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- Computer
Qwant Lite English (lite.qwant.com) by Anon [Review]
Qwant Lite English/Dark/Unfiltered/Suggestions (lite.qwant.com) by Anon [Review]
+49 ENUM Lookup (enum-center.de) by <Developer> [Review]
1201 osTicket (osticket.1201.com) by Ed Hallman [Review]
12c DB Doc (docs.oracle.com) by Natalka Roshak [Review]
12c SQL Doc (docs.oracle.com) by Natalka Roshak [Review]
8bit klubben (8bitklubben.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Adobe.com (adobe.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Afro's Google Search (google.com) by AfroGuy [Review]
AfterDawn (fi) (fin.afterdawn.com) by blind_peer [Review]
AfterDawn Foorumit (keskustelu.afterdawn.com) by blind_peer [Review]
Amazonia (amazonia.bulletproof.net) by joshua [Review]
Amiga Information Center (amiga.org.ru) by aGGreSSor [Review]
AmigaImpact - News (amigaimpact.org) by slobman [Review]
Appannie (appannie.com) by Anon [Review]
AppBrain (appbrain.com) by vexingv [Review]
Apple (apple.com) by Patrick Robertson [Review]
Apple (Australia) (apple.com) by Anon [Review]
Apple Discussions (discussions.apple.com) by J.C. Counts [Review]
Arca Noae (arcanoae.com) by Lewis Rosenthal [Review]
ASUS Canada (asus.com.tw) by Stephen Edwards [Review]
asus.com (asus.com) by Joost [Review]
ASUS.com.tw (asus.com.tw) by Robert VASILE [Review]
Atlas TWiki (twiki.cern.ch) by Manuel Kayl [Review]
atlas_twiki (twiki.cern.ch) by Manuel Kayl [Review]
Baixaki (baixaki.com.br) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Bauer Power (bauer-power.net) by TheEpicChocobo [Review]
Bithomp Ripple Accounts Explorer (bithomp.com) by Anon [Review]
Blender-Manual (wiki.blender.org) by Anon [Review]
Block Cypher BTC Search (live.blockcypher.com) by Anon [Review]
Block Explorer (blockexplorer.com) by Anon [Review]
Blogsearch at acmor.de (acmor.de) by mk [Review]
Blogsuche auf acmor.de (acmor.de) by mk [Review]
BoerseBZ (boerse.bz) by Nerran [Review]
BOINC Synergy Member (boincsynergy.com) by Slavko [Review]
BOINC Synergy Team (boincsynergy.com) by Slavko [Review]
c't - Hotline & FAQ (heise.de) by Robert Fischer [Review]
c't Artikel-Recherche (heise.de) by Schdefoon [Review]
c't Softlink (heise.de) by Apu Nahasapimapetilan [Review]
CAST (w3-01.ibm.com) by Anon [Review]
CCM - Actualités (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Annuaire web (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Astuces (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Dossiers (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Forum (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Guide d'achat (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Notices (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CCM - Télécharger (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CebimdekiPC.com (cebimdekipc.com) by Tufan UNAL [Review]
Center for Digital Forvaltning (cedi.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Citrix Knowledge Center (citrix.com) by Mauro Sala [Review]
Clarifying and Explaining (pages.slc.edu) by Eli Jacobowitz [Review]
clker (clker.com) by thierry ducly [Review]
CNET (cnet.com) by Frank Costanzo [Review]
CNET Reviews (reviews.cnet.com) by Brandon [Review]
CNET.co.uk (cnet.co.uk) by Nate Misneach Lanxon [Review]
ColorHexa (colorhexa.com) by Nigel Rodriguez [Review]
com! Artikelsuche (com-magazin.de) by Stefan Kuhn [Review]
Comment Ça Marche (commentcamarche.net) by GuiGui [Review]
CPU World (cpu-world.com) by haggisbreath [Review]
cpubenchmark.net via google (google.com) by newquaker [Review]
CrackzPlanet.com (crackzplanet.com) by mashkook prudent [Review]
CTAN (ctan.org) by GydeonMylls [Review]
CVE Details (google.com) by norsec0de [Review]
CyanogenMod Wiki (wiki.cyanogenmod.org) by xyzzy [Review]
DaFONT.com (EN) (dafont.com) by KIWIreviews [Review]
DANSK IT (dansk-it.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
DataBG (search.data.bg) by dagoburd [Review]
dbot (dbot.ru) by dbot [Review]
ddgg (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
Dell Service Tag (dell.com) by Josh Bickford [Review]
Dell Service Tag (dell.com) by Drew Chapin [Review]
Deskthority Wiki (deskthority.net) by Anon [Review]
DeviantART - Customization (browse.deviantart.com) by Anon [Review]
DeviantART - Skins&Themes (browse.deviantart.com) by Anon [Review]
DeviantART - Windows7 (browse.deviantart.com) by Anon [Review]
die_schmids.at (dieschmids.at) by enjoy [Review]
Dig NsLookup (wservice.info) by Tim Tekaev [Review]
digwebinterface.com (digwebinterface.com) by Anon [Review]
DK•CERT (find.cert.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Dot What (dotwhat.net) by Jonathan Pappworth [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Terminal|No Filter|No Ads|OSM|NewTab) (duckduckgo.com) by The Coon [Review]
Dupecheck (doopes.com) by TroubleM@ker [Review]
Dusty's DDG v1.2 (duckduckgo.com) by dusty_d0n [Review]
Dusty's DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by dusty_d0n [Review]
EECH Central (eechcentral.com) by Kassie [Review]
efhamcomputer.com (search.efhamcomputer.com) by slman [Review]
Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
electronics.stackexchange (electronics.stackexchange.com) by Anon [Review]
Endungen - Dateityp (endungen.de) by Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz [Review]
Endungen - Endung (endungen.de) by Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz [Review]
Endungen - Programm (endungen.de) by Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz [Review]
Engadget (engadget.com) by Anon [Review]
ENU (enuinc.com) by Dean Truax [Review]
Epoch Converter (KST) (epochconverter.com) by Anon [Review]
eXPe blog (blog.expept.info) by skkeeper [Review]
Experts Exchange (experts-exchange.com) by Gx7 [Review]
Experts Exchange (3rd Party - Google UK) (google.co.uk) by Bobby [Review]
Fast Search (makeasearchengine.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
File Association Web Service (microsoft.com) by Jacob [Review]
File Extension (file-extension.net) by Roadrunner [Review]
File-Extensions.org Search (file-extensions.org) by Petr Novotny [Review]
FILExt (filext.com) by Jan Schreiber [Review]
FindErr (finderr.net) by __Vano [Review]
FontFace (fontface.com) by Soon Van [Review]
FontSpace (fontspace.com) by Soon Van [Review]
ForensicsWiki (forensicswiki.org) by KUZ [Review]
Foro Ethek (foro.ethek.com) by Möbius [Review]
Forskningsnettet (forskningsnettet.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
FórumGdH (guiadohardware.net) by Pedro Campos [Review]
Galileo Press Buchscanner (sap-press.de) by Anon [Review]
Geekbench 4 CPU Search (browser.geekbench.com) by Falko [Review]
Geekbench 5 CPU Search (browser.geekbench.com) by Falko [Review]
Geekbench3 (browser.primatelabs.com) by Anon [Review]
GLOSSE (w3.tap.ibm.com) by Anon [Review]
Gmane (gmane.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
gNewSense wiki (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Themis [Review]
GNOME-look (gnome-look.org) by Luka [Review]
GNU website - Google (google.com) by Themis [Review]
Gojep (gojep.com) by Gojep Search Solutions [Review]
Google (oldgoogle.neocities.org) by purpleblaze [Review]
Google (vanced-youtube.neocities.org) by lukewt1017 [Review]
Google (US) (google.com) by Sam [Review]
Google (US) (google.com) by Sam [Review]
Google (US) (google.com) by Sam [Review]
Google Search TI.com (google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google! (vanced-youtube.neocities.org) by Anon [Review]
GoT (gathering.tweakers.net) by Matt [Review]
graphemica.com (graphemica.com) by Anon [Review]
GratisSaker.com - Sök (gratissaker.com) by Emil Axelsson [Review]
GRC Port Authority (grc.com) by cewood [Review]
Hack a Day (hackaday.com) by Phillip Riley [Review]
Hack a Day (hackaday.com) by Aleksandr Kolbasov [Review]
Hackstore (hackstore.net) by skarevoluti [Review]
Haiku Project (haiku-os.org) by Humdinger [Review]
HardGamers (hardgamers.com.ar) by dk [Review]
Hardwareversand Suche (hardwareversand.de) by Xeaon [Review]
Hobbes (hobbes.nmsu.edu) by Lewis Rosenthal [Review]
HowtoForge (howtoforge.com) by SiO4, Yong Hwan [Review]
HP Docs (google.com) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
HP norsk garanti sjekk (h20000.www2.hp.com) by Anon [Review]
HP Support & Drivers (welcome.hp.com) by Flegge [Review]
HP Support & Treiber (welcome.hp.com) by Flegge [Review]
HP Support & Treiber Download für IE (welcome.hp.com) by Flegge [Review]
HP UK (search.hp.com) by Jonathan Pappworth [Review]
HRW (hrw.it) by sykom [Review]
httpstatuses.com (httpstatuses.com) by Anon [Review]
hwbot.org via Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
Hydrogenaudio Forums [posts] (hydrogenaudio.org) by Crescent Fresh [Review]
Hydrogenaudio Forums [topics] (hydrogenaudio.org) by Crescent Fresh [Review]
IANAG Startup DB (startup.networktechs.com) by nolookingca [Review]
IBM Redbooks (redbooks.ibm.com) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
IBM Support Portal (ibm.com) by Thomas Jost [Review]
IBM System x Quick Path (www-947.ibm.com) by James Cavanagh [Review]
IBM SystemX Machine type search (www-304.ibm.com) by Martin Gingras [Review]
IE6 NetRenderer - Browser Compatibility Test (ipinfo.info) by teleute [Review]
IEEE OUI (standards.ieee.org) by Anon [Review]
IEEE OUI (regauth.standards.ieee.org) by Anon [Review]
Il Bloggatore (ilbloggatore.com) by Roberto Travagliante [Review]
indexie.com (indexie.com) by yhancik [Review]
Ingram Micro (ingrammicro.com) by Dean Truax [Review]
Inside my Laptop (insidemylaptop.com) by march [Review]
Install Gentoo Wiki (wiki.installgentoo.com) by Anon [Review]
Intel (mysearch.intel.com) by Enerhpozyks [Review]
Intel - ARK (ark.intel.com) by Anon [Review]
Intel - ARK (ark.intel.com) by Thomas FAIVRE [Review]
ip-phone-forum.de (ip-phone-forum.de) by GillianSeed [Review]
ip-phone-forum.de (Google Suche) (google.de) by GillianSeed [Review]
ipLookup (wservice.info) by Tim Tekaev [Review]
IT Blog (blogote.com) by Sidharth [Review]
IT-borger (it-borger.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
IT-Politisk Forening (itpol.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
ITScope (itscope.info) by Frank Schwager [Review]
Jimm's PC Store (jimmspc-store.fi) by Sporny [Review]
jiramot's search (search.jiramot.info) by jiramot [Review]
jsperf (jsperf.com) by z8po [Review]
Just Solve the File Format Problem (fileformats.archiveteam.org) by Aleksandr Kolbasov [Review]
Kingston Memory Search by Laptop Model Number (ec.kingston.com) by Nathan Chen [Review]
KMD (kmd.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
KX search (forums.netapp.com) by Anon [Review]
leecher.to (leecher.to) by _Nerran_ [Review]
Lenovo Discussion Community (forums.lenovo.com) by Radioguy [Review]
Lenovo MTM (lenovo.com) by Andrew Mueller [Review]
Linus Tech Tips (linustechtips.com) by maxelo [Review]
Lire-Fichier.com (lire-fichier.com) by James Colin [Review]
Logi.wiki (logi.wiki) by Ed Hallman [Review]
MAC 2 vendor (hwaddress.com) by Anon [Review]
Mac Find (coffer.com) by Chris Taylor [Review]
mac2vendortemptech (macaddress.tmptech.net) by Arno Teigseth [Review]
Macerkopf (macerkopf.de) by Macerkopf [Review]
macosxhints (macosxhints.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
Maigret's Blog (maigretsblog.com) by Maigret [Review]
Make Tech Easier Search (maketecheasier.com) by Damien Oh [Review]
matthewb.co.nz (matthewb.co.nz) by matthew [Review]
MaxiTR Program Arama (maxitr.com) by Mustafa KARALI [Review]
McAfee Threat Intelligence (mcafee.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
media.ccc.de (media.ccc.de) by Anon [Review]
MediaSmartServer.net (mediasmartserver.net) by MitchSchaft [Review]
