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- Dictionaries
1828-dictionary.com - Words
(1828-dictionary.com) by Christopher Love [Review]
(1tudien.com) by 1TuDien.com [Review]
5000 hiztegia Eus>Gaz
(bostakbat.org) by gikelseddi [Review]
5000 hiztegia Gaz>Eus
(bostakbat.org) by gikelseddi [Review]
A or An Dictionary
(a-or-an.com) by sware [Review]
(a2zwordfinder.com) by Gene Smith [Review]
(abbreviations.com) by Fernando Martinez Meneghetti [Review]
About.com: French Verb Conjugator
(french.about.com) by Fabio FZero [Review]
Academie Dictionaire 9eme edition Francais
(cnrtl.fr) by Alex Xiong [Review]
Alice Parole - Coniuga i verbi
(parole.virgilio.it) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Alice Parole - Sinonimi e contrari
(parole.alice.it) by Alberto Schiavone [Review]
Almaany Arabic-Arabic
(almaany.com) by AGR [Review]
An Foclóir Beag
(csis.ul.ie) by Anon [Review]
(anagrammer.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Anagrammer (IE7, no wildcards)
(anagrammer.com) by Soon Van [Review]
Angielski onLine
(angool.com) by Pawel Stawicki [Review]
Answers.com - Real Estate Dictionary
(answers.com) by Ben Jaques [Review]
(synonym.com) by Anon. [Review]
(almaany.com) by Anon [Review]
Arch Chinese
(archchinese.com) by Michael Miceli [Review]
ARTFL - Dictionnaires d'autrefois
(artfl-project.uchicago.edu) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Aryanpour English-Persian
(wdgco.com) by Farbod Safaei [Review]
Aryanpour Persian-English
(wdgco.com) by Farbod Safaei [Review]
ASALE Americanismos
(lema.rae.es) by Miguel Armentia [Review]
(asihablamos.com) by blasalejandro [Review]
Ask.com Dictionary US
(ask.com) by Jacob [Review]
Aspell Web Interface
(sk-spell.sk.cx) by Zdenko Podobný [Review]
Atlas Sémantiques - Synonymes FR
(atlas-semantiques.eu) by Anon [Review]
ATLIF - Français classique
(portail.atilf.fr) by Anon [Review]
Bab.la En-Cz
(cs.bab.la) by Anon [Review]
(pl.bab.la) by Anon [Review]
Babylon online
(online.babylon.com) by Marco van der Meer [Review]
(bararanonline.com) by Anon [Review]
Bartleby AHD (Entry Word)
(bartleby.com) by Chris Leung [Review]
BDWord - English to Bengali
(bdword.com) by Taohidul Hassan [Review]
BeParsi به پارسی
(beparsi.com) by BeParsi.com [Review]
(bin.arnastofnun.is) by GylfiOlafsson [Review]
Big Huge Thesaurus
(words.bighugelabs.com) by Julio Souza-PVH [Review]
BitEx Chinese-Japanese Dictionary
(bitex-cn.com) by Felix Leong [Review]
(bluedic.com) by Ahn [Review]
Bokmål og Nynorsk ordbok (uio.no)
(nob-ordbok.uio.no) by Pål [Review]
(bonpatron.com) by BonPatron [Review]
Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
(bosworthtoller.com) by sware [Review]
Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
(bosworthtoller.com) by sware [Review]
C'est facile!
(cestfacile.eu) by Mark Visser [Review]
Ca peut servir (verbes)
(capeutservir.com) by JM.D [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by WayneKao [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary (UK English)
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary (UK English)
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - British English
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Michael [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English Turkish
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English Turkish
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English-Chinese (Simplified)
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Max Wang [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English-Chinese (Simplified) Idioms
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Max Wang [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English-Traditional-Chinese
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - Essential British English
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - Idioms
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by enneweb [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - Learner's
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Cambridge English Thesaurus
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Pronunciations
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Greek God [Review]
(canoonet.eu) by Martin Podolak [Review]
canoonet - All
(canoo.net) by Anon [Review]
canoonet - Alles
(canoo.net) by Matthias Huber [Review]
canoonet - Flexion
(canoo.net) by Ryan Speers [Review]
CantoDict - Chinese character
(cantonese.sheik.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
CantoDict - Chinese word
(cantonese.sheik.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
CantoDict - English meaning
(cantonese.sheik.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
CantoDict - Jyutping
(cantonese.sheik.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
CantoDict - Pinyin
(cantonese.sheik.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
(cdict.net) by Paladin of Lab. [Review]
Chambers 21st Century Dictionary
(chambers.co.uk) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Chambers Thesaurus
(chambers.co.uk) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Chine nouvelle - annotations - survol
(chine-nouvelle.com) by Patou [Review]
Chinese Dictionary
(dict.revised.moe.edu.tw) by Soon Van [Review]
Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary
(chinese.yabla.com) by Jan Mieszczanek [Review]
(chineseetymology.org) by Quantum Immortal [Review]
(mousai.kanji.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp) by Yoichiro Akiyama [Review]
(semantix.com) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
CNKI Dictionary
(dict.cnki.net) by WANG.SJTU [Review]
(cnrtl.fr) by phil [Review]
cnrtl - Dictionnaire du Moyen Français
(cnrtl.fr) by Monsieur Nicolas [Review]
(cnrtl.fr) by Laurent [Review]
CNRTL - TLFi - etymologie
(cnrtl.fr) by Michael [Review]
CNRTL - TLFi - synonymie
(cnrtl.fr) by Anon [Review]
Collins Cobuild
(collinslanguage.com) by CSA [Review]
Collins COBUILD Advanced Dictionary
(mycobuild.com) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Collins Dictionary - American English
(collinsdictionary.com) by Tony Yip [Review]
Collins Dictionary - British English
(collinsdictionary.com) by Tony Yip [Review]
Collins Dictionary - British English
(collinsdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Collins English Thesaurus
(collinsdictionary.com) by Jake Dovey [Review]
Collins English Thesaurus
(collinsdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Collins Thesaurus
(collinslanguage.com) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon
(webapps.uni-koeln.de) by Sanjay Prabhakaran [Review]
Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon - all
(webapps.uni-koeln.de) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Cologne Online Tamil Lexicon
(webapps.uni-koeln.de) by Sanjay Prabhakaran [Review]
(coniugazione.it) by Anon [Review]
Conjuga-me (en)
(conjuga-me.net) by Jonatas Müller [Review]
conjugador GrEC
(diccionari.cat) by nan [Review]
Conjugaison LeMonde.fr
(conjugaison.lemonde.fr) by G. Duthieuw [Review]
(conjugation.org) by Robert J. Walker [Review]
Conxugar verbos - digalego.com
(digalego.com) by Kaptan [Review]
Corriere it
(dizionari.corriere.it) by fedcas [Review]
CrapulesCorp conjugaison
(crapulescorp.net) by mAn [Review]
CRULP اردو لغت
(crulp.org) by faraz [Review]
(diccionariu.alladixital.org) by sware [Review]
Danish Corpus
(corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Danske Synonymer
(synonym.oooforum.dk) by Leif Lodahl [Review]
Das Digitale Wörterbuch
