseph [Review]
NLNZ Catalogue BIBID - Export
(nlnzcat.natlib.govt.nz) by Amy Joseph [Review]
NLNZ National Bibliographic Database
(nbd.natlib.govt.nz) by Peter Sime [Review]
NLNZ National Digital Heritage Archive ID
(ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz) by Peter Sime [Review]
(ndhadeliver.natlib.govt.nz) by Amy Joseph [Review]
NOBLE Catalog
(evergreen.noblenet.org) by Elizabeth B. Thomsen [Review]
Northern Lights Library System
(nlls.ab.ca) by C Groggertt [Review]
Null Mayu
( by nno [Review]
NYPL - Encore
(catalog.nypl.org) by James Crowley [Review]
NYPL Catalog
(catalog.nypl.org) by Jason Wang [Review]
NYU Libraries - BobCat
(library.nyu.edu) by Soon Van [Review]
(oaister.worldcat.org) by Eric Bradley [Review]
OBA Catalogus
(oba.nl) by joris [Review]
ÖBV Katalog
(meteor.bibvb.ac.at) by yngwi [Review]
OCAD Dorothy H. Hoover Library
(ocad.ca) by Hania A. [Review]
Ocean State Libraries Catalog
(encore.oslri.net) by Anon [Review]
OCLN Library Catalog
(ocln.lorg) by Dave Slater [Review]
OneSearch Article
(primo-direct-apac.hosted.exlibrisgroup.c) by krytoned [Review]
OneSearch Journals
(primo-direct-apac.hosted.exlibrisgroup.c) by krytoned [Review]
Online-Katalog der TUM
(opac.ub.tum.de) by Kerstin Weinl [Review]
OPAC - UniPV.it
(opac.unipv.it) by Francesco Marchesi [Review]
(aleph.gr.ch) by Sven Koesling [Review]
OPAC FB Neuphil Tuebingen
(swb2.bsz-bw.de) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
OPAC Klinikbibliothek Schnarrenberg Tuebingen
(swb2.bsz-bw.de) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
OPAC Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga
(opac.uin-suka.ac.id) by Insan Kamil [Review]
(opac.sbn.it) by gbonanome [Review]
(opac.sbn.it) by Horif [Review]
(opac.sbn.it) by Anon [Review]
(jenopc4.thulb.uni-jena.de) by Martin Sebastian Panzer [Review]
OPAC UB Hohenheim
(pollux.bsz-bw.de) by Otto der Wurm [Review]
OPAC UB Innsbruck
(aleph.uibk.ac.at) by haascht [Review]
OPAC UB Klagenfurt
(opac.uni-klu.ac.at) by Christoph Wurzer [Review]
OPAC UB Stuttgart
(pollux.bsz-bw.de) by Walid Mehanna [Review]
OPAC UB Tuebingen
(swb2.bsz-bw.de) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
OPAC Uni Kassel
(opac.bibliothek.uni-kassel.de) by Andreas Janson [Review]
(opac.bib.uniurb.it) by Vincenzo Russo [Review]
Open Library - Search Inside
(openlibrary.org) by Joan Francés Blanc [Review]
Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Library
(library.openpolytechnic.ac.nz) by Philip Clarke [Review]
Orange County Public Library (NC)
(library.orangecountync.gov) by David White [Review]
Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Library
(catalogs.ohsu.edu) by Laura Zeigen [Review]
Orem Library
(catalog.oremlibrary.org) by Steve Mott [Review]
Ottawa Public Library
(ottawa.bibliocommons.com) by dave0 [Review]
OU Library
(library.oglethorpe.edu) by Anon [Review]
Oulun Kaupunginkirjasto - ISBN-haku
(oukasrv6.ouka.fi) by lahtis [Review]
Oulun Kaupunginkirjasto - Teoshaku
(oukasrv6.ouka.fi) by lahtis [Review]
OUTI-kirjastot aineistohaku
(koha.outikirjastot.fi) by Anon [Review]
Oxford Journals Online (Kennesaw Proxy)
(proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
Palo Alto City Library
(library.cityofpaloalto.org) by Joshua Newman [Review]
Palos Verdes Library District Search
(search.pvld.org) by calierik [Review]
(pat2pdf.org) by Jonathan Gevaryahu [Review]
PDF eBook Searches
(findpdf.us) by findpdf [Review]
(pdfone.com) by pdfone [Review]
Phoenix Public Library