MHoogle (mhoogle.speccy.org) by Benway [Review]
Microsoft - KB (by #) (support.microsoft.com) by Mark D [Review]
Microsoft Download Center (microsoft.com) by team a [Review]
Microsoft Download Center (pt-br) (microsoft.com) by Tchu [Review]
Microsoft Office Templates (office.microsoft.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Microsoft Security Bulletin (yy-nnn) (support.microsoft.com) by Igor Iric [Review]
Microsoft Site (search.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
Microsoft Update Catalog (catalog.update.microsoft.com) by Martin Bonser [Review]
Mjølner Informatics (mjolner.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
MOBILE01 (mobile01.com) by qq [Review]
MOBILE01 (mobile01.com) by qq [Review]
MobileWave (mobilewave.ro) by Punisher [Review]
Mozilla Hispano - Documentacion (mozilla-hispano.org) by foXtensor [Review]
Mozilla Hispano - Foros (mozilla-hispano.org) by foXtensor [Review]
Mozilla Hispano - Noticias (mozilla-hispano.org) by foXtensor [Review]
MSFN - Browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
MSFN - Browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
MSFN - Browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
MSFN - Windows XP (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
MSFN - Windows XP (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
myGully (mygully.com) by Gummibaer [Review]
NetBSD Problem Database (PR #) (netbsd.org) by Anon [Review]
netl33ts (netleets.com) by Jerome [Review]
New-Bytes SMF Search (new-bytes.net) by b0rn2kill [Review]
NFOogle.com (0-Day) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (Console) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (DVD-R) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (Group) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (MP3) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (PC Applications) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (PC Games) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (SVCD) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (TVRip) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NFOogle.com (XviD) (nfoogle.com) by DarkPariah [Review]
NIST NVD (by CVE) (nvd.nist.gov) by mv [Review]
NIST NVD (by keyword) (web.nvd.nist.gov) by tnonce [Review]
NoDevice.com (DLL Files & Drivers) (nodevice.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
Notebook Review (notebookreview.com) by Gautam Jagannath [Review]
Notebook Review - Forums (forum.notebookreview.com) by kong [Review]
nozhui (wuzhuiso.com) by sss [Review]
Oaktable Oracle Search (oaktable.net) by Oraculix [Review]
Old Google (oldgoogle.neocities.org) by purpleblaze [Review]
Open Font Library (openfontlibrary.org) by Stephen Judge [Review]
Open QNX (google.es) by Grillo Solitario [Review]
Open Vulnerability Search (linuxuser.at) by chris hager [Review]
OpenOffice.org (openoffice.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Opera-Info.de Forum (opera-info.de) by Alexs [Review]
opereysin (opereysin.com) by ibrahim sarbay [Review]
OpManager (opmanager) by Nic Zuraw [Review]
Oracle Documentation (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
Oracle FAQ (orafaq.com) by Frank [Review]
OS2 World.Com (os2world.com) by Kim Haverblad [Review]
OSAlt (osalt.com) by James Cummings [Review]
PacketStorm Security Search (packetstormsecurity.com) by Anon [Review]
PC Praxis Suche (pcpraxis.de) by Ben Strothmann [Review]
PCForum.sk (pcforum.sk) by Joe Kundlak [Review]
PCForum.sk (post results) (pcforum.sk) by Joe Kundlak [Review]
PCForum.sk (topics results) (pcforum.sk) by Joe Kundlak [Review]
PCI Database - Device (pcidatabase.com) by Senor.Afro [Review]
Pencarian Cyber Tech (cyber-tech4us.zz.mu) by Fahmi Noor Fiqri [Review]
PGP key statistics (pgp.cs.uu.nl) by Jan Steffen [Review]
phind (phind.com) by Anon [Review]
Pinouts.ru (pinouts.ru) by Eric Allemann [Review]
Polski Portal Amigowy (PPA.pl) - Forum (ppa.pl) by Kokos [Review]
PortableApps.com (portableapps.com) by Bill McNair [Review]
PortableComponentsForAll (portablecomponentsforall.com) by Andrew Kovalev [Review]
Portifólio Carlos (fcocarlos.blogspot.com) by Portifólio Carlos [Review]
Projet PLUME (projet-plume.org) by Raphaël Tournoy [Review]
Psy-Club Forum (forum.psy-club.com) by Duuuhhude [Review]
Purainfo (purainfo.com.br) by Diego Duarte [Review]
Putera Search (google.com) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
Qnap Forum (forum.qnap.com) by DavidNL [Review]
QR Code Generator (goqr.me) (goqr.me) by ariacorrente [Review]
QuackGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
QuackTales (duckduckgo.com) by QuackTales [Review]
QuackTales (duckduckgo.com) by QuackTales [Review]
Qwant 2024 English/Dark/Nofilter/NoRegion/NewTabs (qwant.com) by Anon [Review]
Qwant Lite de (lite.qwant.com) by Anon [Review]
Qwant Lite English (lite.qwant.com) by Anon [Review]
Qwant Lite es (lite.qwant.com) by dexter23 [Review]
raycast (raycast.com) by Anon [Review]
RedmineRecouvrement (redmine.altair.recouv) by Colas Fuchs [Review]
RENSLT (hacking.carcabot.ro) by CarcaBot [Review]
Repair.wiki (repair.wiki) by Ed Hallman [Review]
Rogan Board Google Search (forums.joerogan.net) by El Duderino [Review]
S-NOW Search (s24prod.service-now.com) by Cody.Diehl [Review]
Safari Books Online (Enterprise) (search.safaribooksonline.com) by Grugnog [Review]
Safari Books Online (Premium) (techbus.safaribooksonline.com) by DCrockett [Review]
SANS IP Info (isc.sans.edu) by Ryan Frederick [Review]
SANS Port Details (isc.sans.org) by Roy Erez [Review]
SAP Community Network - Forums (forums.sdn.sap.com) by Michael Teti [Review]
SAP Notes - Number (service.sap.com) by Majed Sahli [Review]
SecurityTube (securitytube.net) by Mex5150 [Review]
Seifried Port Search (seifried.org) by Mitchell Harper [Review]
Server Fault (serverfault.com) by Soon Van [Review]
SevenForums (sevenforums.com) by ANIMAL [Review]
sevenforums.com (sevenforums.com) by kami [Review]
ShowCVE - Security Database (security-database.com) by Anon [Review]
Siemens DISW Search (diswsiemens.service-now.com) by Mike Diehn [Review]
Sivi Sogutma Arama (sivisogutma.com) by SSB [Review]
SK.rs/forum (sk.rs) by ZoNi [Review]
Snapfiles (snapfiles.com) by Dylan [Review]
SoftArchive (sanet.st) by Greek God [Review]
Solvnet (solvnet.synopsys.com) by Pedro Paulo [Review]
soouosearch (soouo.com) by Soouo [Review]
Speed Guide Ports DB (speedguide.net) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com) by Alessandro Gentilini [Review]
Stack Overflow (3rd Party - Google) (stackoverflow.com) by Kalevi Onni [Review]
Sun Handbook (sunsolve.sun.com) by Federico [Review]
Sun Learning Services (GB) Search (learning.sun.com) by sje [Review]
Super User (superuser.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Sweclockers - recensioner (sweclockers.com) by Bernhard Eriksson, Wermlandsda [Review]
TabletPCReview.com (tabletpcreview.com) by Gautam Jagannath [Review]
Techbuy Australia (techbuy.com.au) by Anon [Review]
TechForumSearch (techforumsearch.com) by Anon [Review]
TechJugaad,com Site Search (techjugaad.com) by Lut4rp [Review]
TechRepublic (techrepublic.com.com) by team a [Review]
tehPARADOX.COM - Forum (3rd Party - Google) (tehparadox.com) by KOKOJAMBO [Review]
tempinbox.com (tempinbox.com) by yoronmynuts [Review]
TeX.StackExchange (tex.stackexchange.com) by Henrique Pasti [Review]
Texby (texby.com) by Ayesh Karunaratne [Review]
TF2Maps.net (forums.tf2maps.net) by pseudo [Review]
ThinkPads.com (forum.thinkpads.com) by Radioguy [Review]
TLDRLegal (tldrlegal.com) by Anon [Review]
TLDRLegal (tldrlegal.com) by Anon [Review]
tonymacx86 (tonymacx86.com) by brainslush [Review]
Trace Parts Online (tracepartsonline.net) by Trace Parts Team [Review]
Trackertomia (trackertomia.com) by Horsero [Review]
Trisquel GNU/Linux (trisquel.info) by Trisquel GNU/Linux [Review]
Trisquel Packages (packages.trisquel.info) by Trisquel GNU/Linux [Review]
Troubleshooting | sequere.eu (sequere.eu) by sequere.eu [Review]
TrouveTonGull.info - recherche d'une association (trouvetongull.info) by TrouveTonGull.info [Review]
TTi (tti.nu) by Danell [Review]
Tudo Freeware!!! (tudo-freeware.blogspot.com) by Mairon [Review]
TurboLab.it (turbolab.it) by Anon [Review]
TweakWindows Search (tweakwindows.nl) by Anon [Review]
u.nu (u.nu) by Anon [Review]
Ulož.to (Archives) (uloz.to) by Anon [Review]
Ulož.to (Velké ikony) (uloz.to) by Revenge [Review]
Umbyte.com (umbyte.com) by Edson Sguizzato [Review]
Undeadly.org (undeadly.org) by Philemon Daubard [Review]
Unicode Character Search (fileformat.info) by jon [Review]
Unix Guide Search (unixguide.net) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
UNIX man pages (bama.ua.edu) by aRIEL [Review]
UNI•C (uni-c.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
UR website - Google (google.com) by James Prescott [Review]
US Wiki (wiki.unrealsoftware.de) by stealth [Review]
V.E.R.A (cgi.snafu.de) by David Persson [Review]
v2ex (v2ex.com) by Anon [Review]
VirSCAN MD5 (virscan.org) by Anon [Review]
VirSCAN SHA-1 (virscan.org) by Anon [Review]
Vogons Wiki (vogonswiki.com) by Anon [Review]
Wallpaperstock (wallpaperstock.net) by satneef [Review]
warp2search.at (warp2search.at) by enjoy [Review]
Webopedia (webopedia.com) by Bill Cole [Review]
Windows Live Gallery (vista.gallery.microsoft.com) by Soon Van [Review]
WineHQ (winehq.org) by Ole Bergmann [Review]
WineHQ (winehq.org) by Ole Bergmann [Review]
Yahoo! Widgets (widgets.yahoo.com) by Jacob [Review]
Yahoyt (yahoyt.com) by Deran Delice [Review]
Yet Another Website... (eduserv.kahosl.be) by Faysal Boukayoua [Review]
Yufid (yufid.com) by Bambang Ardianto [Review]
Компьютерное Обозрение (ko.com.ua) by Andrii Degeler [Review]
文件格式网 (wenjiangeshi.cn) by Matt [Review]
牛客网 (nowcoder.com) by 梧桐碎梦 [Review]
- Computer - Linux
Aides Informatiques (aides.source-ouverte.fr) by Giroux [Review]
Alpine Linux packages (pkgs.alpinelinux.org) by grgr [Review]
Alpine Linux packages (x86_64) (pkgs.alpinelinux.org) by grgr [Review]
Alpine Linux packages wildcard search (pkgs.alpinelinux.org) by Anon [Review]
Alpine Linux packages wildcard search (x86_64) (pkgs.alpinelinux.org) by Anon [Review]
Alpine Linux wiki (wiki.alpinelinux.org) by Anon [Review]
AlternativeTo.net_Linux_GNU (alternativeto.net) by Anon [Review]
Angstrom Package Feed Browser (angstrom-distribution.org) by Andrew Barr [Review]
Arch Linux (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (archlinux.org) by stqn [Review]
Arch Linux (3rd Party - Google) (archlinux.org) by Anon [Review]
Arch Linux (Bug IDs) (bugs.archlinux.org) by Patrick Burroughs (Celti) [Review]
Arch Linux (Bugs) (bugs.archlinux.org) by Patrick Burroughs (Celti) [Review]
Arch Linux AUR (aur.archlinux.org) by Patrick Burroughs (Celti) [Review]
Arch Linux AUR (Votes) (aur.archlinux.org) by Anon [Review]
Arch Linux Forums (bbs.archlinux.org) by baldo [Review]
Arch Linux Forums (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (bbs.archlinux.org) by stqn [Review]
Arch Linux Forums (3rd Party - Google) (bbs.archlinux.org) by revrollic [Review]
Arch Linux Manpages (jlk.fjfi.cvut.cz) by smrqdt [Review]
Arch Linux Manpages (jlk.fjfi.cvut.cz) by smrqdt [Review]
Arch Linux manual pages (man.archlinux.org) by Roman Beslik [Review]
Arch Linux Packages (archlinux.org) by Anon [Review]
Arch Linux Packages (x68_64) (archlinux.org) by wurfmaul [Review]
Arch Linux Wiki (wiki.archlinux.org) by baldo [Review]
Arch Linux Wiki (wiki.archlinux.org) by baldo [Review]
ArchWiki JP (wiki.archlinux.jp) by Masahiro Nagasaki [Review]
Artix Linux Forum (forum.artixlinux.org) by Sertonix [Review]
Artix Linux Packages (packages.artixlinux.org) by Sertonix [Review]
Arvor Mabo Bretagne - France (arvor-mabo.com) by Matthieu GIROUX [Review]
ask.fedoraproject.org (ask.fedoraproject.org) by netnitzky [Review]