(dwds.de) by Maik Bunschkowski [Review]
Daum 국어사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
Daum 어학사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
Daum 영어사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
Daum 영영사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
Daum 일본어사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
Daum 중국어사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
Daum 한자사전
(dic.daum.net) by Seungbeom Kim [Review]
DCVB Alcover Moll
(dcvb.iecat.net) by Anon [Review]
DCVB Alcover Moll
(dcvb.iec.cat) by Anònim [Review]
(definr.com) by 9idiots.com [Review]
DEI - Diccionario Español de Ingeniería
(diccionario.raing.es) by Anon [Review]
Den Danske Ordbog
(ordnet.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Denshi Jisho
(jisho.org) by Anon [Review]
Denshi Jisho - beta
(beta.jisho.org) by Anon [Review]
Denshi Jisho - Sentences (Eng)
(jisho.org) by david [Review]
Denshi Jisho - Sentences (Japanese)
(jisho.org) by quaren [Review]
Denshi Jisho - Words (English)
(jisho.org) by rifter [Review]
Denshi Jisho - Words (Japanese)
(jisho.org) by Steven Smith [Review]
Det Danske Sprog
(sproget.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Deutsche Rechtschreibung.org
(deutsche-rechtschreibung.org) by W. Grimm [Review]
Deutscher Wortschatz
(wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Deutscher Wortschatz (Uni Leipzig)
(corpora.uni-leipzig.de) by franck [Review]
DEX online
(dexonline.ro) by Dragos Boneanu [Review]
DEX online
(dexonline.ro) by Dragos Boneanu [Review]
Dic. Estraviz
(estraviz.org) by J. Manuel Outeiro [Review]
(dic.academic.ru) by Anon [Review]
Dicc. ortogràfic valencià
(avl.gva.es) by Josep Messeguer [Review]
Dicc. Valencià RACV
(llenguavalenciana.com) by Anon [Review]
Diccionari de sinònims Albert Jané
(sinonims.iec.cat) by David Arnau [Review]
Diccionari de sinònims Albert Jané
(sinonims.iec.cat) by Anònim [Review]
Diccionari Enciclopèdic de Medicina
(grec.net) by Álvaro Canelo Noriega [Review]
Diccionari Multilingüe CA->ES
(grec.cat) by Albert Miranda [Review]
Diccionari Multilingüe ES->CA
(grec.cat) by Albert Miranda [Review]
Diccionari Valencia
(diccionari.llenguavalenciana.com) by Mad-Soft [Review]
Diccionario Chileno
(diccionariochileno.cl) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
Diccionario da Real Academía Galega
(edu.xunta.es) by Suevo [Review]
Diccionario de Español en EL PAÍS
(elpais.com) by Vaporustedes [Review]
Diccionario de términos médicos
(dtme.ranm.es) by Fernando Campos Leza [Review]
Diccionario del español de México
(dem.colmex.mx) by Rigoberto Calleja [Review]
Diccionario Etimológico (DeChile.net)
(etimologias.dechile.net) by bitMAN [Review]
Diccionario General de la Lengua Asturiana (DGLA)
(mas.lne.es) by sware [Review]
Diccionario RAG
(edu.xunta.es) by ELF [Review]
Diccionario Visual
(es.ghettodriveby.com) by Greg Froh [Review]
(diccionariocastellano.org) by Franck Japon [Review]
Diccionarios de la lengua castellana
(diccionarios.com) by Anon [Review]
diccionarios.com Español
(diccionarios.com) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
(micmap.org) by Anon [Review]
(dicio.com.br) by Zezão Tradutor [Review]
Dicionário da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa
(dicionario.acad-ciencias.pt) by Anon [Review]
Dicionario da RAG
(realacademiagalega.org) by Anon [Review]
Dicionario da Real Academia Galega
(realacademiagalega.org) by makeijan [Review]
Dicionário de Alemão-Português Infopédia
(infopedia.pt) by Anon [Review]
Dicionário de Gentílicos e Topónimos
(portaldalinguaportuguesa.org) by Anon [Review]
Dicionário Infopédia de Inglês
(infopedia.pt) by anon [Review]
Dicionário inFormal
(dicionarioinformal.com.br) by Michael [Review]
Dicionario KingHost
(kinghost.com.br) by Rodrigo Couto [Review]
Dicionário Michaelis (novo acordo ortográfico)
(michaelis.uol.com.br) by Hacker Gaucho [Review]
Dicionário Porto Editora
(infopedia.pt) by Anon [Review]
Dicionário Português‑Inglês
(infopedia.pt) by Kirill Kirillov [Review]
Dicionário Priberam
(priberam.pt) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Dicionário Priberam
(dicionario.priberam.org) by Anon [Review]
Dicionário Priberam (SSL)
(priberam.pt) by Anon [Review]
Dicionário pt
(lexico.pt) by José Carlos Santiago [Review]
diclib.com - Definiciones (es)
(diclib.com) by Ricardo de Robina [Review]
diclib.com - Sinónimos/Antónimos (es)
(diclib.com) by Ricardo de Robina [Review]
Dico des rimes
(dicodesrimes.com) by nojhan [Review]
Dico Le Robert
(dictionnaire.lerobert.com) by fennec [Review]
(dicsin.com.br) by PEdroArthur_JEdi [Review]
(dict.cn) by fxl [Review]
Dict.CN Mini
(dict.cn) by Liu Lin [Review]
(dict.org) by Alexander Withers [Review]
DICT.TW 線上字典
(dict.tw) by chienwen [Review]
Dictionar online Cuvant.net
(cuvant.net) by Paul3dglow [Review]
Dictionarist (de)
(dictionarist.com) by Salim Cam [Review]
Dictionarist (en)
(dictionarist.com) by Ugur Catak [Review]
Dictionarist (fr)
(dictionarist.com) by Mehmet Uslu [Review]
Dictionarist (tr)
(dictionarist.com) by Uğur Çatak [Review]
(dictionary.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
(dictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Dictionary: Ankur Eng to Ben
(bengalinux.org) by Taohidul Hassan [Review]
(dictionaryone.com) by Anon [Review]
Dictionnaire des synonymes
(crisco.unicaen.fr) by Karim [Review]
Dictionnaire Visuel
(fr.ghettodriveby.com) by Greg Froh [Review]
DIEC2 - Coincident
(dlc.iec.cat) by Cesar Martinez Izquierdo [Review]
DIEC2 - Començada per
(dlc.iec.cat) by Octavi Fornés [Review]
Digital South Asia Library - Bengali - Biswas-Bangala
(dsal.uchicago.edu) by Aumit [Review]
Digital South Asia Library - Bengali - Biswas-Bengali
(dsal.uchicago.edu) by Aumit [Review]
(diki.pl) by yew [Review]
Diki PL-DE
(diki.pl) by Anon [Review]
Dil Derneği Sözlüğü
(dildernegi.org.tr) by Mehmet Tahir SANDIKKAYA [Review]
(fundacioncnse-dilse.org) by Anon [Review]
DiPI Online - Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana
(dipionline.it) by Anon [Review]
(iedra.es) by sware [Review]
Dizi - Il dizionario collaborativo
(dizi.it) by Alberto Gialluca Palma [Review]
(dizionari.corriere.it) by Franck Japon [Review]
Dizionario d'ortografia e di pronunzia
(dizionario.rai.it) by Kef Schecter [Review]
Dizionario di italiano Hoepli
(hoepli.it) by Alberto Gialluca Palma [Review]
Dizionario Inglese-Italiano Hoepli
(dizionari.hoepli.it) by pcomenso [Review]
Dizionario Italiano
(dizionario-italiano.it) by Fabio Strozzi [Review]
Dizionario Italiano online Hoepli
(grandidizionari.it) by Franck Japon [Review]
Dizionario Italiano-Inglese Hoepli
(dizionari.hoepli.it) by pcomenso [Review]
Dizionario Repubblica
(dizionari.repubblica.it) by Gianluca Di Mauro [Review]
(avl.gva.es) by Anònim [Review]
(dorbanot.com) by Alon Schwarz [Review]
(dpej.rae.es) by udyat [Review]
(academia.gal) by damufo [Review]
Druide Antidote - Definition (En)
(antidote.app) by Eric Chartré [Review]
Druide Antidote - Définition (Fr)
(antidote.app) by Eric Chartré [Review]
Druide Antidote - Synonymes (Fr)
(antidote.app) by Eric Chartré [Review]
Druide Antidote - Synonyms (En)
(antidote.app) by Eric Chartré [Review]
DSAL - Persian
(dsal.uchicago.edu) by Anon [Review]
DTM Todos los campos
(dtme.ranm.es) by Fernando Campos Leza [Review]
(duden.de) by Dudenverlag [Review]
(duden.de) by Anon [Review]
(duden.de) by Dudendude [Review]
Duvida.net - Sinônimos
(duvida.net) by rafazildo [Review]
(dvlf.uchicago.edu) by Anon [Review]
(dwds.de) by Anon [Review]
DWDS - 2 (Beta)
(beta.dwds.de) by dmauricios [Review]
È facile!