(phoenixpubliclibrary.org) by Leigh [Review]
(picarta.pica.nl) by Mathijs de Weerdt [Review]
Pickaway - Author
(ipac.clcohio.org) by M Wolfe [Review]
Plano Library
(plano.overdrive.com) by Anon [Review]
Plugin Pavillon Blanc
(pavillonblanc-colomiers.fr) by Pavillon Blanc [Review]
(opac.postech.ac.kr) by Hyuk-Joong Lee [Review]
Potsdam UB
(opac.ub.uni-potsdam.de) by MiG000 [Review]
(ppld.org) by Lessonz [Review]
PrairieCat Library Catalog
( by Brian Smith [Review]
Princeton University Library - Main Catalog
(catalog.princeton.edu) by ? [Review]
Princeton University Library Catalog by Author
(catalog.princeton.edu) by David [Review]
Project Muse (Eastern Michigan University Proxy)
(muse.jhu.edu) by John L. Knight [Review]
Project Muse (Kennesaw Proxy)
(proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
(propylaeum.de) by Katja Zinchenko [Review]
Prospector Catalog
(prospector.coalliance.org) by Matthew Hamilton [Review]
Provincial library of Hubei , China
(hbtinterlib.library.hb.cn) by caowm2001 [Review]
Provo Library
(pac.provo.lib.ut.us) by Steve Mott [Review]
PSU CAT Title Search
(cat.libraries.psu.edu) by Joshua Wilkins [Review]
PSU Library - A/V
(stage.library.pdx.edu) by Vic [Review]
PSU Library - A/V (Exact Phrase)
(stage.library.pdx.edu) by Vic [Review]
PSU Library - Books
(library.pdx.edu) by Jake [Review]
PSU Library - Books (Exact Phrase)
(stage.library.pdx.edu) by Vic [Review]
PSU Library Catalog Search
(vikat.pdx.edu) by PSU Library Technologies [Review]
Puget Sound WorldCat Catalog
(pugetsound.worldcat.org) by Anon [Review]
Putnam County (IN) Public Library Catalog
(catalog.putnam.lib.in.us) by Tiffany hebb [Review]
Queens Library
(queenslibrary.org) by Jason Wang [Review]
RAL colour
(ralkleuren.com) by wouter [Review]
(dynix.rch.unimelb.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
(realmagick.com) by Jason Cruz [Review]
(rechercheisidore.fr) by Pierre-Amiel Giraud [Review]
REGARDS (via le moteur interne)
(regards.in2p3.fr) by Pierre-Amiel Giraud [Review]
Regensburger Katalog (Uni)
(regensburger-katalog.de) by Christa Kastenmeier [Review]
Regensburger Katalog plus (Uni)
(regensburger-katalog.de) by Christa Kastenmeier [Review]
Regina Public Library
(reginalibrary.ca) by Kevin Stranack [Review]
Réseau des médiathèques de la CAPE
(bibliocape27.fr) by Moricet Fabien [Review]
(rex.kb.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Rhein Sieg Onleihe
(onleihe.de) by Anon [Review]
Richardson Library
(richardson.overdrive.com) by Anon [Review]
Rijksmuseum Research Library
(library.rijksmuseum.nl) by Jama Poulsen [Review]
Rijksmuseum Research Library (NL)
(library.rijksmuseum.nl) by Jama Poulsen [Review]
RMIT University Library
(rmit.edu.au) by Mark Nuccio [Review]
(encore.sasklibraries.ca) by Anon [Review]
(0-online.sagepub.com.eaglelink.cornersto) by Eric Bradley [Review]
SAGE Journals Online (Kennesaw Proxy)
(proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
Salt Lake City Public Library System
(slcpl.org) by DimeSpin [Review]
San Bernardino County Library
(sbcounty.gov) by Anon [Review]
San Diego Public Library
(sandiego.gov) by Neal Burns [Review]
San Francisco Public LIbrary
(sfpl.bibliocommons.com) by Jacob [Review]
San Francisco Public Library Search
(sfpl.lib.ca.us) by john holler [Review]
Santa Clara County Library
(sccl.bibliocommons.com) by maven [Review]
Santa Clara County Library (Old)
(sccl.bibliocommons.com) by maven [Review]
SAPHIR database
(saphirdoc.ch) by Pablo Iriarte [Review]