AskUbuntu (duckduckgo.com) by Geekley [Review]
BG Asset Tag (petroweb) by Anon [Review]
Bootlin LXR Linux Cross Reference 3.14 (elixir.bootlin.com) by joel [Review]
Bootlin LXR Linux Cross Reference 4.14 (elixir.bootlin.com) by joel [Review]
Branch Compare (manjaro.org) by Anon [Review]
Buscador doc.ubuntu-es (doc.ubuntu-es.org) by RagonichaFulva [Review]
Buscar en PL.Org (preguntaslinux.org) by dragonauta [Review]
CentOS Wiki (wiki.centos.org) by Anon [Review]
Charlix Demo (pandorabots.com) by charlix [Review]
ClarkConnect Community Forum (clarkconnect.com) by Patrick O'Connor [Review]
Command line fu (commandlinefu.com) by sudopeople [Review]
command-not-found.com (command-not-found.com) by Anon [Review]
Contribs.org (forums.contribs.org) by Luc DISCHERT [Review]
CrunchBang Linux Forums (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (crunchbanglinux.org) by Tunafish [Review]
Dag Wieers (dag.wieers.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
DD (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
ddg (kl=us-en&kad=en_us&kp=-2&k1=-1&kaj=m&kam) by Anon [Review]
DDG (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DDG (duckduckgo.com) by a_hero [Review]
DDG (duckduckgo.com) by ledodev [Review]
DDG (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DDG is Better Dark (duckduckgo.com) by ef [Review]
ddgg (duckduckgo.com) by usernamehere [Review]
DDGsafe (safe.duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DDGsafePost (safe.duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
Debian - Salsa Gitlab (salsa.debian.org) by Anon [Review]
Debian BTS - number/package (debian.org) by Kiro Zimmer [Review]
Debian Forums (3rd Party - Google) (forums.debian.net) by Stephen Whitehead [Review]
Debian Mailing Lists (lists.debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian Manpages (manpages.debian.org) by Daniel Miranda [Review]
Debian Manpages (testing) (manpages.debian.org) by Anon [Review]
Debian Manpages (unstable) (manpages.debian.org) by Anon [Review]
Debian Package Tracker (tracker.debian.org) by Eliad [Review]
Debian Packages - Contents by ending path (unstable) (debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian Packages - Contents by exact filename (unstable) (debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian Packages - Contents by filename keyword (stable) (debian.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Debian Packages - Contents by filename keyword (unstable) (debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian Packages - Descriptions (Armel) (debian.org) by Andrew Oakley [Review]
Debian Packages - Descriptions (stable) (debian.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Debian Packages - Names (All) (debian.org) by Simon Ruggier [Review]
Debian Packages - Names (amd64) (packages.debian.org) by Anon [Review]
Debian Packages - Names (lenny-backports) (backports.debian.org) by Luc DISCHERT [Review]
Debian Packages - Names (stable) (debian.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Debian Packages - Names (unstable) (debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian PKG Names (stable/arm64) (debian.org) by hellfire103 [Review]
Debian PTS - package (packages.qa.debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian QA packages by developer email (qa.debian.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Debian Wiki (wiki.debian.org) by Anthony Wong [Review]
Debian-Fehlerdatenbank (debian.org) by march [Review]
Debianizzati.Org (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (debianizzati.org) by pmate [Review]
die.net (3rd Party - Google Custom) (die.net) by Ivan Pozdeev [Review]
DistroTest.Net (distrotest.net) by chabad360 [Review]
DistroWatch.com (distrowatch.com) by Simon Sverdlove [Review]
Doc Ubuntu-fr (doc.ubuntu-fr.org) by Anon [Review]
Duck Duck Go (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by abc [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo ( ͡° ᴥ ͡°) (duckduckgo.com) by Warren Kekmaster 5000 [Review]
DuckDuckGo (AE) (duckduckgo.com) by AE [Review]
DuckDuckGo (AE) (duckduckgo.com) by AE [Review]
DuckDuckGo (AE) (duckduckgo.com) by AE [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab) (duckduckgo.com) by CTS [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM|NewTab) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM|NewTab) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM|NewTab|Wide) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM|NewTab|Wide) (duckduckgo.com) by FunkyHorn [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM|NewTab|Wide) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter Or Ads|OSM|NewTab|Wide) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|No ADS|GET) (duckduckgo.com) by Kdchan [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|No ADS|GET) (duckduckgo.com) by Kdchan [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|No ADS|GET) (duckduckgo.com) by Kdchan [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|No ADS|GET) (duckduckgo.com) by Kdchan [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Dark|No Filter|No Ads|No Tips|OSM) (duckduckgo.com) by wrh [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Def|No Filter Or Ads|OSM) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Gentle) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (GET|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Terminal) (duckduckgo.com) by XenoMorph [Review]
DuckDuckGo (GET|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Terminal) (duckduckgo.com) by XenoMorph [Review]
DuckDuckGo (GET|NoFiltersOrAds|NoNewTab|Terminal) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Lahma Cust 02) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Lahma Cust 03) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (Night) (duckduckgo.com) by FunkyHorn [Review]
DuckDuckGo (No Filter Or Ads|Dark Terminal) (duckduckgo.com) by HEX0 [Review]
DuckDuckGo (No Filter) (duckduckgo.com) by TheInfinityMan [Review]
DuckDuckGo (NoAds|ModFilter|NewTab|Metrics) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (PeppermintOS) (duckduckgo.com) by Mark Greaves [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|NewTab|No Filter~Ads|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by DebSec [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|NewTab|No Filter~Ads|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by DebSec [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|NewTab|No Filter~Ads|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by DebSec [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by DebSec [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by DebSec [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by Thom [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|No Filter Or Ads|NewTab|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by DebSec [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|No Filter Or Ads|noNewTab|Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by o580deb [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST|NoFiltersOrAds|NoNewTab|Terminal) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo (POST||Dark) (duckduckgo.com) by o580deb [Review]
DuckDuckGo - POST (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo - POST (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo - POST (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo - POST (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo - POST - Safe (duckduckgo.com) by ZQ [Review]
DuckDuckGo Custom (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo Dark Uncensored POST (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo DE (Dark|No Filter|OSM|Wide|POST) (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo Get Custom (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo OpenSUSE (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo POST Dark (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo TTY (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo-Breeze (next.duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGo1144 (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
DuckDuckGoCm (duckduckgo.com) by Anon [Review]
EcuaLUG (ecualug.org) by Richard De la torre [Review]
el-directorio.org Búsqueda (slcolombia.org) by Luis Pérez [Review]
Explain Shell (explainshell.com) by Félix Saparelli [Review]
Exploit Database (3rd Party - Google) (exploit-db.com) by norsec0de [Review]
Fedora Koji Package Search (koji.fedoraproject.org) by Tim Niemueller [Review]
Fedora man pages (linuxmanpages.net) by Robin A. Meade [Review]
Fedora packages (apps.fedoraproject.org) by Anon [Review]
Fedora Packages (packages.fedoraproject.org) by Anon [Review]
Fedora pkgdb (admin.fedoraproject.org) by Adam Miller [Review]
FedoraForum.org (fedoraforum.org) by Anton N. Petrov [Review]
Foresight Linux Issue Tracker Search (issues.foresightlinux.org) by Thorsten Panknin [Review]
Foresight Wiki Search (wiki.foresightlinux.org) by Thorsten Panknin [Review]
Forum DUG (3rd Party - Google PL) (forum.dug.net.pl) by Grzegorz Szymański [Review]
Forum Fedora.pl (forum.fedora.pl) by WalDo [Review]
FreeBSD Manpages (freebsd.org) by Chad Albert [Review]
FreeBSD Manpages - Red Hat 9 (freebsd.org) by Vano [Review]
FreeBSD Ports (freebsd.org) by Henry Goodman [Review]
FreeBSD problem reports (freebsd.org) by Yen-Ming Lee [Review]
FreeBSD.se (freebsd.se) by Bernhard Eriksson, Wermlandsda [Review]
Frugalware - Bug Tracking System (bugs.frugalware.org) by Tony [Review]
Frugalware - Forums (forums.frugalware.org) by Tony [Review]
Frugalware.fr (google.com) by Tony [Review]
Frugalware.fr - Documentation (wiki.frugalware.fr) by Tony [Review]
Frugalware.fr - Forums (forums.frugalware.fr) by Tony [Review]
Gentoo Bugzilla - Bug # (bugs.gentoo.org) by cygeus [Review]
Gentoo Bugzilla - Summary (bugs.gentoo.org) by cygeus [Review]
Gentoo Forums - Posts (forums.gentoo.org) by cygeus [Review]
Gentoo Forums - Topics (forums.gentoo.org) by cygeus [Review]
Gentoo Forums - Topics (AMD64) (forums.gentoo.org) by Richard Snickers [Review]
Gentoo Packages (packages.gentoo.org) by Anony Mouse [Review]
Gentoo USE flags (gpo.zugaina.org) by Michał Przybyś [Review]
Gentoo Wiki (wiki.gentoo.org) by Anon [Review]
GetDeb (getdeb.net) by Andrew Steele [Review]
GNU/Linux Vagos (gnulinuxvagos.es) by Anon [Review]
GNU/Linux.ch Artikelindex (gnulinux.ch) by Sertonix [Review]
Google [SOLVED] xubuntu (google.sk) by Anon [Review]
GuiaUbuntuPT (guiaubuntupt.org) by Marco Rodrigues [Review]
Guide@Debianizzati.Org (guide.debianizzati.org) by Claudio Moratti [Review]
Halihazırda paketlenmiş mi? (google.com) by maidis [Review]
HOLARSE - Spielen unter Linux (holarse-linuxgaming.de) by march [Review]
HupWiki (wiki.hup.hu) by Lajos Koszti [Review]
ipkg.be (ipkg.be) by Denilson [Review]
KDE Store (store.kde.org) by Anon [Review]
klixs-forum (klixsonline.com) by JFDesign [Review]
Kubuntu Forums (3rd Party - Google) (kubuntuforums.net) by Laysan_A [Review]
Kubuntu Wiki (wiki.kubuntu.org) by Scott Lewin [Review]
Kubuntu Wiki - Text (wiki.kubuntu.org) by Scott Lewin [Review]
Lacyc3.eu (lacyc3.eu) by László Takács [Review]
Launchpad (launchpad.net) by David Muir [Review]
Launchpad - Report bug - Ubuntu package (bugs.launchpad.net) by David Prieto [Review]
Launchpad - Ubuntu Bugs (bugs.launchpad.net) by Marco Rodrigues [Review]
Launchpad - Ubuntu packages (launchpad.net) by Simon Ruggier [Review]
Launchpad - Ubuntu packages (exact name) (launchpad.net) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Launchpad - Ubuntu PPA (launchpad.net) by Andrew Steele [Review]
Launchpad - Ubuntu PPA (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by tnonce [Review]