(efacile.eu) by Mark Visser [Review]
(efant.ee) by Vitali Druzhinin [Review]
(kn.eki.ee) by Anon [Review]
e-words.jp - IT用語辞典
(e-words.jp) by Eriol [Review]
e2u.org.ua en<->uk
(e2u.org.ua) by Anon [Review]
(eanc.net) by Anon [Review]
(echtreim.de) by Roger Bacon [Review]
eDIL eDIL 2013
(dil.ie) by Eliad [Review]
Educalingo en español
(educalingo.com) by Percy Rodríguez [Review]
Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat
(eki.ee) by Julius Juurmaa [Review]
Eesti keele sünonüümisõnastik
(eki.ee) by Julius Juurmaa [Review]
Eesti keele tesaurus
(filosoft.ee) by Mihkel [Review]
Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat ÕS 2006
(eki.ee) by Julius Juurmaa [Review]
(virtuaaliyliopisto.fi) by vasara [Review]
ekşi sözlük
(eksisozluk.com) by Boray Eris [Review]
ekşi sözlük (3rd Party - Google TR)
(eksisozluk.com) by Onurcan [Review]
El Conjugador (es)
(elconjugador.com) by PP [Review]
El Conjugador (fr)
(elconjugador.com) by Melo [Review]
El País.com - Sinónimos y Antónimos
(elpais.com) by Amodaga [Review]
elcastellano.org - Diccionario Etimológico
(elcastellano.org) by Pablo Ziliani [Review]
Enciclopèdia catalana - Diccionari
(enciclopedia.cat) by Tempesta48 [Review]
Enciclopèdia catalana - Encyclopaedia
(enciclopedia.cat) by Tempesta48 [Review]
Encyclopédie de l'Agora
(agora.qc.ca) by erlang01 [Review]
English Corpus
(corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
English Extra Dictionaries
(englishextra.org.ua) by Sergey Shimansky [Review]
English Synonym Dictionary
(dico.isc.cnrs.fr) by Ike Brew [Review]
English to Indonesia
(kamus.orisinil.com) by Yusuf Arief Rahmanto [Review]
English-Word Information
(wordinfo.info) by saitamanodoruji [Review]
English/Chinese Dictionary from Yahoo.com
(zidian.cn.yahoo.com) by Henry Luo [Review]
English–Irish Dictionary
(teanglann.ie) by Anon [Review]
értelmező szótár
(meszotar.hu) by HorEl [Review]
ESRA On-Line
(esraonline.com) by The Computer Man, Telimektar [Review]
(etimo.it) by Mark Zackie [Review]
(eki.ee) by Erich Soomere [Review]
(etymologiebank.nl) by Anon [Review]
EtymOnline Online Etymology Dictionary
(etymonline.com) by Anon [Review]
eurfa cy-en 2
(eurfa.org.uk) by Bartek R [Review]
Eurodicautom En-Es
(ec.europa.eu) by Iván Santiesteban [Review]
Euskaltzaindiaren Hiztegia
(euskaltzaindia.eus) by Jagoba Barron [Review]
(evroterm.gov.si) by Miha Ambrož [Review]
Expressions Françaises
(expressions-francaises.fr) by Franck Japon [Review]
Expressions Françaises
(expressions-francaises.fr) by Franck Japon [Review]
Expressions françaises décortiquées
(expressio.fr) by Anon [Review]
Faroese Dictionary
(obg.fo) by Quackor [Review]
fastbot Wörterbuch
(fastbot.de) by strel [Review]
(you didn't search for anything) by Anon [Review]
Favereau BR-FR
(arkaevraz.net) by Tornoz [Review]
Favereau FR_BR
(arkaevraz.net) by Tornoz [Review]
Filimon Russian converter
(filimon.nagelix.com) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Fincd English - Finnish
(fincd.com) by Miha Ambrož [Review]
Fincd Finnish - English
(fincd.com) by Miha Ambrož [Review]
findwords - anagram
(findwords.info) by Mohamad Marwan [Review]
Finnish Verb Conjugator
(romania-sanakirja.net) by Hellahulla [Review]
(focal.ie) by Kevin Scannell [Review]
Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla
(teanglann.ie) by Anon [Review]
(focloir.ie) by Kevin Scannell [Review]
Folkets Lexikon - People's Dictionary EN-SWE-EN
(folkets-lexikon.csc.kth.se) by Marco Fabiani [Review]
(fradic.ru) by Dmitry Alexandrov [Review]
(fran.si) by Kmetavz [Review]
Free Anagram Solver
(freeanagramsolver.com) by Salvatore Riina [Review]
Free Thesaurus
(freethesaurus.com) by Anon [Review]
(freedictionary.org) by Baris [Review]
(fsolver.fr) by Anon [Review]
G.Dicc.L. Catalana (Conjugador)
(grec.net) by kom [Review]
Garzanti it
(garzantilinguistica.it) by Uli666 [Review]
Garzanti sinonimi it (Login)
(garzantilinguistica.it) by Antonello Lobianco [Review]
(gdt.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca) by Anon [Review]
GDT (par la vitrine linguistique)
(vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca) by Eric C. [Review]
German Corpus
(corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(germandictionary.org) by John Lee [Review]
Getionary en->pl
(getionary.pl) by xenonn [Review]
Getionary pl->en
(getionary.pl) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Glosbe (ru-uk)
(ru.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe (uk-ru)
(ru.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Irish-English Dictionary
(glosbe.com) by Eliad [Review]
gogen-yurai - Japanese word origin
(gogen-yurai.jp) by Franck Japon [Review]
goo 辞書
(dictionary.goo.ne.jp) by Mariten [Review]
Goodrae (sin desambiguación)
(recursosdidacticos.es) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
Google BR Definir
(google.com.br) by Anon [Review]
Google Define
(google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Define
(google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Define
(google.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
Google Dictionary
(google.com) by Phil C [Review]
Google Ngram Viewer
(books.google.com) by Spring [Review]
Google Sets
(labs.google.com) by strayDuck [Review]
Google UK Define
(google.co.uk) by Anon [Review]
Google US Define
(google.com) by Anon [Review]
(dictionary.goo.ne.jp) by Anon [Review]
Grammatical Dictionary of Botanical Latin
(mobot.org) by Pedro PSI [Review]
(gramota.ru) by Anon [Review]
Grand dictionnaire terminologique en->fr
(oqlf.gouv.qc.ca) by Hugo V. [Review]
Grand dictionnaire terminologique fr->en
(oqlf.gouv.qc.ca) by Hugo V. [Review]
greek-language.gr combined search
(greek-language.gr) by Anon [Review]
Green’s Dictionary of Slang Online
(greensdictofslang.com) by Anon [Review]
Gremple - German Verb Conjugation
(cambridgeclarion.org) by Alejandro Cadavid [Review]
Grimms Wörterbuch
(urts55.uni-trier.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Grimms Wörterbuch
(woerterbuchnetz.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
GrimmsWB (Uni Trier)
(germazope.uni-trier.de) by Sevo Stille [Review]
(grokitbetter.com) by John Mellor [Review]
(gujaratilexicon.com) by Kartik Mistry [Review]
Güncel Sözlük
(tdk.org.tr) by Vural Göze [Review]
Güncel Türkçe Sözlük
(tdk.gov.tr) by Ozan Güven [Review]
hakkeri.net en->fi
(sanakirja.hakkeri.net) by Cemre Gungor [Review]
hakkeri.net fi->en
(sanakirja.hakkeri.net) by Cemre Gungor [Review]
hakkeri.net fi->ru
(sanakirja.hakkeri.net) by Dmitry Petrov [Review]
hakkeri.net ru->fi
(sanakirja.hakkeri.net) by Dmitry Petrov [Review]
(hallo.ro) by Hex [Review]
(hanjadic.bravender.us) by Ahn [Review]
Hanzidico 中文-法文
(hanzidico.com) by Hanzidico [Review]
(arabiclexicon.hawramani.com) by AGR [Review]
(heinzelnisse.info) by Gregor Gabriel [Review]
Hindi - English dictionary IITB
(cfilt.iitb.ac.in) by Vinay Ribeiro [Review]
(cfilt.iitb.ac.in) by Vinay Ribeiro [Review]
Hızlı arama
(maviyengec.com) by Mehmet [Review]
(hk.iciba.com) by lihui912 [Review]
HKcards 倉頡字典
(hkcards.com) by Sirius [Review]
(howjsay.com) by John Garcia [Review]
Hrvatski jezični portal