SBB StaBiKat
(staatsbibliothek-berlin.de) by Mycroft Project [Review]
SCD Lille 3
(hip.scd.univ-lille3.fr) by regrob [Review]
(libgen.rs) by LibGen [Review]
SDPL Search
(sddp.sirsi.net) by Ashu Razdan [Review]
Search Canisius Library
(www2.canisius.edu) by Beth Bradley [Review]
Search TRLN
(search.trln.org) by Josh Wilson [Review]
Search UTT Libraries
( by amicchelli [Review]
(search-pdf-books.com) by Gökhan Çokşen [Review]
Seattle Public Library - Title
(seattle.bibliocommons.com) by Jim Loter [Review]
Seattle Public Library Safari Books Online
(ezproxy.spl.org) by Les Chaps [Review]
SeekLogo - By Downloads Ascending
(seeklogo.com) by el_carlos [Review]
SeekLogo - By Downloads Descending
(seeklogo.com) by el_carlos [Review]
SeekLogo - By Name
(seeklogo.com) by el_carlos [Review]
SeekLogo - By Name Descending
(seeklogo.com) by el_carlos [Review]
SeekLogo - By Rate Ascending
(seeklogo.com) by el_carlos [Review]
SeekLogo - By Rate Descending
(seeklogo.com) by el_carlos [Review]
Senate House Libraries author
(catalogue.ulrls.lon.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Senate House Libraries keyword
(encore.ulrls.lon.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
Senate House Libraries title
(catalogue.ulrls.lon.ac.uk) by Andrew Preater [Review]
SF Public Library - Encore
(encore.sfpl.org) by Dana Sniezko [Review]
SF Public Library - ISBN
(sflib1.sfpl.org) by SFRW [Review]
SF Public Library - Title
(sfpl.org) by Rebecca Johnson [Review]
Shepherdstown Public Library
(martsubhub.lib.wv.us) by Matthew Bachtell [Review]
SIBUC (Título)
( by Federico Arias Recabarren [Review]
SIM Library
(primo-direct-apac.hosted.exlibrisgroup.c) by krytoned [Review]
SIM OneSearch
(primo-direct-apac.hosted.exlibrisgroup.c) by krytoned [Review]
Slavistik-Portal Metasuche
(slavistik-portal.de) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
SLC Library Catalog: Keyword
(library.slc.edu) by Eli Jacobowitz [Review]
SLC Library Catalog: Title
(library.slc.edu) by Eli Jacobowitz [Review]
Smiley Library (audiobook)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (author)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (award)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (Dewey)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (ISBN/ISSN)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (keyword)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (series)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (subject)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (title)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Smiley Library (video/DVD)
(akspl.org) by henry [Review]
Sno-Isle Libraries
(catalog.sno-isle.org) by Sandy Beach [Review]
Sno-Isle Library
(sno-isle.org) by Bruce Caruthers [Review]
Sno-Isle Library - Author
(sno-isle.org) by Bruce Caruthers [Review]
Sno-Isle Library - Title
(sno-isle.org) by Bruce Caruthers [Review]
SOAS Library (Keywords)
(lib.soas.ac.uk) by Rain Horse [Review]
Sojourner Truth Library
(new.sunyconnect.suny.edu) by Jeff Bonhag [Review]
(solo.ouls.ox.ac.uk) by Stuart [Review]
SOLO journals
(solo.ouls.ox.ac.uk) by Holt [Review]
(solutionmotsfleches.fr) by Anon [Review]
SonomaLibrary - author
(catalog.sonomalibrary.org) by Genny Engel [Review]
SonomaLibrary - keyword
(catalog.sonomalibrary.org) by Genny Engel [Review]
SonomaLibrary - title
(catalog.sonomalibrary.org) by Genny Engel [Review]
Sophia Antipolis
(mediatheque-casa.fr) by Michaël Reichhard [Review]