Launchpad - Ubuntu PPA (Including empty) (launchpad.net) by Laysan_A [Review]
Linux Index (linux-index.org) by Li Team [Review]
Linux Mint (google.com) by Karolis [Pocius.lt] [Review]
Linux Mint Forums (linuxmint.com) by Karolis [Pocius.lt] [Review]
Linux Mint Forums - Google (forum.linuxmint.com) by Garryck [Review]
Linux Mint Fr (linuxmint.com) by Joseph BERAUD [Review]
Linux Mint Katya (linuxmint.com) by Joseph BERAUD [Review]
Linux-2.6 commit search (git.kernel.org) by Seigo Iguchi [Review]
Linux-Kompendium Google Search (de.wikibooks.org) by sudoTech [Review]
Linux-next commit search (git.kernel.org) by rico [Review]
linux.die.net (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Anon [Review]
LinuxFr.org (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (linuxfr.org) by xaccrocheur [Review]
LinuxNews.de Suche (linuxnews.de) by Sertonix [Review]
Linuxpedia (linuxpedia.netsons.org) by LucaC [Review]
lkml.org (lkml.org) by Anon [Review]
lore (lore.kernel.org) by Anon [Review]
man2html (localhost) by fedefede0101 [Review]
Mandriva Forum (forum.mandriva.com) by Paul J [Review]
Mandriva Türkiye (forum.mandrivaturkiye.com) by Mandriva Türkiye [Review]
Mandriva Türkiye (smf) (forum.mandrivaturkiye.com) by Osifa [Review]
Manjaro Linux Forum (3rd Party - DuckDuckGo) (duckduckgo.com) by Marek Srejma [Review]
Manjaro Linux Forum (3rd Party - StartPage) (startpage.com) by Marek Srejma [Review]
Manjaro Linux Forum (de) (de.manjaro.org) by Sam (Marek Srejma) [Review]
Manjaro Wiki (wiki.manjaro.org) by Schmoken [Review]
manned.org (manned.org) by chabad360 [Review]
manpages Linux Certif (linuxcertif.com) by Giorgio Grappa [Review]
My Websearch v3 (localhost) by Anon [Review]
MythTV Wiki (mythtv.org) by Doug Young [Review]
My_DuckDuckGo (duckduckgo.com) by uf78372a [Review]
nixcraft - Linux Shell Scripting Wiki (en) (bash.cyberciti.biz) by Anon [Review]
Nixos Options (nixos.org) by Anon [Review]
Nixos Options (flakes) (search.nixos.org) by Drewry Pope [Review]
Nixos Options (unstable) (search.nixos.org) by Arthur [Review]
Nixos Options(flakes) (search.nixos.org) by Drewry Pope [Review]
Nixos Packages (nixos.org) by Anon [Review]
Nixos Packages (flakes) (search.nixos.org) by Drewry Pope [Review]
Nixos Packages (flakes) (search.nixos.org) by Drewry Pope [Review]
Nixos Packages (unstable) (nixos.org) by John Garcia [Review]
Nixos Packages(flakes) (search.nixos.org) by Drewry Pope [Review]
Nixos Packages(flakes) (search.nixos.org) by Drewry Pope [Review]
Openmoko (openmoko.org) by Alessandro Iurlano [Review]
openSUSE (en.opensuse.org) by Rob Douglas [Review]
openSUSE 12.1 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Hendrik Maryns [Review]
openSUSE 12.3 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Hendrik Maryns [Review]
openSUSE 13.1 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Alexander Schlarb [Review]
openSUSE Build Service (build.opensuse.org) by Kirill Kirillov [Review]
openSUSE Forums (forums.opensuse.org) by Rossana Motta [Review]
openSUSE Forums - Google (forums.opensuse.org) by mobilg [Review]
openSUSE Leap 15 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Anon [Review]
openSUSE Leap 42.1 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Anon [Review]
openSUSE Leap 42.2 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Anon [Review]
openSUSE Leap 42.3 repository (software.opensuse.org) by Anon [Review]
openSUSE RU (ru.opensuse.org) by Lockal [Review]
openSUSE Tumbleweed repository (software.opensuse.org) by Anon [Review]
OpenSUSE Wiki (en.opensuse.org) by MasterPatricko [Review]
OpenWrt Wiki (wiki.openwrt.org) by Anon [Review]
Orkut - Ubuntu Community (orkut.com.br) by Gabriel Rezende [Review]
OSWikiHK (wiki.debian.org.hk) by Anthony Wong [Review]
OSWorld.pl (osworld.pl) by The Camels [Review]
Packages (packages.ubuntu.com) by Adna rim [Review]
Pardus Listeleri (google.com) by Anıl Özbek [Review]
PCLinuxOS Forum (pclinuxos.com) by travisn000 [Review]
PIAF:Forum (google.com) by Robin Murray [Review]
pkgs.org (pkgs.org) by xyzzy [Review]
pkgs.org (pkgs.org) by Anon [Review]
PlayOnLinux.com (playonlinux.com) by Scoubidou [Review]
Pollycoke :) (pollycoke.wordpress.com) by felipe [Review]
Portage File List (portagefilelist.de) by Daniel Hirsbrunner [Review]
Portage File List (portagefilelist.de) by Daniel Hirsbrunner [Review]
Puppy Linux Forum (Google) (murga-linux.com) by Anon [Review]
PuTTY (putty.org.ru) by PuTTY [Review]
Red Hat 5 Docs (google.com) by Aaron Copley [Review]
Red Hat 6 Docs (google.com) by Aaron Copley [Review]
Red Hat 7 Docs (google.com) by Aaron Copley [Review]
Red Hat Bugzilla (bugzilla.redhat.com) by Tim Niemueller [Review]
Red Hat Knowledgebase (access.redhat.com) by Paul Urwin [Review]
Repology Packages Search (repology.org) by Tecky [Review]
root.cz (root.cz) by Teni [Review]
RPM Find (rpmfind.net) by Thane [Review]
Rpm PBone File (rpm.pbone.net) by FuSpu [Review]
Sabayon Forums (sabayonlinux.org) by Shaun Wallace [Review]
Sabayon Wiki (sabayonlinux.org) by Shaun Wallace [Review]
screenshots.debian.net (screenshots.debian.net) by Anon [Review]
SCXD (en) (scxd.info) by Zielony [Review]
SCXD (pl) (scxd.info) by Zielony [Review]
ShareLatex (google.com) by Shane Mulligan [Review]
ShellFu (shell-fu.org) by johnlawrence [Review]
Slackware Packages (slackware.it) by Manuel Otto [Review]
Slacky Repository 12.1 (slacky.eu) by Adri Vingerhoets [Review]
Slacky Repository 12.2 (slacky.eu) by Adri Vingerhoets [Review]
Slacky Repository 13.0 (slacky.eu) by Adri Vingerhoets [Review]
Slacky Repository 13.1 (slacky.eu) by Adri Vingerhoets [Review]
Slacky.eu (slacky.eu) by Marcello Marchese [Review]
SlakFinder (slakfinder.org) by digdeeper [Review]
SlakFinder (slakfinder.org) by digdeeper [Review]
SlakFinder filename (slakfinder.org) by digdeeper [Review]
SlakFinder filename (slakfinder.org) by digdeeper [Review]
Slax modules (slax.org) by Ironix [Review]
SMGL Wiki (sourcemage.org) by Elisamuel Resto [Review]
SNOW Search (s24prod.service-now.com) by Anon [Review]
Solydxk Forums (forums.solydxk.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (Dark|No Filter|POST) (startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (Dark|No Filter|POST) (startpage.com) by kd21976 [Review]
StartPage (No Filter|eu|POST) (startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (No Filter|eu|POST) (eu.startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (Post) (startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (Post) (startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage (Post) (startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
StartPage*AX (startpage.com) by Anon [Review]
Steam - Linux (store.steampowered.com) by march [Review]
SuL Wiki (wiki.linuxgaming.de) by march [Review]
Tanglu PKG Names (All) (packages.tanglu.org) by riceru [Review]
Ubuntu (ubuntu.com) by Marco Rodrigues [Review]
ubuntu apps directory (apps.ubuntu.com) by march [Review]
Ubuntu Brainstorm (brainstorm.ubuntu.com) by Christopher Wells [Review]
Ubuntu Community Search (help.ubuntu.com) by Alex Abbott [Review]
Ubuntu Docs 9.10 (help.ubuntu.com) by strayDuck [Review]
Ubuntu Documentation (3rd Party - Google) (help.ubuntu.com) by Laysan_A [Review]
Ubuntu Forums (3rd Party - Google) (ubuntuforums.org) by Rene Castberg [Review]
Ubuntu France (doc.ubuntu-fr.org) by Frank JAMOIS [Review]
Ubuntu Madison (people.ubuntu.com) by Benjamin Rubin [Review]
Ubuntu Manpages - Google (manpages.ubuntu.com) by Laysan_A [Review]
Ubuntu Packages (packages.ubuntu.com) by Adna rim [Review]
Ubuntu Packages (contents) (packages.ubuntu.com) by KIAaze [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - dapper (packages.ubuntu.com) by Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - hardy (packages.ubuntu.com) by schakal1997 [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - karmic (packages.ubuntu.com) by Matthew Flaschen [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - lucid (packages.ubuntu.com) by Matthew Flaschen [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - lucid (contents) (packages.ubuntu.com) by KIAaze [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - maverick (packages.ubuntu.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - maverick (contents) (packages.ubuntu.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - natty (packages.ubuntu.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - natty (contents) (packages.ubuntu.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - precise (packages.ubuntu.com) by Andrew Oakley [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - raring (packages.ubuntu.com) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Ubuntu Packages - xenial (packages.ubuntu.com) by Andrew Oakley [Review]
Ubuntu Search (ubuntu-search.org) by traaf [Review]
Ubuntu Touch Apps (appstore.bhdouglass.com) by march [Review]
Ubuntu Tutorials (ubuntu-tutorials.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Ubuntu Wire (ubuntuwire.com) by Edgardo Fredz [Review]
Ubuntu-BR (ubuntu-br.org) by AlexRocha [Review]
Ubuntu-cn Forum (forum.ubuntu.org.cn) by Asp Jiang [Review]
Ubuntu-cn Wiki (wiki.ubuntu.org.cn) by Asp Jiang [Review]
Ubuntu-fi Forum (forum.ubuntu-fi.org) by Just Fair [Review]
Ubuntu-fr Forum (encrypted.google.com) by ʝu [Review]
ubuntu-gr forum (ubuntu.opengr.net) by sudobash [Review]
Ubuntu-it Forum (forum.ubuntu-it.org) by Sergio Vaccaro [Review]
Ubuntu-it Wiki - Testo (wiki.ubuntu-it.org) by Volans [Review]
Ubuntu-it Wiki - Titoli (wiki.ubuntu-it.org) by Sergio Vaccaro [Review]
Ubuntu-VN (ubuntu-vn.org) by Falleaf [Review]
ubuntu.lt (google.lt) by Karolis [Pocius.lt] [Review]
ubuntuupdates.org (ubuntuupdates.org) by Anon [Review]
ubuntuusers.de - Forum (DuckDuckGo) (forum.ubuntuusers.de) by march [Review]
ubuntuusers.de - Ikhaya (DuckDuckGo) (ikhaya.ubuntuusers.de) by march [Review]
ubuntuusers.de - Wiki (DuckDuckGo) (wiki.ubuntuusers.de) by march [Review]
Unix and Linux man (1) pages (unix.com) by relay12 [Review]
Unix and Linux man pages, all sections (unix.com) by Anon [Review]
UNIXの部屋コマンド検索 (x68000.q-e-d.net) by Masatetsu Mifune [Review]
Viva o Linux (vivaolinux.com.br) by Tigh Master [Review]
Void Linux Manual Pages (man.voidlinux.org) by Anon [Review]
Void Linux Packages (voidlinux.org) by Anon [Review]
WhoogleLocalHost8888 (localhost) by Anon [Review]
Wiki - Ubuntu Česko (3rd Party - Google) (wiki.ubuntu.cz) by MacHala [Review]
wiki.ubuntu.ir (wiki.ubuntu.ir) by freeU4 [Review]
wikisearch (frednwilma) by Fred N. Wilma [Review]
Window Maker Dockapps (dockapps.windowmaker.org) by Anon [Review]
WINE AppDB (appdb.winehq.org) by Alexander Schlarb [Review]
www.tuxfeed.it (tuxfeed.it) by www.tuxfeed.it [Review]
Zeroshell (google.com) by Craig Campbell [Review]
- Computer - Programming
.NET API Browser (docs.microsoft.com) by Kevin Locke [Review]
4D Knowledge Base (4d.com) by Angelo Caroprese [Review]
Abenteuer (abenteuer.extremeplannerlive.com) by Carlo Dilodilo [Review]
ActionScript 3 Refrence Search (2ln.org) by suman [Review]
ActivePython24 (aspn.activestate.com) by Ivan Pozdeev [Review]
ActiveState Python 2.5 Docs (docs.activestate.com) by Ivan [Review]
ActiveState Python Recipes (code.activestate.com) by David H. Brokne [Review]
Adobe Exchange (adobe.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
ADOdb documentation (google.com) by Chris Bloom [Review]
AIX Feature List (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
Ajaxian (ajaxian.com) by Matias Russitto [Review]
AMXX Function Wiki (amxmodx.org) by Anonymous [Review]
Android Developers (developer.android.com) by Anon [Review]
Android Snippets (androidsnippets.org) by Chris Hager [Review]
Apex Developer Guide (salesforce.com) by Daniel Blackhall [Review]