(hjp.znanje.hr) by Matija Lovrić [Review]
hspell - בדיקת איות עברית
(cs.technion.ac.il) by Amir E. Aharoni [Review]
https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/ (Dictionary - DE-EN)
(dict.tu-chemnitz.de) by Anon [Review]
https_fastbot Wörterbuch
(fastbot.de) by atharic [Review]
(hurraki.de) by S. Reifsteck [Review]
(hyperdictionary.com) by <Developer> [Review]
(ushuaia.pl) by Andrei [Review]
IATE de->en
(iate.europa.eu) by Anon [Review]
Icelandic Online Dictionary
(digicoll.library.wisc.edu) by spacebirdy [Review]
(edu.iciba.com) by ZHANG Yin [Review]
Ideas afines
(ideasafines.com.ar) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
idegen szavak szótára
(idegen-szavak.hu) by HorEl [Review]
(idiomdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
(iedra.es) by sware [Review]
Il Nuovo De Mauro
(dizionario.internazionale.it) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Imago Mundi
(cosmovisions.com) by erlang01 [Review]
In.gr Greek dictionary
(dictionary.in.gr) by ΔeMo™ [Review]
Indonesia to English
(kamus.orisinil.com) by Yusuf Arief Rahmanto [Review]
(agal-gz.org) by J. Manuel Outeiro [Review]
Instant Wordbook.com
(instantwordbook.com) by Daniël de Leeuw [Review]
Interlingua-English Dictionary
(interlingua.com) by Anon [Review]
Internet Anagram Server
(wordsmith.org) by Darkpoet [Review]
Internet Anagram Server - Word List
(wordsmith.org) by Dan Jones [Review]
Íslensk nútímamálsorðabók
(islenskordabok.arnastofnun.is) by sware [Review]
Íslenskt orðanet
(ordanet.is) by spacebirdy [Review]
Íslesk nútímamálsorðabók
(islenskordabok.arnastofnun.is) by sware [Review]
iTaigi 愛台語
(itaigi.tw) by Isaac [Review]
(italiandictionary.org) by John Lee [Review]
(iciba.com) by Max Wang [Review]
(aisf.or.jp) by Pedro PSI [Review]
(japanesedictionary.org) by John Lee [Review]
Japonca Sözlük
(jptr.org) by Exadus [Review]
Járműszótár EN-HU
(jarmuszotar.hu) by gh [Review]
JLPT Kanji Project
(jlpt-kanji.com) by PB [Review]
Johnson's Dictionary Online
(johnsonsdictionaryonline.com) by Anon [Review]
(jpdb.io) by Anon [Review]
(jukuu.com) by Anon [Review]
(jukuu.com) by flyisland [Review]
(juridischwoordenboek.be) by Xoga74 [Review]
(kaannos.com) by Miikka Laakso [Review]
Kaifangcidian no<->zh-CN ordbok
(kaifangcidian.com) by Stian Haklev [Review]
(kakvo.org) by e-man [Review]
Kalipedia Sinónimos/Antónimos
(kalipedia.com) by raúl fuenzalida [Review]
Kanji ABC
(kanjiabc.net) by Roman Beslik [Review]
(kanjidamage.com) by zytroop [Review]
(kanjivg.tagaini.net) by Anon [Review]
(sanrui.co.jp) by saitamanodoruji [Review]
Kanshudo Quick Search
(kanshudo.com) by Eriol [Review]
Kateglo - Glosarium/Glossary
(kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id) by Anon [Review]
Kateglo - Glosarium/Glossary
(kateglo.com) by Anon [Review]
Kateglo - Kamus/Dictionary
(kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id) by Anon [Review]
Kateglo - Kamus/Dictionary
(kateglo.com) by Anon [Review]
Kateglo - Peribahasa/Proverb/Idioma
(kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id) by Anon [Review]
Kateglo - Peribahasa/Proverb/Idioma
(kateglo.com) by Anon [Review]
Kateglo - Singkatan/Akronim/Abbreviation/Acronym
(kateglo.com) by Anon [Review]
(pusatbahasa.kemdiknas.go.id) by Blue Spy [Review]
(kbbi.web.id) by Muhammad Yahya Harlan [Review]
(kbbi.kemdikbud.go.id) by Anon [Review]
Kielitoimiston sanakirja
(kielitoimistonsanakirja.fi) by Petri Mattila [Review]
Kleines Wörterbuch alte und neue Rechtschreibung
(carelesswriting.com) by F. de Saussure [Review]
(kmle.com) by wpcasper [Review]
(kmle.co.kr) by wpcasper [Review]
(krdic.korean.go.kr) by Konkuk Kim [Review]
(koreandictionary.net) by John Lee [Review]
(ordnet.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(korrekturen.de) by Martin Sand [Review]
(kotobank.jp) by M. Nagasaki [Review]
(kotobank.jp) by M. Nagasaki [Review]
(kreuzwortraetsellexikon.de) by Anonymous [Review]
KWDB Suche
(kwdb.ch) by weeesel [Review]
Labayru hiztegia (castellano->euskera)
(zerbitzuak.labayru.org) by Guretzat [Review]
Labayru hiztegia (euskera->gaztelania)
(zerbitzuak.labayru.org) by Guretzat [Review]
Langtolang.com Turkish->English
(langtolang.com) by Sanya [Review]
(larousse.com) by gerdami [Review]
Larousse (Français)
(larousse.fr) by ken [Review]
Larousse Français
(larousse.fr) by Steve Michaud [Review]
Larousse: le conjugateur
(larousse.fr) by Anon [Review]
Larousse: le conjugateur
(larousse.fr) by Anon [Review]
Latin Dictionary
(latin-dictionary.net) by Anon [Review]
Latin is Simple
(latin-is-simple.com) by Johanna [Review]
Law.com Dictionary
(dictionary.law.com) by ZAQS [Review]
Le Conjugueur
(leconjugueur.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Le Dictionnaire
(le-dictionnaire.com) by tomder [Review]
Le Robert
(dictionnaire.lerobert.com) by DW [Review]
(les-verbes.com) by PP [Review]
(lexic.us) by Tsume [Review]
Lexico - Thesaurus
(lexico.com) by Anon [Review]
Lexico - UK Dictionary
(lexico.com) by Anon [Review]
Lexin Bokmålsordbok
(lexin.no) by Reynolds Cameron [Review]
Lexin svenska ord
(lexin.nada.kth.se) by Martin K. [Review]
(lexitron.nectec.or.th) by Maliwan Savage [Review]
Lexplorer - British English
(apterous.org) by John Garcia [Review]
Libro rojo
(cosnautas.com) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
Liddell & Scott
(georgakas.lit.auth.gr) by Stazybo Horn [Review]
(archimedes.fas.harvard.edu) by Anon [Review]
Lietuvių Kalbos Žodynas
(lkz.lt) by Andrius Vitkauskas [Review]
(lightlex.com) by Isriya Paireepairit [Review]
LINE Dictionary (Usage examples)
(linedict.com) by Anon [Review]
Ling.pl EN/PL
(ling.pl) by Anon [Review]
Lingea Slovník cz<->cz (Slovník synonym)
(slovniky.lingea.cz) by Simon Büsselmann [Review]
LingoZ - Spanish
(lingoz.com) by Soon Van [Review]
lingvolive.ru EN-RU
(lingvolive.ru) by Anon [Review]
(lisaan.net) by AGR [Review]
(logeion.uchicago.edu) by Anon [Review]
(loghatnaameh.com) by Hamid Reza [Review]
Logos Conjugator
(logosconjugator.org) by Richardus C [Review]
Lojban dictionary
(vlasisku.lojban.org) by Anon [Review]
lojbo jufsisku
(lojban.lilyx.net) by Anon [Review]
(dict.longdo.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Longdo Dict
(dict.longdo.com) by Anon [Review]
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE)
(ldoceonline.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOCE) - Exact Match
(ldoceonline.com) by __Vano [Review]
Loopy.ru - слово по маске *
(loopy.ru) by Sergey Popov [Review]
Loopy.ru - слово по определению
(loopy.ru) by Sergey Popov [Review]
(ludwig.guru) by Anon [Review]
(luxogramm.uni.lu) by Peter Gilles [Review]
(merriam-webster.com) by Anon [Review]
Macmillan Dictionary
(macmillandictionary.com) by Hexaae [Review]
Macmillan Thesaurus
(macmillanthesaurus.com) by Anon [Review]
Macquarie Dictionary
(macquariedictionary.com.au) by Hansard [Review]
Macquarie Thesaurus
(macquariedictionary.com.au) by Hansard [Review]
Madura Online Dictionary
(maduraonline.com) by NIDAHASA [Review]
Magyar Helyesírás
(magyarhelyesiras.hu) by PAStheLoD [Review]
Magyar-Szlovák szótár
(dict.qnell.com) by feki83 [Review]
(mandarinspot.com) by MandarinSpot [Review]
MandarinSpot - Zhuyin Fuhao