South Dakota Library Network
(apollo.sdln.net) by Lennie [Review]
SPPL Search
(aquabrowser.sppl.org) by Nitebirdz [Review]
St Helens Overdrive Digital Library
(sthelens.overdrive.com) by Anon [Review]
St. Albert Public Library
(stalbert.bibliocommons.com) by Princesstefer [Review]
(stabi-hb.de) by metaphil [Review]
StadtBib Karlsruhe
(opac.karlsruhe.de) by Jan Henning [Review]
StadtBib Karlsruhe
(opac.karlsruhe.de) by Jan Henning [Review]
Stadtbibliothek Freiburg
(katalog.stadtbibliothek.freiburg.de) by Anon [Review]
Stadtbibliothek Köln
(katalog.stbib-koeln.de) by Anon [Review]
Stadtbibliothek Magdeburg
(auskunft.stadtbibliothek.magdeburg.de) by Dominik Kolmann [Review]
(statsbiblioteket.dk) by Kåre Fiedler Christiansen [Review]
StB Chemnitz
(opac.stadtbibliothek-chemnitz.de) by Holm Schwantner [Review]
StB Chemnitz
(opac2.stadtbibliothek-chemnitz.de) by Holm Schwantner [Review]
STIKOMP Library : Book Search
(library.stikom.edu) by Agung Prasetyo W. [Review]
Stockholms Stadsbibliotek
(biblioteket.stockholm.se) by Clunk [Review]
Stockholms Universitetsbibliotek
(cat.sub.su.se) by Anon [Review]
Strathcona County Library
(scl.bibliocommons.com) by Princesstefer [Review]
(stripinfo.be) by Anon [Review]
Sudoc - Auteur(s)
(sudoc.abes.fr) by Anon [Review]
Sudoc - ISBN10
(sudoc.abes.fr) by gaetan troger [Review]
Sudoc - RSS
(sudoc.abes.fr) by Lully [Review]
Sudoc - Titre d'ouvrage
(sudoc.abes.fr) by gaetan troger [Review]
Summit NJ Public Library Catalog
(catalog.summitlibrary.org) by Anon [Review]
SWAN Catalog
(swan.mls.lib.il.us) by Kelli Staley [Review]
SWB Online-Katalog
(swb.bsz-bw.de) by Jochen Kiene [Review]
SWB Verbundsuche
(swb.bsz-bw.de) by Anon [Review]
(swindon.gov.uk) by Simon Platt [Review]
(swissbib.ch) by Daniel Wrana [Review]
SWOSU Libraries Discovery Catalog Search
(swosu.on.worldcat.org) by Anon [Review]
SWOSU Libraries Search
(swosu.on.worldcat.org) by Anon [Review]
(wie-sagt-man-noch.de) by Anon [Review]
(statelibrary.tas.gov.au) by Sim Alam [Review]
TCNJ Library
(tcnj.edu) by Michelle [Review]
(thangs.com) by Greg Zapf [Review]
The Anarchist Library
(search.brave.com) by Anon [Review]
The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
(liinwww.ira.uka.de) by Pedro Brandao [Review]
(ns.editeur.org) by trailjeep [Review]
(innopac.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn) by QI [Review]
(timarit.is) by GylfiOlafsson [Review]
Tippecanoe County Library Catalog Search
(tcpl.lib.in.us) by ZJB [Review]
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
(toledolibrary.org) by Aaron Teitlebaum [Review]
Toronto (OH) Library
(seoipac.seo.lib.oh.us) by SerTyrion [Review]
Toronto Public Library
(torontopubliclibrary.ca) by Hania A. [Review]
Toronto Public Library
(torontopubliclibrary.ca) by Anon [Review]
Toronto Public Library - OverDrive
(toronto.overdrive.com) by Anon [Review]
Tracpac Online Search
(catalogue.tracpac.ab.ca) by Jeremy Smereka [Review]
Tresoar zoekpagina
(zoek.tresoar.nl) by Anon [Review]
(tricat.uni-trier.de) by Christoph Warmbold [Review]
Trine University Library Search
(palniprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com) by Lauren Magnuson [Review]
Trinity College Library Dublin
(stella.catalogue.tcd.ie) by Greg Sheaf [Review]
Trovaora Libri - ISBN
(trovaora.it) by GiorgioG [Review]
(trove.nla.gov.au) by Anon [Review]
TU Dortmund - Katalog
(ub.uni-dortmund.de) by Webteam UB Dortmund [Review]
TU/e Bibliotheek catalogus (NL)
(library.tue.nl) by Jasper Levink [Review]