Apple Developer (developer.apple.com) by Will [Review]
Apple Developer - iOS (developer.apple.com) by Libin Varghese [Review]
Apple Developer - iOS Reference (developer.apple.com) by Libin Varghese [Review]
Apple Developer - Mac (developer.apple.com) by Jano [Review]
AutoHotkey (autohotkey.com) by Laktionov Ivan [Review]
AutoHotkey (autohotkey.com) by Krzysiu [Review]
AutoIt Forum (autoitscript.com) by LouNGeR [Review]
b4a forum (basic4ppc.com) by Truls Osmundsen [Review]
B4X Forums (b4x.com) by Anon [Review]
baidu_cnblogs (baidu.com) by ZHANG Yin [Review]
Bennu GD Wiki (wiki.bennugd.org) by Darío Cutillas [Review]
BitBucket (bitbucket.org) by Jaderson Barreto Sathler [Review]
Bootsnipp for Bootstrap (bootsnipp.com) by Luis Martinez [Review]
Botwiki Full Search (botwiki.sno.cc) by Snowolf [Review]
Bugtrack (bugtrack.net) by Maurycy Widera [Review]
C++ Reference (full search) (en.cppreference.com) by Anon [Review]
Can I Email ? (caniemail.com) by A.G [Review]
CconClase.net (c.conclase.net) by Ignacio Moreno Doblas [Review]
Clojars (clojars.org) by Cheuk Yin Ng [Review]
cmake.org (cmake.org) by Anon [Review]
Code Search Trunk (tools01.corp.linkedin.com) by Simón Medrano [Review]
Codeberg (Organizations) (codeberg.org) by Sertonix [Review]
Codeberg (Repositories) (codeberg.org) by Sertonix [Review]
Codeberg (Users) (codeberg.org) by Sertonix [Review]
CodeIgniter search (google.com) by Aleksey Trufanov [Review]
CodeProject (codeproject.com) by yestersexy [Review]
CodeProject (3rd Party - Google GR) (codeproject.com) by Paulk [Review]
CodeProject (3rd Party - Google) (codeproject.com) by yusnielb [Review]
Coders City (coderscity.pl) by Piotr Mazur [Review]
CodeS SourceS DelphiFr - Src/Forum (delphifr.com) by Cirec [Review]
Concrete CMS (concretecms.com) by Anon [Review]
coq_refman (coq.inria.fr) by STyx [Review]
CPAN - All (search.cpan.org) by Packy Anderson [Review]
CPAN->grep (grep.cpan.me) by Will Hawes [Review]
cplusplus.com (C++) (cplusplus.com) by Anseloth [Review]
CppRef (en.cppreference.com) by supsm [Review]
css4you (css4you.de) by scr4ve [Review]
css4you-english (css4you.de) by kablamo [Review]
Datastore-Key for Google App Engine (datastore-key.appspot.com) by Deleplace [Review]
Day.com (dev.day.com) by Denis Howe [Review]
DB2 (ibm.com) by Anon [Review]
DB2 SQL Codes (pic.dhe.ibm.com) by kdzia [Review]
DeepHN (deephn.org) by Anon [Review]
Defect List (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
Defects Opened (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
delphi wiki (docwiki.embarcadero.com) by Anon [Review]
Delphi-Source (dsdt.info) by Stefan Hittler [Review]
Delphi-Source - Forum (forum.dsdt.info) by Stefan Hittler [Review]
Delphi-Treff (delphi-treff.de) by Schdefoon [Review]
Development (google.com) by Michael Safyan [Review]
Developpez.com (developpez.com) by edno [Review]
Developpez.com Javasearch - Java 6.0 - Classes (javasearch.developpez.com) by Oso Pardo [Review]
DevExpress (search.devexpress.com) by seth [Review]
DevExpress (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Romke Bon [Review]
Django stable documentation (docs.djangoproject.com) by smrqdt [Review]
djbook.ru 1.8 (djbook.ru) by Shandrinoff WaD [Review]
djbook.ru 1.9 (djbook.ru) by Shandrinoff WaD [Review]
dll-download-system.com (dll-download-system.com) by James Cook [Review]
Doc SPIP org (doc.spip.org) by Aurélie [Review]
DocHub - jQuery (dochub.io) by LouCypher [Review]
Docjar (docjar.com) by Diego [Review]
Dojo Toolkit (dojotoolkit.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Dojo Toolkit API (api.dojotoolkit.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Eclipse Galileo Help (help.eclipse.org) by Holger Voormann [Review]
Eclipse Search Engine (Cypal) (cypal.in) by P. Dal Farra [Review]
Eclipse Tips (eclipse-tips.com) by Holger Voormann [Review]
EDM/2 Search (edm2.com) by Lewis Rosenthal [Review]
EE Documentation (eedocs.pmachine.com) by EE Docs [Review]
Embedded.com (embedded.com) by Janez Stangelj [Review]
Erlang Documentation (google.com) by André Laszlo [Review]
ESQL (ibm.com) by Carl Volhard [Review]
esql (ibm.com) by Carl Volhard [Review]
ESRI Forums (forums.arcgis.com) by Anon [Review]
Experts Exchange - Delphi Programming (EE) (experts-exchange.com) by Martin Barreda [Review]
Experts Exchange - Delphi Programming (Google) (experts-exchange.com) by Martin Barreda [Review]
Ext JS Forum (extjs.com) by LudoO [Review]
Ext JS Forum (3rd Party - Google) (extjs.com) by Murat Çorlu [Review]
eZ Publish Documentation (ez.no) by Damien Pitard [Review]
findJAR.com (findjar.com) by Jonathan De la Torre [Review]
firefox (jira.wisefly.cn) by Anon [Review]
Flex Collection (google.com) by Kenneth Sutherland [Review]
Fogbugz (bugz) by Alasdair North [Review]
Font Awesome (fontawesome.com) by Anon [Review]
Font Awesome Free (fontawesome.com) by silva_surfa [Review]
Forrst (forrst.com) by Josh Kendall [Review]
Forum 4programmers.net (forum.4programmers.net) by adf88 [Review]
Gaia Flash Framework Forum (gaiaflashframework.com) by TimTeka [Review]
gdataonline md5search (gdataonline.com) by pengi [Review]
Git SCM (git-scm.com) by Spencer [Review]
GitHub - Code (github.com) by LouCypher [Review]
GitHub - Help (help.github.com) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
GitHub - Stargazers forks (forked.yannick.io) by Mr. Sessile [Review]
GitHub Apheris (github.com) by Kasper Malfroid [Review]
GitLogs (gitlogs.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
Gitorious (gitorious.org) by strel [Review]
Gitorious SSL (gitorious.org) by strel [Review]
Glitch (glitch.com) by Denilson [Review]
Gnome Library (library.gnome.org) by Ruben Schmidt [Review]
Godoc (godoc.org) by Thomas Sänger [Review]
Google AdWords Help (adwords.google.com) by Dru Truong [Review]
Google Analytics Help (google.com) by Dru Truong [Review]
Google Code (code.google.com) by Michele Maniscalco [Review]
Google Code - Projects (code.google.com) by Jasonm23 [Review]
Google Data APIs - Javadoc (code.google.com) by Shannon Eric Peevey [Review]
Google Doctype (code.google.com) by Brian Dukes [Review]
Google Groups GWT Contrib Search (groups.google.com) by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [Review]
Google Groups GWT Search (groups.google.com) by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [Review]
Google J2EE 1.4 API (google.com) by Jakob Havstein Eriksen [Review]
Google java2se api 1.2.4 (google.com) by Juan Lopez [Review]
Google Javascript (google.com) by SomeDood [Review]
Google Suche auf phpfusion-support.de (phpfusion-support.de) by Sascha [Review]
Gpucomputing.net (gpucomputing.net) by Anthony Cohen [Review]
GreaseSpot (wiki.greasespot.net) by PaulJ [Review]
GreasyFork (greasyfork.org) by ANIMAL [Review]
grep.app (grep.app) by André Carini [Review]
GrepCode.com (grepcode.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
GWT Issues Search (code.google.com) by Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [Review]
GWT JavaDoc search (google.fr) by Valise [Review]
GXSearch (gxtechnical.com) by Gonzalo Cuiñas [Review]
HackageDB functions (Google) (hackage.haskell.org) by Roman Beslik [Review]
HackageDB packages (Google) (hackage.haskell.org) by Roman Beslik [Review]
Hash'em all! (MD5) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (SHA256) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (SHA384) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (SHA512) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Hash'em all! (WHIRLPOOL) (hashemall.com) by Eugenio Rustico [Review]
Haskell Wiki (haskell.org) by baldo [Review]
Hayoo (holumbus.org) by Hayoo [Review]
hayoo (hayoo.fh-wedel.de) by ncaq [Review]
Heroku Add-ons (addons.heroku.com) by Chris Kemp [Review]
Heroku Dev Center (devcenter.heroku.com) by Chris Kemp [Review]
Hexosearch (hexosearch.com) by tv1986 [Review]
Hotscripts.com (hotscripts.com) by David Stark [Review]
HTCGeeks Search (forum.htcgeeks.com) by LennySh [Review]
HTML - CSS - JS (google.com) by Christophe Le Besnerais [Review]
Huawei Developers (developer.huawei.com) by awaLing [Review]
IBM iSeries IC V6R1M0 (publib.boulder.ibm.com) by Juri Müller [Review]
icdevgroup (icdevgroup.org) by Rob Aldred [Review]
Icones.pro (icones.pro) by Anon [Review]
IEEE Std 1003.1-2008 (opengroup.org) by Finnbarr P. Murphy [Review]
info pages ( by K [Review]
Intel Software Network - MID (softwarewiki.intel.com) by Jeremy Saldate [Review]
J2SE 1.5 API search (onesearch.sun.com) by Steven Gould [Review]
Jarvana Classes (jarvana.com) by Deron Eriksson [Review]
Jarvana Content (jarvana.com) by Deron Eriksson [Review]
Jarvana Projects (jarvana.com) by Deron Eriksson [Review]
Java Bug Database (by ID) (bugs.sun.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
Java Bug Database (by keywords) (bugs.sun.com) by Francisco Alvarado [Review]
Java SE 21 & JDK 21 (docs.oracle.com) by xehpuk [Review]
Java SE 22 & JDK 22 (docs.oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Java Source (java-source.net) by Vadim Bauer [Review]
JavaBooks (javabooks.org) by teo danciu [Review]
Javadoc (google.com) by Christophe Le Besnerais [Review]
JavaDoc 8 (docs.oracle.com) by Nathan Reynolds [Review]
javaplatformse6 (google.com) by Florian [Review]
JDE/PSFT BSFN (bsfn.road2fusion.com) by Yuri Dmytrenko [Review]
JDK 11 JavaDoc (docs.oracle.com) by Nathan Reynolds [Review]
JDK 17 JavaDoc (docs.oracle.com) by Nathan Reynolds [Review]
JiraId (jira.bbqnx.net) by Anon [Review]
JoelOnSoftware Biz Forums (discuss.joelonsoftware.com) by BigProf Software [Review]
Joomla! 1.5 API documentation (google.de) by Thomas Schuermann [Review]
JseCoop (google.com) by Gabriel [Review]
KAMESHsoft (kameshsoft.isgreat.org) by kamesh [Review]
Katacoda (katacoda.com) by gittaca [Review]
Key for Google Datastore Viewer (datastore-key.appspot.com) by Deleplace [Review]
Klikipedia (romanx.kosa.net.pl) by RomanX [Review]
l1sp.org (l1sp.org) by Thomas M. Hermann [Review]
Lazarus Free Pascal Components (lazarus-components.org) by Matthieu GIROUX [Review]
Lift Documentation (google.com) by Silvestre Zabala [Review]
lispdoc (lispdoc.com) by William Bland [Review]
List Features (aixptools.austin.ibm.com) by Josiah Samuel [Review]
lobste.rs (lobste.rs) by alex [Review]
Lotus Notes Search (GoogleCSE) (lotus.googlecse.org.ua) by Dmitriy Voytishin [Review]
Lotus Notes/Domino 8 Forum (www-10.lotus.com) by Brian Vincent [Review]
Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 Forum (www-10.lotus.com) by Phil Warner [Review]
Lotus Sandbox (google.co.uk) by Stuart Orford [Review]
LSB Specification Database (linux-foundation.org) by Stew Benedict [Review]
lxr.kde.org (lxr.kde.org) by P. Spendrin [Review]
Malhar2010 Blog Search (malhar2010.blogspot.com) by Malhar Vora [Review]
man pages ( by K [Review]
Man Pages (man.cx) (man.cx) by Alexander Schlarb [Review]
MariaDB (mariadb.com) by Anon [Review]
MariaDB (Knowledge Base) (mariadb.com) by Anon [Review]
MashupGuide.net (blog.mashupguide.net) by Raymond Yee [Review]
Material Design Icons (material.io) by Anon [Review]
Mathematica Documentation (reference.wolfram.com) by Reiner Martin [Review]
Matlab Central (mathworks.co.uk) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Central Blogs (mathworks.com) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Central File Exchange (mathworks.co.uk) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Matlab Central Link Exchange (mathworks.co.uk) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Central Newsgroup (mathworks.co.uk) by Richard Cotton [Review]
Matlab Documentation (mathworks.co.uk) by Iain Robinson [Review]
MATLAB Documentation (mathworks.com) by Anon [Review]
MATLAB ducumentation (uk.mathworks.com) by Anon [Review]
MATLAB R2015a en (mathworks.com) by Anon [Review]