(mandarinspot.com) by Hiori [Review]
Māori Dictionary
(maoridictionary.co.nz) by Mark Osborne [Review]
Maori Dictionary
(maoridictionary.co.nz) by Benek Lisefski [Review]
MEDIADICO - Conjugaisons
(mediadico.com) by Jean-Francois Blanc [Review]
MEDIADICO - Définitions
(mediadico.com) by Xavier Robin [Review]
MEDIADICO - Synonymes
(mediadico.com) by Xavier Robin [Review]
MEDIADICO TV5 - Conjugaisons
(dictionnaire.tv5.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
MEDIADICO TV5 - Définitions
(dictionnaire.tv5.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
MEDIADICO TV5 - Définitions
(dictionnaire.tv5.org) by Anon [Review]
(dictionnaire.tv5.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
MEDIADICO TV5 - Synonymes
(dictionnaire.tv5.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
MedlinePlus Medical Dictionary
(merriam-webster.com) by tequixote [Review]
Memidex dictionary/thesaurus
(memidex.com) by Serge Bohdjalian [Review]
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
(merriam-webster.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
(merriam-webster.com) by Anon [Review]
Merriam-Webster Learner's
(learnersdictionary.com) by chrima [Review]
Merriam-Webster Learner's
(learnersdictionary.com) by chrima [Review]
Merriam-Webster Medical
(merriam-webster.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
(merriam-webster.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Merriam-Webster Unabridged
(unabridged.merriam-webster.com) by Neal Burns [Review]
(webcache.googleusercontent.com) by KeithW [Review]
(metaglossary.com) by Jeffrey Regier [Review]
(miejski.pl) by Michał Przybyś [Review]
Mijnwoordenboek.nl Synoniemen
(mijnwoordenboek.nl) by Jesse Feddema [Review]
(milog.co.il) by Anon [Review]
Modismos Chilenos
(mainframe.cl) by raúl fuenzalida [Review]
Moji Tekkai
(moji.tekkai.com) by Daniel Hirsbrunner [Review]
MondoFacto Medical Dictionary
(mondofacto.com) by DiagonalArg [Review]
Mozilla l10n (IT)
(frenchmozilla.fr) by gialloporpora [Review]
Multidiccionario de la lengua castellana
(diccionarios.com) by Alejandro [Review]
Multimedia Wiki
(wiki.multimedia.cx) by mark cox [Review]
Multitran en<->ru
(multitran.com) by Anon [Review]
Multitran en<->ru
(multitran.com) by Anon [Review]
(multitran.com) by Anon [Review]
(multitran.com) by Anon [Review]
(multitran.com) by Anon [Review]
(mydictionary.de) by Ender Atesman [Review]
(myjmk.com) by Anon [Review]
(eki.ee) by Anon [Review]
(namepedia.org) by namepedia [Review]
Nate Dic
(alldic.nate.com) by eond [Review]
Nate 사전
(nate.com) by Park [Review]
Naver Dictionary
(dic.naver.com) by Andrew [Review]
Naver mDic
(m.endic.naver.com) by thankee [Review]
Naver Ru<>Ko
(m.rudic.naver.com) by ArtS [Review]
Naver 한자사전
(hanja.naver.com) by Walton Jones [Review]
Naver 한자사전
(hanja.dict.naver.com) by Anon [Review]
NCI Thesaurus Name/Code Search
(ncit.nci.nih.gov) by Libin Varghese [Review]
(netlingo.com) by Bill Pier [Review]
NetMOT Finnish-English
(mot.kielikone.fi.libproxy.aalto.fi) by Aalto [Review]
(netspeak.org) by Anon [Review]
Newbury House Dictionary
(nhd.heinle.com) by USDOT 2122332 [Review]
nico nico pedia
(dic.nicovideo.jp) by saitamanodoruji [Review]
Nihongoresources jp<->en
(nihongoresources.com) by Jonatas Müller [Review]
Nişanyan Sözlük
(nisanyansozluk.com) by cfsenel [Review]
Norsk Akademis ordbok
(naob.no) by Arno Teigseth [Review]
Norstedts svenska ord
(ord.se) by Martin K. [Review]
Northvegr Zoëga
(google.com) by Richard Smit [Review]
Nou diccionari RACV
(diccionari.llenguavalenciana.com) by Anon [Review]
(nullwords.com) by Anon [Review]
NY Times Crossword Answers
(nytimescrosswordanswers.com) by Anon [Review]
(o-db.com) by Maxim Mluhov [Review]
(tezaver.si) by Martin Srebotnjak [Review]
OEIS (The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences)
(oeis.org) by Stuart Orford [Review]
Oil Gas Glossary
(oilgasglossary.com) by oilgasglossary.com web admin [Review]
(omegawiki.org) by MovGP0 [Review]
Omegawiki (DE)
(omegawiki.org) by Anon [Review]
OmegaWiki (NL)
(omegawiki.org) by niels [Review]
OneLook - definitions
(onelook.com) by Patrick S. [Review]
OneLook Reverse Dictionary
(onelook.com) by Justin [Review]
Online Concordancer
(lextutor.ca) by Mathijs de Weerdt [Review]
Online Etymology Dictionary
(etymonline.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
Online Thesaurus (UK)
(onlinethesaurus.co.uk) by Hellahulla [Review]
(sk-spell.sk.cx) by Zdenko Podobný [Review]
(openthesaurus.de) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Ordbog over det danske Sprog
(ordnet.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
(ordbogen.com) by Anders Møller - IIH Copenhage [Review]
ordbok.no - Bokmålsordboka
(nob-ordbok.uio.no) by andrel [Review]
OrdBok.no - OrdSøk
(ordsiden.no) by tumler [Review]
(ordbok.uib.no) by Anon [Review]
Ordnett.no - Norsk ordbok
(ordnett.no) by Dmytro Ostanin [Review]
Ordnett.no UiB
(ordnett.no) by Kurt-Rune Bergset [Review]
(orthonet.sdv.fr) by Alexis-Emmanuel Haeringer [Review]
Orðabanki íslenskrar málstöðvar
(ordabanki.hi.is) by spacebirdy [Review]
Orðabanki íslenskrar málstöðvar (en)
(ordabanki.hi.is) by spacebirdy [Review]
Orðabanki íslenskrar málstöðvar (es)
(ordabanki.hi.is) by spacebirdy [Review]
Orðabanki íslenskrar málstöðvar (la)
(ordabanki.hi.is) by spacebirdy [Review]
Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
(oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com) by Maksym Sanzharov [Review]
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
(oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com) by Anon [Review]
Oxford Dictionaries Premium
(premium.oxforddictionaries.com) by John Garcia [Review]
Oxford Dictionaries Premium
(premium.oxforddictionaries.com) by John Garcia [Review]
Oxford Dictionaries Premium
(premium.oxforddictionaries.com) by John Garcia [Review]
Oxford Dictionaries Premium
(premium.oxforddictionaries.com) by John Garcia [Review]
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
(oxforddnb.com) by Sunil Rodger [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary
(oed.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Appalachian State Proxy)
(wncln.wncln.org) by Jodi Schneider [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Eastern Michigan Proxy)
(emich.edu) by John L. Knight [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (ECU Proxy)
(ecu.edu.au) by Saso Virag [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Edinburgh Proxy)
(lib.ed.ac.uk) by Paul [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (NLA Proxy)
(oed.com.rp.nla.gov.au) by John Bentley [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Penn Proxy)
(proxy.library.upenn.edu) by Samuel Eads [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Portand State Proxy)
(lib.pdx.edu) by Vic [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Tulsa Proxy)
(library.utulsa.edu) by Dan Bell [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (UCalgary Proxy)
(lib.ucalgary.ca) by Justin Spencer [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Unimelb Proxy)
(lib.unimelb.edu.au) by Anon [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (UofM proxy)