Tyresö bibliotekskatalog
(tyreso.se) by Andreas Tandersten [Review]
UAL e-Library
(arts.deepwebaccess.com) by UAL Library [Review]
UArts Libraries Catalog
(catalog.library.uarts.edu) by Josh Roberts [Review]
UB Frankfurt
(suche.ub.uni-frankfurt.de) by Gavrilo Princip [Review]
UB Freiburg (Katalog plus)
(katalog.ub.uni-freiburg.de) by Felix Beck [Review]
UB Freiburg - Autor
(ub.uni-freiburg.de) by Christian Demler [Review]
UB Freiburg - Freitext
(ub.uni-freiburg.de) by Christian Demler [Review]
UB Freiburg - Katalog Plus
(rds-ui.ub.uni-freiburg.de) by Jochen Kiene [Review]
UB Freiburg - Titelworte
(ub.uni-freiburg.de) by Christian Demler [Review]
UB TU Chemnitz
(katalog.bibliothek.tu-chemnitz.de) by Anon [Review]
UB Uni Konstanz
(ub.uni-konstanz.de) by Christian Schirm [Review]
UB Uni Konstanz Ebooks
(ub.uni-konstanz.de) by Christian Schirm [Review]
UB Uni-Heidelberg Heidi-Suche
(katalog.ub.uni-heidelberg.de) by refes [Review]
(aleph.univie.ac.at) by yngwi [Review]
UB-Hildesheim ALL
(opac.lbs-hildesheim.gbv.de) by Ben Heuwing [Review]
UBVU Catalog
(cat.ubvu.vu.nl) by Alvise Trevisan [Review]
UBVU Catalogus
(cat.ubvu.vu.nl) by Alvise Trevisan [Review]
UC Libraries Catalog
(uclid.uc.edu) by Fred Annexstein [Review]
UC Library Catalogue (Keyword)
(ipac.canterbury.ac.nz) by Deborah Fitchett [Review]
UCF Library
(ucf.catalog.fcla.edu) by Steven Nichols [Review]
UChicago Library
(libcat.uchicago.edu) by Sravana Reddy [Review]
UFBA - Pergamum
(pergamum.bib.ufba.br) by Curupira [Review]
UGR - Encore (en)
(bencore.ugr.es) by Alberto Martin Martin [Review]
UGR - Encore (es)
(bencore.ugr.es) by Alberto Martin Martin [Review]
UIUC Library Easy Search
(library.uiuc.edu) by Zoe Chao [Review]
UL Newton bib
(ul-newton.lib.cam.ac.uk) by Anon [Review]
ULB Darmstadt
(ulb.tu-darmstadt.de) by leseratte [Review]
ULB Düsseldorf Katalog
(kant.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de) by Roland H. [Review]
ULB Halle: Online Katalog
(bibliothek.uni-halle.de) by Hallorenkugel [Review]
ULg Library
(primo.lib.ulg.ac.be) by Anon [Review]
Ultra Librarian
(ultralibrarian.com) by Anon [Review]
UM Library - By Author
(umaclib3.umac.mo) by sfcheung [Review]
UM Library - By ISBN
(umaclib3.umac.mo) by sfcheung [Review]
UM Library - By Title
(umaclib3.umac.mo) by sfcheung [Review]
UM Library - By Word or Phrase
(umaclib3.umac.mo) by sfcheung [Review]
UM Library Search by Author
(library.um.edu.mo) by Anon [Review]
UM Library Search by Journal Title
(library.um.edu.mo) by Anon [Review]
UM Library Search by Title
(umlibrary.primo.exlibrisgroup.com) by Anon [Review]
UMB Academic Search Premier
(ezproxy.lib.umb.edu) by Jeremy Seiferth [Review]
UMB WorldCat
(umassboston.worldcat.org) by Jeremy Seiferth [Review]
UMCS British Council Library in Lublin
(asp.britishcouncil.pl) by indiced [Review]
UNC Libraries
(lib.unc.edu) by Adam Rogers [Review]
UNC Libraries Catalog - The Source
(source.unco.edu) by Lisa Blankenship [Review]
Unicamp SBU
(dewey.unicamp.br) by bruno neyra (a.k.a. capi) [Review]
Unikatalog Karlsruhe
(ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de) by Uwe Dierolf [Review]
(opac.unimi.it) by fabio perotta [Review]
Univeristy of Iowa Library Search
(smartsearch.uiowa.edu) by Anon [Review]
Universität Basel UB
(aleph.unibas.ch) by Daniel Wrana [Review]
Universitätsbibliothek Magdeburg
(opac.uni-magdeburg.de) by Gerhard Gossen [Review]
University of Antwerp Library
(lib.ua.ac.be) by Jeroen Claes [Review]
University of Arizona Campus Repository