Matplotlib (matplotlib.sourceforge.net) by Oliver Breitwieser [Review]
Matplotlib 3.1.1 (matplotlib.org) by DTX [Review]
Matplotlib documentation (matplotlib.org) by Anon [Review]
Mentor Graphics Communities (communities.mentor.com) by Menor Community Admin [Review]
Microsoft Docs (docs.microsoft.com) by Kevin Locke [Review]
Microsoft Learn (learn.microsoft.com) by BurntVoxel [Review]
Microsoft TechNet - en (search.technet.microsoft.com) by Anton Ivanov [Review]
Microsoft TechNet - pt-BR (search.technet.microsoft.com) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
Mikrocontroller.net (mikrocontroller.net) by Andreas Schwarz [Review]
mikroElektronika Forums (mikroe.com) by Mark Nuccio [Review]
MongoDB (docs.mongodb.com) by kalaverin [Review]
MonkeyGuts (wiki.greasespot.net) by Mr. Sessile [Review]
Moodle code (on Github) (github.com) by Nick Freear [Review]
Moodle Developer Forum (en) - Discussion (moodle.org) by Frank Ralf [Review]
MQL4 Docs (docs.mql4.com) by mndt [Review]
MQL4.community (mql4.com) by MetaQuotes Software Corp. [Review]
MSDN (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
MSDN (3rd Party - Google) (microsoft.com) by Wyatt Culbertson [Review]
MSDN (3rd party Google - Lucky) (google.com) by __Vano [Review]
MSDN (Docs) (3rd party Google - Lucky) (google.com) by __Vano [Review]
MSDN (FR) (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
MSDN de-DE (msdn.microsoft.com) by Janis Veits [Review]
MSDN en-US (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by Richard Schnorenberg [Review]
MSDN en-US - Library (social.msdn.microsoft.com) by David Kane [Review]
MSDN en-US - Visual Basic 6 (microsoft.com) by Michael Hawes [Review]
MSDN es-ES (microsoft.com) by Brayan M Blanco [Review]
MSDN ru-RU (3rd party - Google Lucky) (msdn.microsoft.com) by Neris Ereptoris [Review]
MSDN Win API Functions (search.msdn.microsoft.com) by Juan Antonio Martinez RBermejo [Review]
MSFN Board Windows XP (msfn.org) by Skipper [Review]
MySQL Reference Manual (dev.mysql.com) by Takao IIZUKA [Review]
Nabble (nabble.com) by John Richard Cornell II [Review]
National Instruments (search.ni.com) by Anon [Review]
NetApp BuRT Search (burtweb-prd.eng.netapp.com) by Ashish Agrawal [Review]
networkx (networkx.org) by Anon [Review]
NI Forums (ni.com) by Joshua Harbert [Review]
Node Toolbox (toolbox.no.de) by Anon [Review]
NPM (npmjs.org) by Félix Saparelli [Review]
NuGet Gallery (nuget.org) by Brian Dukes [Review]
Nukepedia (nukepedia.com) by Anon [Review]
NumPy (numpy.org) by DTX [Review]
Object Management Group (omg.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Ocaml source code (ocaml.org) by STyx [Review]
oerr - Oracle Error Codes (11g) (tahiti.oracle.com) by Oraculix [Review]
oerr - Oracle Error Codes (12c) (docs.oracle.com) by Oraculix [Review]
Ogre Wiki Search (ogre3d.org) by James Wilmot [Review]
ohjelmointiputka.net (ohjelmointiputka.net) by lahtis [Review]
Ohloh Code (code.ohloh.net) by LouCypher [Review]
Ohloh projects (ohloh.net) by Daniel Luz [Review]
OLPC Australia development (issues) (dev.laptop.org.au) by Sridhar Dhanapalan [Review]
Online Web Fonts - SVG Vector Icons (onlinewebfonts.com) by Anon [Review]
OOTips - Google (ootips.org) by Gerrit Erasmus [Review]
Open gem page on Rubygems (rubygems.org) by Leonid Shevtsov [Review]
Open Hub Code (code.openhub.net) by Marc-André Lureau [Review]
OpenGL manpage search for opengl.org (google.com) by Nuno Subtil [Review]
OpenSourceInitiative Search (opensourceinitiative.net) by Andrew Kovalev [Review]
Oracle - Bugs (bug.us.oracle.com) by Abhishek [Review]
Oracle 10.2 Documentation (oracle.com) by Alper Ozisik [Review]
Oracle 11g R2 Documentation (oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Oracle Documentation (oracle.com) by Kirk Brocas [Review]
Oracle Support Notes by ID (support.oracle.com) by Pete Mahon [Review]
Oscommerce (forums.oscommerce.com) by voided [Review]
Pandas (pandas.pydata.org) by DTX [Review]
Parallax Forums (forums.parallax.com) by Anon [Review]
PassiveTotal (passivetotal.org) by KUZ [Review]
pd-list (lists.puredata.info) by poil apfrod [Review]
Perldoc browser (perldoc.pl) by Simeon Eberhardt [Review]
Perldoc Module::Name (search.cpan.org) by Bob Apthorpe [Review]
perldoc.perl.org (full-text) (perldoc.perl.org) by Tom Metro [Review]
PHP - Smarty - de (smarty.net) by Mario Lorenz [Review]
PHP - Smarty - pt-BR (smarty.php.net) by Ricardo Ferreira Rainha [Review]
PHP - Smarty - ru (smarty.php.net) by Mihail Dmitriev [Review]
phpBB.de (phpbb.de) by Tobi Schäfer [Review]
PHPBuilder Forums (phpbuilder.com) by Evan Kaufman [Review]
PHPFreakz (phpfreakz.nl) by Wouter Nijland [Review]
Pingdom page speed (tools.pingdom.com) by Alexey Murz Korepov [Review]
PInvoke (pinvoke.net) by M. Jackwerth [Review]
Plone 3.0 API Search (api.plone.org) by Shannon Eric Peevey [Review]
Poker AI (google.com) by Anon [Review]
Portapower Product Serach by LBNZ (portapowerhk.com) by nathan [Review]
POSIX.1/SUSv4/IEEE 1003.1, latest (pubs.opengroup.org) by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen [Review]
POSIX.1/SUSv4/IEEE 1003.1, latest basedefs (pubs.opengroup.org) by Mikkel Kirkgaard Nielsen [Review]
PostgreSQL (current) Manual (postgresql.org) by Vehikl [Review]
PostgreSQL 10 Manual - Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL 8.2 Manual (postgresql.org) by Ricardo Ferreira Rainha [Review]
PostgreSQL 8.3 Manual (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Valise [Review]
PostgreSQL 9.3 Manual (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL 9.4 Manual - Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL 9.6 Manual - Google (google.com) by Anon [Review]
PostgreSQL Doxygen (doxygen.postgresql.org) by Dan Colish [Review]
PostgreSQL Manual (postgresql.org) by Alexander Kruth [Review]
PostgreSQL Wiki (wiki.postgresql.org) by Hazel L. H. Jenkins [Review]
Processing (processing.org) by Greg [Review]
Programming Idioms (programming-idioms.org) by Deleplace [Review]
Progress Knowledgebase (3rd Party - Google) (knowledgebase.progress.com) by Paul Mowat [Review]
Proogle (oehive.org) by cverbiest [Review]
Propeller Spin Object Exchange (obex.parallax.com) by Rogersyd [Review]
Prototype API Search (google.com) by Chris Bloom [Review]
Prototype.js (3rd Party Google) (google.com) by Paul J [Review]
PSOUG Ref (google.com) by Daniel Priest [Review]
Python (3rd Party - Google) (python.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Python Docs (2.6) (docs.python.org) by Jordon Kalilich [Review]
Python Docs (2.7) (docs.python.org) by TeeKay [Review]
Python Docs (2.7ja) (docs.python.jp) by Anon [Review]
Python Docs (2.x) (docs.python.org) by __Vano [Review]
Python Docs (3.2) (docs.python.org) by Anon [Review]
Python Docs (3.3) (docs.python.org) by TeeKay [Review]
Python Docs (3.4) (docs.python.org) by TeeKay [Review]
Python Docs (3.5) (docs.python.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
Python Docs (3.6) (docs.python.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
Python Docs (3.8) (docs.python.org) by DTX [Review]
Python Docs (3.x) (docs.python.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
Python Docs (3rd Party - Google Lucky) (docs.python.org) by Johann Heller [Review]
Python Docs (3rd Party - Google) (docs.python.org) by Clovis Fabricio [Review]
Python Package Index (pypi.python.org) by Anon [Review]
Python Package Warehouse (pypi.org) by TheBlackCat [Review]
PyTorch Docs (pytorch.org) by DTX [Review]
qiskit (qiskit.org) by Anon [Review]
Qt 4.6 Docs (doc.trolltech.com) by David Bronke [Review]
Qt 4.7 Docs (doc.trolltech.com) by David Bronke [Review]
Qt Centre Forum (qtcentre.org) by Gustavo Ribeiro Croscato [Review]
Qt Docs 4.6 (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Ademar de Souza Reis Jr. [Review]
Qt Project Docs (qt-project.org) by Roman Inflianskas [Review]
Qt Project Docs (4.8 via Google) (qt-project.org) by David Bronke [Review]
R Sig Geo Archives (stat.ethz.ch) by canoe.moore [Review]
R Sig Mixed Models Archives (stat.ethz.ch) by canoe.moore [Review]
R Statistical Language (3rd Party - Rollyo) (dangoldstein.com) by Richard Cotton [Review]
R-help Archives (stat.ethz.ch) by canoe.moore [Review]
Racket (docs.racket-lang.org) by Justin Zamora [Review]
RAFA - Android Development (rafa.qbitsapp.com) by cubiwan [Review]
referencesource (referencesource.microsoft.com) by Anon [Review]
regexper (regexper.com) by Katrin Leinweber [Review]
Regular-expressions.info (Google Lucky) (regular-expressions.info) by Karl Horky [Review]
REST search engine (search.restlet.org) by Jerome Louvel [Review]
RFC-FAQ (faqs.org) by fxl [Review]
Rocket Search (sch.hari-krishnan.xyz) by kryptiksage [Review]
RosettaCode (rosettacode.org) by DiagonalArg [Review]
RosettaCode (en) (rosettacode.org) by Anon [Review]
RSeek.org (rseek.org) by Sasha Goodman [Review]
Ruby ApiDock (apidock.com) by Soleone [Review]
Ruby Kitchen Sink (rubykitchensink.ca) by cgr [Review]
Ruby on Rails ApiDock (apidock.com) by Valise [Review]
Rustcc (rustcc.cn) by Anon [Review]
Rustfmt Configuration (rust-lang.github.io) by Đăng Tú [Review]
SAS Support (support.sas.com) by Duncan Jakeway [Review]
Savannah GNU Project Search (savannah.gnu.org) by DiagonalArg [Review]
Scala API (current) (scala-lang.org) by Michael Dunleavy [Review]
Scala Documentation (google.com) by Silvestre Zabala [Review]
scikit-learn (scikit-learn.org) by DTX [Review]
SciPy (scipy.github.io) by DTX [Review]
Scratch (scratch.mit.edu) by Jacob [Review]
Scratch Projects (scratch.mit.edu) by Thomas [Review]
Scratch Studios (scratch.mit.edu) by programambcan142134 [Review]
SDN (search.sap.com) by Anon [Review]
SDN Search (developer.symbian.com) by Dave Brown [Review]
Seaborn (seaborn.pydata.org) by DTX [Review]
searchcode (searchcode.com) by Akinori [Review]
SearchDotNet (searchdotnet.com) by Daniel Cohen [Review]
Selenium .NET (Google) (google.com) by Ivan Pozdeev [Review]
Shadertoy (shadertoy.com) by Denilson [Review]
Snipt.net (snipt.net) by Ev David [Review]
SourcePawn API (sm.alliedmods.net) by Anon [Review]
Spotlight.de MS Access Forum (spotlight.de) by GS [Review]
Spotlight.de SQL Forum (spotlight.de) by GS [Review]
Spotlight.de Visual Basic Forum (spotlight.de) by GS [Review]
SQL.RU_MSSQL (sql.ru) by Maxim Kulibaba [Review]
SQL.RU_Sybase (sql.ru) by Maxim Kulibaba [Review]
SQLAlchemy Google Search (sqlalchemy.org) by nosklo [Review]
SQLHunt (sqlhunt.com) by Carsten Cumbrowski [Review]
sqlite (sqlite.org) by evandrofisico [Review]
sqlru_oracle (sql.ru) by Maxim Kulibaba [Review]
Squeak Wiki (wiki.squeak.org) by Michael Gruenewald [Review]
SR_Viewer (support.us.oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
Stack Overflow Extended (google.com) by podosta [Review]
stackage (stackage.org) by ncaq [Review]
StackOverflow Reddit DevOps Edition (google.com) by Jakub Bielecki [Review]
StackOverflow Reddit Linux DevOps Edition (google.com) by Jakub Bielecki [Review]
stackoverflow tag (stackoverflow.com) by Shane Mulligan [Review]
STL Reference - Google (sgi.com) by David Bronke [Review]
Strainu onLine (cautare.strainu.ro) by Andrei Cipu [Review]
Sublime Text Package Control (sublime.wbond.net) by Les Chaps [Review]
SugarLabs Tickets (bugs.sugarlabs.org) by Anon [Review]
Sun Search - Community (sun.com) by Mustafa Uğur Uçar [Review]
SWI-Prolog Documentation (swi-prolog.org) by Peter Berry [Review]
Swing (google.com) by Christophe Le Besnerais [Review]
Sybase CR search (www-infra) by Benjamin Lei [Review]
Symbian Search (symbiansearch.com) by Mark Whitaker [Review]
symfony (3rd Party - Google) (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony API 1.0 (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony API 1.1 (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony API 1.2 (symfony-project.org) by Vasek [Review]