(www-oed-com.proxy.lib.umich.edu) by Sebastian Fernandez [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (Uppsala Proxy)
(its.uu.se) by Erik Hedberg [Review]
Oxford English Dictionary (UST proxy)
(www-oed-com.ezproxy.stthomas.edu) by Lewis Stanley Asjes [Review]
(ozdic.com) by Anon [Review]
Ozhegov's dictionary - VOCAB / whole word
(starling.rinet.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(paarsig.com) by Mehrbod Vâraste [Review]
(pealim.com) by Anon [Review]
(phrases.org.uk) by FireWater231 [Review]
(phraseup.com) by phraseup* [Review]
(playphrase.me) by Armap [Review]
(pn2.paarsig.com) by Mehrbod Vâraste [Review]
(paarsig.com) by Mehrbod Vâraste [Review]
Pons - Deutsch als Fremdsprache
(de.pons.eu) by Vicent Revert [Review]
Pons Deutsche Rechtschreibung
(pons.eu) by Devin Dienes [Review]
Pons Deutsche Rechtschreibung
(de.pons.com) by JesusNachfolger [Review]
PONS.com : Rechtschreibung und Fremdwörter
(de.pons.com) by JesusNachfolger [Review]
Poradnia językowa PWN
(poradnia.pwn.pl) by Pablosso [Review]
Port Manteaux (OneLook Word Maker)
(onelook.com) by Anon [Review]
Portal da Língua Portuguesa
(portaldalinguaportuguesa.org) by Anon [Review]
Pota Focal
(potafocal.com) by Anon [Review]
Power Thesaurus
(powerthesaurus.org) by Anon [Review]
(priberam.pt) by Anon [Review]
Priberam (SSL)
(priberam.pt) by Anon [Review]
PROMT dictionary English->Russian
(translate.ru) by co [Review]
Pronounce Names
(pronouncenames.com) by Rahul Malhotra [Review]
PronounceHow - English
(pronouncehow.com) by Leopoldo Varela Cabral [Review]
PronounceHow - Español
(pronouncehow.com) by Leopoldo Varela Cabral [Review]
Puzzlexpress Word Finder
(puzzlexpress.com) by TB [Review]
Qat by Quinapalus
(quinapalus.com) by Pedro PSI [Review]
(whereisquiz.com) by Dan Kirshner [Review]
(corpus.rae.es) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
(corpus.rae.es) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
RAE - Diccionario de la lengua española
(dle.rae.es) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
RAE - Diccionario de la lengua española (2001)
(lema.rae.es) by 5alv4 [Review]
(rae.es) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
(rae.es) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
(rae.es) by Anon [Review]
(asale.org) by Anon123123 [Review]
(asale.org) by Anon123123 [Review]
(redensarten-index.de) by Franck Japon [Review]
(redfoxsanakirja.fi) by Anon [Review]
Rekhta Dictionary
(rekhta.org) by Anon [Review]
Reta Vortaro
(reta-vortaro.de) by Jordon Kalilich [Review]
Reta Vortaro
(reta-vortaro.de) by GydeonMylls [Review]
Reta Vortaro
(reta-vortaro.de) by GydeonMylls [Review]
(retskrivningsordbogen.dk) by Silas Boye Nissen [Review]
Reverse Conjugator IT
(conjugator.reverso.net) by Anon [Review]
Reverso DE-EN Conjugation (Display in EN)
(conjugator.reverso.net) by Anon [Review]
Reverso Deutsche Konjugation
(konjugator.reverso.net) by Anon [Review]
Reverso English Definition Cobuild
(dictionary.reverso.net) by Anon [Review]
Reverso English Synonyms
(dictionary.reverso.net) by Chris Sansone [Review]
Reverso Español Conjugación
(conjugador.reverso.net) by Alex Xiong [Review]
Reverso Français Conjugaison
(conjugueur.reverso.net) by Thomas Fleith [Review]
Reverso Français Définition
(dictionnaire.reverso.net) by Guijo [Review]
Reverso Français Définition Littré
(littre.reverso.net) by RMG [Review]
Reverso Français Synonymes
(dictionnaire.reverso.net) by Guijo [Review]
Reverso Sinónimos PT
(synonyms.reverso.net) by Anon [Review]
Reverso Synonymes
(dictionnaire.reverso.net) by diviko [Review]
(rhymer.com) by Anonymous Informant [Review]
Rimes Exionnaire
(rimes.exionnaire.com) by Dave TAPESAR [Review]
RNC Simple
(ruscorpora.ru) by Hikin [Review]
(romajidesu.com) by Bui Hoang Hai [Review]
RomajiDesu Kanji
(romajidesu.com) by Bui Hoang Hai [Review]
Russian converter
(russian-online.net) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Russian Corpus
(corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Russian synonyms
(synonymizer.ru) by Roman Beslik [Review]
Russian synonyms @jeck.ru
(jeck.ru) by Roman Beslik [Review]
Russian Verbal Aspect
(ru.oslin.org) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(dictionary.sakhr.com) by Aymen Turki [Review]
Sakhr Arabic Dictionary
(lexicon.alsharekh.org) by AGR [Review]
Sakhr Arabic Dictionary v2
(lexicon.alsharekh.org) by AGR [Review]
Sanook Dictionary
(dictionary.sanook.com) by Anon [Review]
Sanskrit Inflected word analysis
(tdil-dc.in) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Sanskrit noun feminine decliner (TDIL)
(tdil-dc.in) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Sanskrit noun masculine decliner (TDIL)
(tdil-dc.in) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Sanskrit noun neuter decliner (TDIL)
(tdil-dc.in) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Sanskrit taddhita generator
(tdil-dc.in) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Sapere - Sinonimi
(sapere.it) by Alberto Schiavone [Review]
Sapere - Vocabolario
(sapere.it) by Alberto Schiavone [Review]
Scrabble Dictionary
(hasbro.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Scrabble Dictionary - Exact Matches Only
(hasbro.com) by Naaman Campbell [Review]
Sensagent fr
(sensagent.com) by Vianney Stroebel [Review]
Sesli Sözlük
(seslisozluk.com) by Mustafa [Review]
(m.seslisozluk.com) by Anon [Review]
Sex-Dictionary from Sex-Lexis
(sex-lexis.com) by FaeGiN [Review]
(slovnik.seznam.cz) by Cube [Review]
shabdakalpadruma - devanAgarI unicode
(sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
shabdakalpadruma - Itrans in, unicode out
(sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
(de.ghettodriveby.com) by Greg Froh [Review]
Siglas médicas en español
(cosnautas.com) by Jesús M. Giménez [Review]
(sigles.net) by melodie [Review]
Significado do Nome
(iremar.com.br) by Adriano F Borges [Review]
Simone.it dizionario economico ita <-> eng
(simone.it) by Ben [Review]
Sina HK Dictionary
(dictionary.sina.com.hk) by Felix Fok [Review]
(xtutto.com) by BrOncO [Review]
Sinonimi e contrari
(homolaicus.com) by daviweb [Review]
(sinonimia.net) by Anon [Review]
(sinonimos.com) by Harold Vargas [Review]
(sinonimos.com.br) by Gabriel Magno [Review]
(sinonimos.org) by Carlos Martinez Ubeda [Review]
(sirchin.com) by Joel Cass [Review]
(sjp.pl) by guova [Review]
sjp.pl SSL
(sjp.pl) by Anon [Review]
(skepdic.com) by advicebanana [Review]
(slang.gr) by Anon [Review]
Slavic diachronic dictionary
(oesteuropastudier.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Slavic diachronic dictionary
(ordbog.oesteuropastudier.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Slovenské Slovníky
(slovniky.korpus.sk) by Alexander Zatko [Review]
Slovenské slovníky - JULS
(slovnik.juls.savba.sk) by Zdenko Podobný [Review]
Slovensko-Maďarský slovník
(dict.qnell.com) by feki83 [Review]
Smart Define
(smartdefine.org) by Smart Define [Review]
Smart.fm items
(smart.fm) by saitamanodoruji [Review]
(snara.is) by GylfiOlafsson [Review]
(sonaveeb.ee) by Anon [Review]
(sozluk.rdgnetwork.org) by Ertan Tike [Review]