(arizona.openrepository.com) by Alexandra [Review]
University of Arizona Library - Author
(sabio.library.arizona.edu) by Alexandra [Review]
University of Arizona Library - Keyword
(sabio.library.arizona.edu) by Alexandra [Review]
University of Arizona Library - Title
(sabio.library.arizona.edu) by Alexandra [Review]
University of Louisville Libraries
(minerva.louisville.edu) by Dr. Furrfu [Review]
University of Melbourne Library
(lib.unimelb.edu.au) by Mark Nuccio [Review]
University of Michigan Catalog Search
(search.lib.umich.edu) by Ken Varnum [Review]
University of Notre Dame Law School Keyword
(innopac.law.nd.edu) by M-CLBK [Review]
University of Notre Dame Library Catalog
(library.nd.edu) by T. Prokrym [Review]
University of Otago Library
(otago.lconz.ac.nz) by Anton Jackson-Smith [Review]
University of Pennsylvania Libraries
(library.upenn.edu) by Michael Winkler [Review]
University of Richmond Library Catalog
(librarycat.richmond.edu) by Andy Morton [Review]
University of Sussex (online journals)
(sfx.lib.sussex.ac.uk) by Ben B [Review]
University of Texas Libraries Catalog
(catalog.lib.utexas.edu) by Matt Lisle [Review]
University of the Arts London (UAL) Library Catalogue
(voyager.arts.ac.uk) by UAL Library [Review]
University of Toronto Library myaccess
(content.library.utoronto.ca) by zhi [Review]
University of Washington Law Library
(marian.law.washington.edu) by David Rubenstein [Review]
University of Washington Libraries Off Campus
(lib.washington.edu) by Les Chaps [Review]
University Zurich Library Catalogue
(biblio.unizh.ch) by Anon [Review]
UNO Library Catalog Search
(catalog.lib.unomaha.edu) by Rene Erlandson [Review]
UNSW Library
(library.unsw.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
UNT Library Catalog: Keyword
(iii.library.unt.edu) by William Hicks [Review]
UNT Library Catalog: Title
(iii.library.unt.edu) by William Hicks [Review]
UoA Library Catalogue
(catalogue.auckland.ac.nz) by James Edwards [Review]
UoLeicester ebrary
(site.ebrary.com) by mindboom [Review]
Upplands Väsby Library
(opac.upplandsvasby.se) by Ola Paulsson [Review]
UPROC Libraries - Keyword
(ibistro.uproc.lib.mi.us) by BMac [Review]
UPROC Libraries - Title
(ibistro.uproc.lib.mi.us) by BMac [Review]
(library.uq.edu.au) by Simon Ives [Review]
USF Library Catalog
(lib.usf.edu) by James Spring [Review]
(opac.library.usyd.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
UTA Library (author)
(tamcat.linneanet.fi) by Alberto Martín Martín [Review]
UTA Library (e-journals)
(sfx.nelliportaali.fi) by Alberto Martín Martín [Review]
UTA Library (keyword)
(tamcat.linneanet.fi) by Alberto Martín Martín [Review]
UTA Library (title)
(tamcat.linneanet.fi) by Alberto Martín Martín [Review]
UTS Library
(find.lib.uts.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
Vancouver Public Library
(vpl.ca) by Aleksandar Djuric [Review]
Vancouver Public Library - Call No
(vpl.bibliocommons.com) by Anon [Review]
Vancouver Public Library - Title
(vpl.bibliocommons.com) by Anon [Review]
(vascoda.de) by vascoda Geschäftsstelle [Review]
Victoria University Library
(library.vu.edu.au) by Mark Nuccio [Review]
Waterloo Public Library - Author
(books.wpl.ca) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
Waterloo Public Library - CDs and Cassettes
(books.wpl.ca) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
Waterloo Public Library - Keyword
(books.wpl.ca) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
Waterloo Public Library - Title