symfony Askeet Tutorial (3rd Party - Google) (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Book 1.0 (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Forum (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Snippets (symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Wiki (3rd Party - Google) (trac.symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
symfony Wiki (fr) (3rd Party - Google) (trac.symfony-project.org) by Olivier Loynet [Review]
Symfony2 (symfony.com) by Anon [Review]
The Elder Geek Forum (theeldergeek.com) by ricktendo64 [Review]
TMS Software (tmssoftware.com) by Alper Demir [Review]
Toad Knowledge Xpert for Oracle (toadworld.com) by G. Calis [Review]
trac - bug search (trac.dev.guestcentric.com) by Pedro Araujo [Review]
Turk-PHP Search (turk-php.com) by Alihan Çetin [Review]
Tutorialized.Com (tutorialized.com) by Menan [Review]
Twisted Documentation - Google (twistedmatrix.com) by David Bronke [Review]
TYPO3 English Forum (forum.typo3.org) by Lewis Rosenthal [Review]
TYPO3 Extension Repository (extensions.typo3.org) by Martin Terber [Review]
TYPO3 Wiki (wiki.typo3.org) by Martin Terber [Review]
Unicode Char Lookup (unicode.org) by Jon Connelly [Review]
Unisys.Bugtrack (unisys.bugtrack.net) by Brook Smith [Review]
Unity Docs Scripting API (docs.unity3d.com) by Anon [Review]
Unity3D (unity3d.com) by spamme [Review]
Unity3D combined search (unity3d.com) by spamme [Review]
Unity3D community forums (forum.unity3d.com) by Benoit FOULETIER [Review]
Unity3D script reference (unity3d.com) by Benoit FOULETIER [Review]
Unlocalize (unlocalize.com) by Jaroslav Bucek [Review]
Unserialize.com (unserialize.com) by bluepostit [Review]
UTF-8 Icons (utf8icons.com) by lhunath [Review]
valadoc (valadoc.org) by lhw [Review]
vB Online Manual (vbulletin.com) by Skavenger [Review]
VB6 KB (support.microsoft.com) by Peter Nann [Review]
VBForums (vbforums.com) by test2 [Review]
View HTTP headers (web-sniffer.net) by Alexey Murz Korepov [Review]
Vijos PID (vijos.cn) by liangent [Review]
Vim plugins (vim.org) by Anon [Review]
Vim Tips Wiki (vim.fandom.com) by webgirl [Review]
Visual Studio Marketplace - VSCode (marketplace.visualstudio.com) by Anon [Review]
Visualforce Developer Guide (salesforce.com) by Daniel Blackhall [Review]
Vuetify Search Plugin (vuetifyjs.com) by Daniele Tentoni [Review]
vvvv.org (vvvv.org) by Melchior blausand (@blausand) [Review]
vvvv.org - nodes (vvvv.org) by Melchior blausand (@blausand) [Review]
W3Schools (Google search) (w3schools.com) by Stephen Hermans [Review]
wiki.tcl.tk (wiki.tcl.tk) by eiji [Review]
Wikimedia Technical Search (google.com) by FreedomFighterSparrow [Review]
WinCert.net Forum (wincert.net) by RaGhul [Review]
WorkingWithRails (workingwithrails.com) by Juanjo Bazán [Review]
Wotsit.org (wotsit.org) by trashed [Review]
wxWidgets - docs/stable (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Eric Stevens [Review]
wxWidgets - docs/trunk (docs.wxwidgets.org) by Joel Low [Review]
xajax Wiki (xajaxproject.org) by levhita [Review]
XDA-Developers (forum.xda-developers.com) by StickyIcky17 [Review]
XDA-Developers (forum.xda-developers.com) by maxelo [Review]
XDA-Developers (forum.xda-developers.com) by maxelo [Review]
XSSed.Com Search (xssed.com) by snipe [Review]
xulplanet (xulplanet.com) by cysiek10 [Review]
You code (you.com) by mavuriel [Review]
YQL REST Query (developer.yahoo.com) by Les Chaps [Review]
Zend Framework API Doc Search (google.com) by escakir [Review]
Zend Framework Manual (google.nl) by ecakir [Review]
Zend Framework Programmer's Reference Guide (framework.zend.com) by Jon Peck [Review]
Zvon.org (zvon.org) by ycc [Review]
Все о фреймворке Kohana (kohanaframework.su) by Sergey Yakovlev [Review]
Русскоязычный форум Kohana (forum.kohanaframework.su) by Sergey Yakovlev [Review]
探索兔 (tansuotu.com) by zhtt [Review]
菜鸟教程 (runoob.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
- Computer - Software
2BakSa.Net (2baksa.net) by kuro [Review]
3D2F.com - Freeware (3d2f.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
3Ddown (3ddown.com) by Zenkius [Review]
4PDA (4pda.ru) by Laktionov Ivan [Review]
4PDA (4pda.ru) by Anonymous [Review]
4PDA topics (4pda.ru) by Anon [Review]
52破解 (52pojie.cn) by RunningCheese [Review]
9Down (9down.com) by Demono [Review]
::LAVteam:: (lavteam.org) by Anon [Review]
AARNet (mirror.aarnet.edu.au) by Stephen Whitehead [Review]
Abby Sofware search (softfreedownload.com) by Abby [Review]
AcgnX (Applications) (acgnx.se) by WolfPack [Review]
AcgnX (Software) (acgnx.se) by WolfPack [Review]
Adium Xtras (adiumxtras.com) by Brandon McGrody [Review]
Adobe Digital Marketing Help (microsite.omniture.com) by Anon [Review]
Ali213 (bt.ali213.net) by Anon [Review]
all download apk (alldownloadapk.com) by apk download [Review]
Allmyapps (allmyapps.com) by Stephen Judge [Review]
AlternativeTo (alternativeto.net) by Anon [Review]
AlternativeTo (alternativeto.net) by maxelo [Review]
AlternativeTo - FOSS (alternativeto.net) by gadjah [Review]
AlternativeTo - Open Source (alternativeto.net) by Anon [Review]
AlternativeTo - Windows (alternativeto.net) by tunix [Review]
AlternativeTo - Windows, FOSS (alternativeto.net) by Anon [Review]
Amazon Appstore for Android (amazon.com) by Anon [Review]
Aminet - Name (aminet.net) by AmiSpaTra [Review]
Android Apps @ Cyrket (cyrket.com) by DarthHeizenberg [Review]
Ansible Galaxy (galaxy.ansible.com) by Nassim K. [Review]
APK App Browser (freeandroidapkapps.wordpress.com) by Free Apps [Review]
APK MANIA (apkmania.co) by Jameel Hussain [Review]
Apk Monk (apkmonk.com) by Brad [Review]
Apk-Apps (google.com) by Damian [Review]
APKMirror (apkmirror.com) by xubuntu4iran [Review]
APKMirror (HTTPS) (APK names) (apkmirror.com) by tnonce [Review]
APKMirror (HTTPS) (app names) (apkmirror.com) by tnonce [Review]
APKMirror (HTTPS) (dev names) (apkmirror.com) by tnonce [Review]
APKPure (apkpure.com) by xubuntu4iran [Review]
AppComments (appcomments.com) by Anon [Review]
appimagehub.com (appimagehub.com) by IKrupa [Review]
Appolicious Android Apps (androidapps.com) by Rusty [Review]
AppShopper (appshopper.com) by Todd [Review]
Aptoide (aptoide.com) by Anon [Review]
Aptoide mobile (m.aptoide.com) by Anon [Review]
AS/400 PTFs (www-912.ibm.com) by Litrik De Roy [Review]
Ask Tom (3rd Party - Google) (asktom.oracle.com) by Kirk Brocas [Review]
Astalavista.box.sk (astalavista.box.sk) by Bernd@drwindows.de [Review]
Astalavista.de (astalavista.de) by Astalavista [Review]
Atom.io Package Searcch (atom.io) by narju [Review]
Autodesk Discussion Groups (discussion.autodesk.com) by Stuart Smith [Review]
AVIRA Virensuche (avira.com) by hra [Review]
Avsim File Library (library.avsim.net) by David Fennell [Review]
Basilisk Add-ons (addons.basilisk-browser.org) by strel [Review]
Bazaar android (bazaarandroid.com) by jonik [Review]
Blackberry App World (appworld.blackberry.com) by moriarty [Review]
Blackberry Technical Solution Center (blackberry.com) by neo3000 [Review]
BlackViper services (duckduckgo.com) by krzysiu.net [Review]
Blastwave - all files (blastwave.org) by Mick Weiss [Review]
Blastwave - Filename (blastwave.org) by Mick Weiss [Review]
Blender Python API (docs.blender.org) by Cirno [Review]
Blue-White GT (blue-whitegt.com) by DJ GRP [Review]
blueCarat (bluecarat.eu) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
BMC Remedy KB Search (support.bmc.com) by Anon [Review]
Boobpedia (boobpedia.com) by newff [Review]
Bootcd.us (bootcd.us) by Cloud Strife [Review]
brew.sh (formulae.brew.sh) by Anon [Review]
Brothersoft (brothersoft.com) by Anon [Review]
bug gnuzilla lists.gnu.org (lists.gnu.org) by Themis [Review]
calibre (Netzwerkserver) (tharos) by Tharos [Review]
Captivate 5 Help (adobe.com) by Anon [Review]
CC98 Software (software.cc98.org) by tuantuan [Review]
Chandoo.org (chandoo.org) by Struzak [Review]
Chef Supermarket (supermarket.getchef.com) by Xabier de Zuazo [Review]
Chef Supermarket Tools (supermarket.getchef.com) by Xabier de Zuazo [Review]
CherrySoft search (soft.net-inform.ru) by Tim Sayatov [Review]
Chip.de - Downloads (chip.de) by Stefan Hittler [Review]
Chocolatey (chocolatey.org) by Anon [Review]
Chocolatey (community.chocolatey.org) by Anon [Review]
Chocolatey (Sort Recent) (chocolatey.org) by Anon [Review]
Chomp (chomp.com) by Tom Hirashima [Review]
Chrome Web Store (chrome.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Chrome Web Store (free, 4-star) (chrome.google.com) by tnonce [Review]
Chrome Web Store - Extensions (rating: ≥4 stars) (chrome.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Články - JoomlaPortal.CZ (joomlaportal.cz) by František Bartoš [Review]
Cloudsploit Vulerability Details (github.com) by Anon [Review]
CLSID Identifier (sysinfo.org) by Olivia Cond [Review]
CMSSW LXR - Identifier (cmslxr.fnal.gov) by Andrea Bocci [Review]
Cocoon-Dev (marc.info) by Olivier Lange [Review]
Cocoon-Users (marc.info) by Olivier Lange [Review]
CommVault Simpana 10 - Additional Settings (documentation.commvault.com) by Kevin Marsh [Review]
CommVault Simpana 10 Books Online (docs.commvault.com) by Kevin Marsh [Review]
CommVault Simpana 9 Books Online (documentation.commvault.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
ComponentSource (componentsource.com) by Anon [Review]
Controladores-Drivers.es (controladores-drivers.es) by Björn Fröhlich [Review]
Coolrom (coolrom.com) by Anon [Review]
Crack.MS (crack.ms) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
CrackDB (crackdb.org) by VA [Review]
Crackportal (crackportal.com) by Vano [Review]
Cracks.TheBugs (cracks.thebugs.ws) by Shinryuu [Review]
CrackZ.WS (crackz.ws) by Anon [Review]
CRAN package (cran.r-project.org) by Kirill Müller [Review]
Cydia search by ModMyi (modmyi.com) by Darlyn Perez [Review]
Cygwin package (cygwin.com) by XilefNori [Review]
Daisy (search.cocoondev.org) by Olivier Lange [Review]
Darkstar Ventrilo Status (darkstarllc.com) by Eli Lahr [Review]
Data Recovery Reviews (recovery-review.com) by Dmitry [Review]
Datei öffnen Suche (dateioeffnen.de) by Zacharias Knoop [Review]
DB2 Information Center (publib.boulder.ibm.com) by CalicoJck [Review]
DDG Salesforce Help (help.salesforce.com) by Anon [Review]
Digital Technology Information (digitaltecinfo.blogspot.com) by somendra [Review]
Directory Opus Resource Centre - All (resource.dopus.com) by Cobalt37 [Review]
Docker Hub (hub.docker.com) by Xabier de Zuazo [Review]
DonationCoder (donationcoder.com) by Anon [Review]
DonationCoder Forum (donationcoder.com) by daddydave [Review]
DonationCoder Forum (topic subject only) (donationcoder.com) by Ampeter [Review]
DonationCoder Help Desk (donationcoder.com) by daddydave [Review]
Downkeep (downkeep.majz.com) by Anon [Review]
Download Crack (a2zcracksoft.blogspot.com) by asciitable [Review]
Download.com - All (download.cnet.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Download.com - Free (download.cnet.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Download.com - Games (download.cnet.com) by pNd [Review]
Download.com - Mac (download.cnet.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Download.com - Mobile (download.cnet.com) by pNd [Review]
Download.com - Webware (download.cnet.com) by pNd [Review]
Download.com - Windows (download.cnet.com) by pNd [Review]
Download.com - Windows - Free (download.cnet.com) by Grant [Review]
Download.com - Windows Vista - Free (download.cnet.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Download.com - Windows XP (download.cnet.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Download.com - Windows XP - Free (download.cnet.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Download.fi (download.fi) by blind_peer [Review]