Sozluk.Net (DE->TR)
(sozluk.net) by Murat Terzioglu [Review]
Sozluk.Net (EN->TR)
(sozluk.net) by Murat Terzioglu [Review]
Sozluk.Net (FR->TR)
(sozluk.net) by Murat Terzioglu [Review]
Sozluk.Net (TR->DE)
(sozluk.net) by Murat Terzioglu [Review]
Sozluk.Net (TR->EN)
(sozluk.net) by Murat Terzioglu [Review]
Sozluk.Net (TR->FR)
(sozluk.net) by Murat Terzioglu [Review]
(spanishdictionary.net) by John Lee [Review]
(bos.zrc-sazu.si) by Martin Božič [Review]
StarLing Russian Morphology Analysis
(starling.rinet.ru) by Rob Reynolds [Review]
STO ordsøgning
(ida.hum.ku.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
STO sammensætning
(ida.hum.ku.dk) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Svensk ordbok
(litteraturbanken.se) by soporifichaze [Review]
Svenska Akademiens ordböcker
(svenska.se) by Mirellanmål [Review]
swac-collections (english)
(swac-collections.org) by Sonny Piers [Review]
swac-collections (french)
(swac-collections.org) by Sonny Piers [Review]
Syllable Count Dictionary
(syllablecount.com) by Anon [Review]
(synomix.pl) by Jan Mieszczanek [Review]
(synoniemen.net) by Synoniemen.net [Review]
(synonim.net) by Jan Mieszczanek [Review]
(synonimy.pl) by duri [Review]
(synonym.com) by Darrell Eastman [Review]
(synonymer.cc) by Mirellanmål [Review]
(synonymer.se) by Mirellanmål [Review]
(crisco2.unicaen.fr) by Gary [Review]
(synonymes.com) by Aden [Review]
(synonyme.de) by Anon [Review]
(synonymfor.com) by Anon [Review]
(synonymo.fr) by guijo [Review]
(synonymordboka.no) by Arno Teigseth [Review]
SZTAKI Dictionary en->hu
(szotar.sztaki.hu) by D.Moore & P.Moricz [Review]
SZTAKI Dictionary hu->en
(szotar.sztaki.hu) by D.Moore & P.Moricz [Review]
SZTAKI Dictionary hu->en (Ékezet nem számít)
(szotar.sztaki.hu) by Thevolone [Review]
SZTAKI hu->it
(szotar.sztaki.hu) by László Koncz [Review]
SZTAKI it->hu
(szotar.sztaki.hu) by László Koncz [Review]
Słownik języka polskiego W. Doroszewskiego
(sjpd.pwn.pl) by Piotrek Gliźniewicz [Review]
Słownik Kopalińskiego
(slownik-online.pl) by Pejo [Review]
Słownik Kopalińskiego (Google)
(slownik-online.pl) by Waka/Jawaka [Review]
Słownik ortograficzny PWN
(so.pwn.pl) by Sławomir Karwasz [Review]
Słownik PWN
(sjp.pwn.pl) by Jan Mieszczanek [Review]
(taaladvies.net) by Wouter Lagendijk [Review]
(takoboto.jp) by Anon [Review]
TDK Sesli Türkçe Sözlük
(tdkterim.gov.tr) by iBarbaros [Review]
TDK Büyük Türkçe Sözlük
(tdkterim.gov.tr) by Ahmet Atuğ [Review]
TDK Büyük Türkçe Sözlük
(tdk.gov.tr) by Falcon [Review]
TDK Güncel Türkçe Sözlük
(tdk.gov.tr) by Falcon [Review]
TDK Sesli Türkçe Sözlük
(tdk.gov.tr) by Falcon [Review]
TeP 2.0
(nilc.icmc.usp.br) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
(tezaurs.lv) by Anon [Review]
(tezaurs.lv) by Anon [Review]
Thai Dict
(thai-english-dictionary.appspot.com) by dsin [Review]
The Conjugator
(theconjugator.com) by Dgis [Review]
The Coxford Singlish Dictionary
(talkingcock.com) by Melvin Lam [Review]
The Free Dictionary
(thefreedictionary.com) by Farlex [Review]
The Free Dictionary - Acrónimos/Abreviaturas
(acronyms.thefreedictionary.com) by Alejandro [Review]
The Free Dictionary - Español
(es.thefreedictionary.com) by Ric De Rob [Review]
The Free Dictionary - français
(fr.thefreedictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
The Free Dictionary - Idioms
(idioms.thefreedictionary.com) by vanslavich [Review]
The Free Dictionary - Português
(pt.thefreedictionary.com) by Tuga [Review]
The Law Dictionary
(thelawdictionary.org) by scar [Review]
(oedilf.com) by Jim Pettit [Review]
The Online Slang Dictionary
(onlineslangdictionary.com) by Nathan Eckerman [Review]
The People's Dictionary
(folkets-lexikon.csc.kth.se) by Anon [Review]
(thesaurus.com) by Anon [Review]
Thư Viện Pháp Luật
(thuvienphapluat.vn) by Đình Hoàn [Review]
(cnrtl.fr) by Ryan Kavanagh [Review]
(toadua.uakci.pl) by Robin Townsend [Review]
(tos.sky.is) by spacebirdy [Review]
(tomisimo.org) by Tomisimo [Review]
(topszotar.hu) by Anon [Review]
Treccani - Sinonimi e contrari [diretto]
(treccani.it) by Arturo Orlando [Review]
Treccani - Sinonimi e contrari [ricerca]
(treccani.it) by Arturo Orlando [Review]
Treccani - Vocabolario [diretto]
(treccani.it) by Andrea Lazzarotto [Review]
Treccani - Vocabolario [ricerca]
(treccani.it) by Alberto Luzi [Review]
Trobat Cercador General
(trobat.com) by Vicent Revert Arnau [Review]
Trobat Verbs
(trobat.com) by César Martínez Izquierdo [Review]
TRT Telaffuz Sözlüğü
(trttelaffuz.com) by Mehmet Tahir SANDIKKAYA [Review]
(thesaurus.com) by AxelT [Review]
(ub.edu) by xalbons [Review]
(uitmuntend.de) by Sascha [Review]
(uk.worldwidedictionary.org) by Anon [Review]
(uncyclopedia.wikia.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
Unihan Database Lookup
(unicode.org) by jakub [Review]
Unscrambled Anagrams
(unscrambledanagram.com) by Anon [Review]
(unscramblerer.com) by Anon [Review]
UOL Dicionário pt
(dic.busca.uol.com.br) by Alexandre Eher [Review]
UOL Michaelis pt (Login)
(michaelis.uol.com.br) by Michael Benford [Review]
Urban Dictionary
(urbandictionary.com) by André Matias [Review]
UsingEnglish - Idioms
(usingenglish.com) by Pablo Ziliani [Review]
Van Dale Woordenboek EN-NL
(vandale.nl) by Falcon [Review]
Van Dale Woordenboek NL-EN
(vandale.nl) by Falcon [Review]
Van Dale Woordenboek NL-NL
(vandale.nl) by Falcon [Review]
Vasmer Russian Etymological Dictionary (keyword)
(starling.rinet.ru) by Daniel Buncic [Review]
VDict en->vi
(vdict.com) by Tuan [Review]
VDict vi->en
(vdict.com) by Le Ngoc Thanh [Review]
(verbformen.com) by Nov4 [Review]
Verbformen (de)
(verbformen.de) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
Verbformen (en)
(verbformen.com) by Andreas Göbel [Review]
(verbformen.com) by Nov4 [Review]
(verbformen.com) by Nov4 [Review]
Verbix Catalan
(verbix.com) by Beto Boullosa [Review]
Verbix Dansk
(verbix.com) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Verbix Dutch
(verbix.com) by Alvise Trevisan [Review]
Verbix English
(verbix.com) by Ricardo Salveti de Araujo [Review]
Verbix French
(verbix.com) by virgilinojuca [Review]
Verbix German
(verbix.com) by Neiro79 [Review]
Verbix Italian
(verbix.com) by Eduard GUIU [Review]
Verbix Norsk
(verbix.com) by blasalejandro [Review]
Verbix Polish
(verbix.com) by Anon [Review]
Verbix Portuguese
(verbix.com) by Beto Boullosa [Review]
Verbix Spanish
(verbix.com) by Felix Schnetter [Review]
Vietnamese - English Dictionary
(informatik.uni-leipzig.de) by myspace/nordsound [Review]
Vikisõnastik (et) SSL
(et.wiktionary.org) by Erich Soomere [Review]
Virgilio Sapere - Sinonimi e Contrari
(sapere.virgilio.it) by G [Review]
Visual Dictionary
(ghettodriveby.com) by Greg Froh [Review]
Visual Thesaurus
(visualthesaurus.com) by Antonimo [Review]
(visuwords.com) by Starson Hochschild [Review]
Vitrine linguistique
(vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca) by Eric C. [Review]
Vocabulário Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa (VOLP)
(academia.org.br) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
(vokabular.org) by toojunk [Review]
(realacademiagalega.org) by Antón Méixome [Review]
Võõrsõnade leksikon
(eki.ee) by Anon [Review]