(books.wpl.ca) by Ellen Kaye-Cheveldayoff [Review]
(library.metmuseum.org) by Oleg Kreymer [Review]
Watsonville Library Catalog
(ils.watsonvillelibrary.org) by Deborah Stephens [Review]
Way Public Library
(seoipac.seo.lib.oh.us) by VJ Jetley [Review]
(wccls.org) by Anon [Review]
Webcat Plus Japan
(webcatplus.nii.ac.jp) by William Fleming [Review]
(webnetlib.org) by Susan L. Benzer [Review]
Wells Branch Library Catalog Search
(wblibrary-catalog.go.dyndns.org) by Ananda Debnath [Review]
Westchester Library System
(easywls.org) by Jason [Review]
Westminster Library
(newlibrary.wts.edu) by Thomas Keene [Review]
Wheaton College Library
(library.ilcso.illinois.edu) by Benjamin Walstrum [Review]
Wienxtra Bibliotheken und Spielebox Onlinekatalog
(opac.wienxtra.at) by Hubert [Review]
Wikibooks (Deutsch) SSL
(de.wikibooks.org) by Speckmade [Review]
Wikibooks (English) SSL
(en.wikibooks.org) by Speckmade [Review]
Wikibækur (Íslenska) SSL
(is.wikibooks.org) by spacebirdy [Review]
Wikikönyvek (Magyar) SSL
(hu.wikibooks.org) by Speckmade [Review]
Wikilibros (Español) SSL
(es.wikibooks.org) by Speckmade [Review]
Wikilivres (français) SSL
(fr.wikibooks.org) by Speckmade [Review]
Wikilivros (Português) SSL
(pt.wikibooks.org) by Speckmade [Review]
Wiley InterScience (Kennesaw Proxy)
(proxy.kennesaw.edu) by jon hansen [Review]
(libraries.wiltshire.gov.uk) by Simon Platt [Review]
Winnipeg Public Library
(wpl.winnipeg.ca) by Orest Kinasevych [Review]
Wintec Library
(wintec.lconz.ac.nz) by Stephen Harlow [Review]
WLB Stuttgart
(swb.bsz-bw.de) by Leseratte [Review]
(search.worldcat.org) by Anon [Review]
WorldCat Catalog
(worldcat.org) by Eric Bradley [Review]
WorldCat Catalog: Books
(worldcat.org) by Anon [Review]
WorldCat ISBN
(worldcat.org) by Ben Sunshine-Hill [Review]
WU Wien Bibliothek
(aleph20-prod-wuw.obvsg.at) by wies [Review]
(x-mol.com) by Anon [Review]
(x-mol.com) by Junjie Fu [Review]
Xarxa Biblioteques Municipals (Barcelona)
(sinera.diba.cat) by Sergio Uceda [Review]
Xarxa Biblioteques Municipals (Hospitalet)
(sinera.diba.cat) by Sergio Uceda [Review]
(xisbn.worldcat.org) by Thomas Kees [Review]
( by Zheng Xiao [Review]
Yale Orbis
(orbis.library.yale.edu) by Anon [Review]
(youkioske.com) by Anon [Review]
Zahnow Library-Classic Catalog
(library.svsu.edu) by Scott Mellendorf [Review]
Zahnow Library-Encore
(encore.svsu.edu) by Scott Mellendorf [Review]
Zahnow Library-Journal Search
(atoz.ebsco.com) by Scott Mellendorf [Review]
(zdb-katalog.de) by Anon [Review]
Zeeuwse Bibliotheek
(zeeuwsebibliotheek.nl) by joris [Review]
(zdb-katalog.de) by Anon [Review]
ویکینسک (fa) SSL
(fa.wikibooks.org) by Eliad [Review]
(tamillexicon.com) by Sajeepan [Review]
நூலகம் தேடல்
(noolaham.net) by M.Mauran [Review]
(ftp.lib.hust.edu.cn) by Ron.Yin [Review]
(base1.nijl.ac.jp) by William Fleming [Review]
(base1.nijl.ac.jp) by William Fleming [Review]
(base1.nijl.ac.jp) by William Fleming [Review]
(lib.jnu.edu.cn) by Anon [Review]
(tosho.city.kashiwa.lg.jp) by Seigo Iguchi [Review]
(taolinks.cc) by zhtt [Review]
(xueshu.baidu.com) by 此刻出品 [Review]
(xueshu.baidu.com) by Ian [Review]
(xueshu.baidu.com) by S [Review]
(xueshu.baidu.com) by Umi [Review]
(baike.baidu.com) by Alex [Review]
(songshuhui.net) by Yin Wenyou [Review]
(scholar.google.com.hk) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(ss.zhizhen.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(opac.ndl.go.jp) by William Fleming [Review]
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