Driver-Download.it (driver-download.it) by Björn Fröhlich [Review]
Emacs Wiki (recent changes, regexp search) (emacswiki.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Epyrus Add-ons (addons.epyrus.org) by strel [Review]
ERPgreat (cse.google.co.in) by Sherl [Review]
ESRI Nimbus (support.esri.com) by Anon [Review]
ExactTarget Documentation Wiki (wiki.memberlandingpages.com) by Sean Biek [Review]
Exploit/Vulnerability Search Engine (exploitsearch.net) by adam [Review]
extenzilla (extenzilla.org) by numerone [Review]
F-Droid (f-droid.org) by schmoken [Review]
F-Droid (Qwant Lite - no JS) (f-droid.org) by Anon [Review]
F-Secure (f-secure.com) by haggisbreath [Review]
F4krom search (f4krom.com.ar) by melinerunen [Review]
fetishBB (fetish.pornbb.org) by Anon [Review]
File Inspect Library (fileinspect.com) by gmoises [Review]
Fileforum (fileforum.betanews.com) by Anon [Review]
FileHippo.com (filehippo.com) by dreedmg [Review]
FileInfo.com (fileinfo.com) by Per Christensson [Review]
FilePig (filepig.org) by anon [Review]
FileResearchCenter (fileresearchcenter.com) by Alex [Review]
Filestube MCG (filestube.com) by NOrack [Review]
FileTransit (filetransit.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
FileWatcher.com (filewatcher.com) by Anon [Review]
FindFiles Mirror search (findfiles.com) by Joolee [Review]
Firefox Marketplace (marketplace.firefox.com) by naesk [Review]
flathub.org (flathub.org) by IKrupa [Review]
fnd.io CN (fnd.io) by RunningCheese [Review]
FNet.de (fnet.de) by Björn Fröhlich [Review]
Fontzone (fontzone.net) by CAPA TELEVISION [Review]
Forumophilia (forumophilia.com) by newff [Review]
fossdroid (fossdroid.com) by JJR [Review]
Free Downloads Center (freedownloadscenter.com) by Jacob [Review]
Free Play Club (freeplayclub.org) by numerone [Review]
Free Software Directory (directory.fsf.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
FreeCad (forum.freecadweb.org) by JoeYeti [Review]
FreeCad_topics (forum.freecadweb.org) by JoeYeti [Review]
Freecode (freecode.com) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Freepedia (freepedia.pl) by Michal Cwiklinski [Review]
Freeware Files (freewarefiles.com) by Tommy G [Review]
Freeware Pharmacy (freewarepharmacy.com) by the pharmacist [Review]
Freeware-Palm.com (freeware-palm.com) by Art Bucher [Review]
Freewaregames.de (freewaregames.de) by Björn Fröhlich [Review]
Freewarenetz.de (freewarenetz.de) by Björn Fröhlich [Review]
FreshPorts (freshports.org) by cynix [Review]
FrogCMS Forums - Google (forum.madebyfrog.com) by David Cognito [Review]
GIMP Plugin Registry (registry.gimp.org) by Spell [Review]
Gimpuj.info (gimpuj.info) by Kacper Gunia [Review]
GitHub - Most Stars (github.com) by amindeed [Review]
Gizmo's Freeware (techsupportalert.com) by Anon [Review]
Gizmo's Tech Support Alert (techsupportalert.com) by BC Gibson [Review]
GNU Bug Tracker (debbugs.gnu.org) by B.M. Jones [Review]
Google Encrypted Search (encrypted.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Help SAP (google.com.co) by Mandramas [Review]
Google NZB (encrypted.google.com) by newff [Review]
Google Pics (google.com) by newff [Review]
Google Play (play.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Play (play.google.com) by maxelo [Review]
Google Play - Apps (play.google.com) by Skarek [Review]
Google Play - Apps (play.google.com) by maxelo [Review]
Google Play - Apps (play.google.com) by maxelo [Review]
Google Play - Apps (play.google.com) by maxelo [Review]
Google Play - Apps (via Google) (play.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Play - find betas (play.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Play - find betas (play.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Play Store (play.google.com) by maxelo [Review]
Google Sheets function list (support.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Software Search (getsware.googlepages.com) by Luca Colombi [Review]
Google SSL (google.com) by newff [Review]
Gratis Programas (gratisprogramas.org) by Gustavo Martín Rojas [Review]
Greasy Fork (greasyfork.org) by Trevor Nonce [Review]
Greasy Fork - by domain, sort by updated (greasyfork.org) by Anon [Review]
GuaJ.es - Software (guaj.es) by baggiobanglio [Review]
HDSpot.NET Search (hdspot.net) by HDSpot [Review]
heise Download-Verzeichnis (heise.de) by Marius Schild [Review]
heise Download-Verzeichnis (heise.de) by Marius Schild [Review]
heise Software-Verzeichnis (heise.de) by Jonas Westphal [Review]
HotMovies (hotmovies.com) by newff [Review]
HP-UX Software (hpux.connect.org.uk) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
i-TEC KB (fbiweb.etb.bel.alcatel.be) by Greg [Review]
IBM e-Support: Blogs (ibm.com) by Jim Lund [Review]
IBM e-Support: developerWorks (www-128.ibm.com) by Jim Lund [Review]
IBM e-Support: Forums (ibm.com) by Jim Lund [Review]
IBM e-Support: IBM Publications (redbooks.ibm.com) by Jim Lund [Review]
IBM e-Support: IBM Technotes (ibm.com) by Jim Lund [Review]
IBM Knowledge Center (DB2 LUW on AIX) (ibm.com) by Anon [Review]
IBM Knowledge Center (Spectrum Protect 8.1.0) (ibm.com) by Anon [Review]
IBM Lookat z/OS V1R9 (www-03.ibm.com) by Ross Biddulph [Review]
IE Gallery (iegallery.com) by Anon [Review]
IlSoftware.it (ilsoftware.it) by Jacopo Moronato [Review]
imagepost (imagepost.com) by newff [Review]
Indirmesitesi Software Wikipedia Search (indirmesitesi.com) by Johnathon [Review]
Ingres Documentation (docs.ingres.com) by Grant Croker [Review]
inndir.com (inndir.com) by Alper Demir [Review]
Interface (orion) by Dis [Review]
Interlink Add-ons (interlink-addons.binaryoutcast.com) by strel [Review]
Internet Archive: Software (archive.org) by Stephen Judge [Review]
intporn.com (intporn.com) by newff [Review]
intporn.com (3rd Party - Google) (encrypted.google.com) by newff [Review]
IP Address Geolocation (infosniper.net) by Reimar Hoven [Review]
iPAST0RE (ipastore.me) by Anonymous [Review]
IQSoftware (iqsoftware.biz) by Andrew Kovalev [Review]
ISP SR View (support.us.oracle.com) by Anon [Review]
ISTQB Glossary (glossary.istqb.org) by Kirill Kirillov [Review]
IT FACTORY (itfactory.com) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
iTunes App Store (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by BarrettJ [Review]
iTunes App Store US (3rd Party - Google) (google.com) by Sadal Hayat [Review]
iusethis (Windows) (windows.iusethis.com) by Crescent Fresh [Review]
iWatcher.net (iwatcher.net) by Sadal Hayat [Review]
JDE/PSFT jdelist.com (jdelist.com) by Yuri Dmytrenko [Review]
JDE/PSFT peoplesoft.com (peoplesoft.com) by Yuri Dmytrenko [Review]
Kaspersky Suche (kaspersky.com) by AnTerNoZ [Review]
Keygen Guru (keygenguru.com) by David Jarvis [Review]
KeyGen.us Crack Search (keygen.us) by Sean Curtin [Review]
KeyGen.us Serial Search (keygen.us) by Sean Hapeta Curtin [Review]
KEYGENS (keygens.nl) by KEYGENS.NL [Review]
kuaiche (flashget.com) by lain [Review]
LabKey Documentation (labkey.org) by Adam Rauch [Review]
LabKey Issues (labkey.org) by Adam Rauch [Review]
LibHunt (libhunt.com) by Anon [Review]
Lifehacker (lifehacker.com) by Anon [Review]
LilyPond (lsr.dsi.unimi.it) by Valentin Villenave [Review]
LinksBox (linksbox.net) by Atyth [Review]
losescriptshop.de Artikelsuche (losescriptshop.de) by Anon [Review]
Lotus Brand Support (ibm.com) by Thomas Jost [Review]
Lotus Notes and Domino wiki (www-10.lotus.com) by Amit Tailor [Review]
Lotus Notes/Domino Help Online (help.pool.kiev.ua) by Dmitriy Voytishin [Review]
Lotus SPR# (lotus.com) by Thomas Jost [Review]
Luxology Forum (forums.luxology.com) by Greg [Review]
Mac Torrents (mac-torrents.com) by Ed [Review]
Macintosh Garden (macintoshgarden.org) by henry [Review]
MacPorts portfiles search (macports.org) by Daniel Luz [Review]
MacSerialJunkie Topic Titles (macserialjunkie.com) by Anon [Review]
MacUpdate (macupdate.com) by MacUpdate [Review]
MacUpdate - Free (macupdate.com) by Alain-Christian [Review]
maemo Wiki (wiki.maemo.org) by Gulraj Rijhwani [Review]
Magento (magentocommerce.com) by David Parloir [Review]
MajorGeeks (majorgeeks.com) by Victor Hugo [Review]
Majorgeeks Mac (mac.majorgeeks.com) by Anon [Review]
marc.info (marc.info) by Stefano Stabellini [Review]
Maven Central (search.maven.org) by Anon [Review]
McAfee Corporate Knowledgebase (kc.mcafee.com) by Anon [Review]
MCE-Community.de (mce-community.de) by .fey&Kasima [Review]
MCE-Community.de (Google) (google.de) by Kasima [Review]
MediaWiki SSL (mediawiki.org) by Bob Jonkman [Review]
MELPA (melpa.org) by Anon [Review]
Mentor Graphics Communities Search (communities.mentor.com) by Community Admin [Review]
Mentor Graphics SupportNet (supportnet.mentor.com) by Danilo [Review]
Microsoft Store (microsoft.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
Mjølner Informatics (en) (mjolner.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Mobile Software Games (mobile-software-games.com) by chetan [Review]
MobileMastee (mobilemastee.com) by Gx7 [Review]
MoinMoin (moinmo.in) by Carsten Lemmen [Review]
Moodle 2.0 Tracker (tracker.moodle.org) by Frank Ralf [Review]
Moodle Documentation Forum (en) - Subject (moodle.org) by Frank Ralf [Review]
Moodle Forums (en) - Discussion (moodle.org) by Frank Ralf [Review]
Moodle QA Tracker (tracker.moodle.org) by Frank Ralf [Review]
MOONGIFT Google (moongift.jp) by strayDuck [Review]
MSJ Forum Search (macserialjunkie.com) by xsight3 [Review]
MyFonts (myfonts.com) by Justin Callaghan [Review]
MySoftChoice (mysoftchoice.com) by Richard [Review]
MySQL Reference Manual (latest) (dev.mysql.com) by Dâmaris Sbrizza [Review]
MyTopFiles Software Search (mytopfiles.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
Network-Secure (network-secure.de) by hra [Review]
NewzLeech (newzleech.com) by newff [Review]
NirSoft (nirsoft.net) by Anon [Review]
NirSoft - File Extensions (extension.nirsoft.net) by michele chesi [Review]
Nix Package Versions (nixpkgs-unstable) (lazamar.co.uk) by Lilya [Review]
NoCmd (nocmd.com) by neold [Review]
NONAGS (nonags.com) by Anon [Review]
Notes and Domino wiki (lotus.com) by Thomas Jost [Review]
Notes.ini Reference (lntoolbox.com) by Bastian W. [Review]
Novell (novell.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
nsane.down (nsanedown.com) by DDLbase [Review]
nsane.down (nsanedown.com) by Anon [Review]
Numpy docs (stable) (docs.scipy.org) by Anon [Review]
NZBClub (nzbclub.com) by newff [Review]
NZBIndex (nzbindex.com) by newff [Review]
NzbKing (nzbking.com) by newff [Review]
NzbSearch (nzbsearch.net) by newff [Review]
OldApps (Old Versions of popular software) (oldapps.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
OldVersion.com (oldversion.com) by tomohaze [Review]
OldVersion.com {Old version software!} (oldversion.com) by HitMe WithIt [Review]
Open Hub Projects (openhub.net) by Anon [Review]
openATTIC Jira Issue Tracker (tracker.openattic.org) by Lenz Grimmer [Review]
Openbravo Wiki (wiki.openbravo.com) by Juan Pablo Aroztegi [Review]
OpenBSD Ports (openports.se) by Jeff Bonhag [Review]
OpenCart forum (Topic Titles) (forum.opencart.com) by Ampeter [Review]
OpenDocument XML.org (opendocument.xml.org) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
OpenOffice.org dokumentation på dansk (doc.oooforum.dk)[Review]
OpenOffice.org Extensions (extensions.services.openoffice.org) by Stephen Judge [Review]
OpenOffice.org Forum via Google (google.com) by Andrew Oakley [Review]
OpenWith.org (openwith.org) by Luca Porzio [Review]
Oracle (search.oracle.com) by Katsumi INOUE [Review]
Oracle 11.1 Documentation (oracle.com) by Gregory Steulet [Review]
Oracle 9.2 Documentation (oracle.com) by Gregory Steulet [Review]
Oracle DB 11.2 (oracle.com) by Frank Downey [Review]
Oracle Federated (oracle.com) by Kamal Kumlien [Review]
Oracle Patches by ID (updates.oracle.com) by Nikita Bugrov [Review]