Vortaro.net (reta PIV – Plena ilustrita vortaro)
(vortaro.net) by Jan Šebetovský [Review]
Vox gratuito Español-Inglés
(diccionarios.com) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Vox gratuito Inglés-Español
(diccionarios.com) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Weblio Dictionary en<->ja
(ejje.weblio.jp) by k2jp [Review]
Weblio Encyclopedia
(weblio.jp) by Anon [Review]
Weblio Thesaurus
(thesaurus.weblio.jp) by Yoichi [Review]
(kobun.weblio.jp) by Cfinyfliras [Review]
(cjjc.weblio.jp) by Anon [Review]
Webster's 1828 Dictionary
(machaut.uchicago.edu) by USDOT 2122332 [Review]
Webster's 1913 Dictionary
(machaut.uchicago.edu) by USDOT 2122332 [Review]
Webster's Online Dictionary
(websters-online-dictionary.org) by jake p., & Patrick W.M.L. [Review]
(webster-dictionary.org) by cagocacse [Review]
(1828.mshaffer.com) by Michael Kamrath [Review]
Welk lidwoord
(welklidwoord.nl) by Hakan [Review]
Wielki Słoenik Języka Polskiego
(wsjp.pl) by Jan Mieszczanek [Review]
Wielki Słownik Języka Polskiego
(wsjp.pl) by Anon [Review]
Wikcionário (pt)
(pt.wiktionary.org) by HU3 [Review]
Wikipedia (en)
(en.wikipedia.org) by Kale Ko [Review]
Wikipedia (en)
(en.wikipedia.org) by Kale Ko [Review]
Wikislovník (cs)
(cs.wiktionary.org) by Anon [Review]
Wikisłownik (pl)
(pl.wiktionary.org) by Michael [Review]
(en.m.wiktionary.org) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(en.m.wiktionary.org) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(en.m.wiktionary.org) by 红色雅各宾派 [Review]
Wiktionary (3rd Party - Google Encrypted)
(wiktionary.org) by Mathieu Gentile [Review]
Wiktionary (af)
(af.wiktionary.org) by spacebirdy [Review]
Wiktionary (ca)
(ca.wiktionary.org) by Alfonso Montero [Review]
Wiktionary (da)
(da.wiktionary.org) by Rune Vammen [Review]
Wiktionary (de)
(de.wiktionary.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Wiktionary (el)
(el.wiktionary.org) by Badseed [Review]
Wiktionary (en)
(en.wiktionary.org) by Erich Soomere [Review]
Wiktionary (en)
(en.wiktionary.org) by Nalbandov [Review]
Wiktionary (en)
(en.wiktionary.org) by Kale Ko [Review]
Wiktionary (English lookup)
(en.wiktionary.org) by GydeonMylls [Review]
Wiktionary (eo->en)
(en.wiktionary.org) by GydeonMylls [Review]
Wiktionary (es)
(es.wiktionary.org) by Alfonso Montero [Review]
Wiktionary (fr)
(fr.wiktionary.org) by BenJ [Review]
Wiktionary (ga)
(ga.wiktionary.org) by spacebirdy [Review]
Wiktionary (hu)
(hu.wiktionary.org) by Tamas Szalai [Review]
Wiktionary (is)
(is.wiktionary.org) by spacebirdy [Review]
Wiktionary (it)
(it.wiktionary.org) by Franco Guidi [Review]
Wiktionary (it)
(it.wiktionary.org) by Daniele Rizzo [Review]
Wiktionary (ja) SSL
(ja.wiktionary.org) by Yoichiro Akiyama [Review]
Wiktionary (ko)
(ko.wiktionary.org) by Horaian [Review]
Wiktionary (la)
(la.wiktionary.org) by Paul Henegan [Review]
Wiktionary (nl)
(nl.wiktionary.org) by JeroenDuh [Review]
Wiktionary (oc)
(oc.wiktionary.org) by spacebirdy [Review]
Wiktionary (pt)
(pt.wiktionary.org) by spacebirdy [Review]
Wiktionary (suomi) SSL
(fi.wiktionary.org) by MadeSpock [Review]
Wiktionary (sv)
(sv.wiktionary.org) by Martin Gustafsson [Review]
Wiktionary (zh)
(zh.wiktionary.org) by Yoichiro Akiyama [Review]
Wiktionary Conjugation (fr)
(fr.wiktionary.org) by BenJ [Review]
Wiktionary Thesaurus (en)
(en.wiktionary.org) by Anon [Review]
Wiktionnaire (fr) SSL
(fr.wiktionary.org) by Tony [Review]
(fttr.free.fr) by Richard [Review]
woerterbuch.info - Synonym (en)
(woerterbuch.info) by Christoph Pitschmann [Review]
(woerterbuchnetz.de) by Arne Pelka [Review]
(woorden-boek.nl) by Eliad [Review]
(woorden.org) by -bossie-/SWC [Review]
(woordenlijst.org) by Michael Mampaey [Review]
Word Assault
(wordassault.com) by Daniel Harris [Review]
Word Spy
(wordspy.com) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Word Unscrambler
(theunscrambled.com) by Anon [Review]
Word Unscrambler
(unscrambledanagram.com) by Anon [Review]
Word unscrambler
(wordonen.com) by Anon [Review]
Word Unscrambler
(scrablagram.com) by Anon [Review]
WordDB.com - The Word Database
(worddb.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
(wordia.com) by Soon Van [Review]
(wordie.org) by Colin Murphy [Review]
WordInContext (en)
(wordincontext.com) by Shane Mulligan [Review]
(wordnetweb.princeton.edu) by Mycroft Project [Review]
(poets.notredame.ac.jp) by Michael [Review]
WordReference - English Collocations
(wordreference.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
WordReference - English Usage
(wordreference.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
WordReference en - definition
(wordreference.com) by Marco Fabiani [Review]
WordReference en - synonyms
(wordreference.com) by Anon [Review]
WordReference es - Conjugación
(wordreference.com) by Marcello Marchese [Review]
WordReference es - definición
(wordreference.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
WordReference es - definición RAE
(wordreference.com) by Adrián Fernández [Review]
WordReference es - sinónimos
(wordreference.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
WordReference Forum (3rd Party - Google)
(wordreference.com) by Damien Buatois [Review]
WordReference fr - Conjugaison de Verbes
(wordreference.com) by Soon Van [Review]
WordReference it - Coniugazione
(wordreference.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
WordReference it - definizione
(wordreference.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
WordWeb Online
(wordwebonline.com) by Anon [Review]
(workpedia.com.br) by Alex Go [Review]
Wortschatz Englisch Deutsch
(dict.uni-leipzig.de) by Anon [Review]
Woxikon DE Synonyme
(synonyme.woxikon.de) by Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz [Review]
Woxikon: verbformen-franzoesisch
(verben.woxikon.de) by Florian [Review]
(multitran.com) by ambix [Review]
WWWJDIC - Example Search
(wwwjdic.se) by Anon [Review]
WWWJDIC - Japanese Dictionary
(csse.monash.edu.au) by Cliff Cramer [Review]
WWWJDIC - Japanese Dictionary
(nihongo.monash.edu) by Cliff Cramer [Review]
WWWJDIC - Japanese Dictionary
(nihongo.monash.edu) by Cliff Cramer [Review]
WWWJDIC - Japanese Kanji Lookup
(csse.monash.edu.au) by Krayzier [Review]
WWWJDIC CA - Dictionary Lookup
(ottix.net) by Bidouleroux [Review]
WWWJDIC CA - Kanji Lookup
(ottix.net) by Bidouleroux [Review]
(xlingua.de) by Anon [Review]
Yahoo! Dictionary JP
(dic.yahoo.co.jp) by M. Nagasaki [Review]
Yahoo! Dictionary JP - Thesaurus
(dic.yahoo.co.jp) by Yoichi [Review]
Yahoo! HK Chinese Dictionary
(hk.dictionary.yahoo.com) by wlachan [Review]
Yahoo! HK Chinese Dictionary
(hk.dictionary.yahoo.com) by wlachan [Review]
Yahoo! 字典
(hk.dictionary.yahoo.com) by Clement T [Review]
(tw.dictionary.yahoo.com) by WayneKao [Review]
(tw.dictionary.yahoo.com) by WayneKao [Review]
(yaru.info) by Roman Beslik [Review]
YellowBridge Hanzi >> English
(yellowbridge.com) by Jason Dusek [Review]
(yibizi.com) by Anon [Review]
(yiym.com) by zhtt [Review]
(yourdictionary.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
(khaipi.net) by Khaipi [Review]
¡Es fácil!
(esfacil.eu) by Mark Visser [Review]
(repository.academyofathens.gr) by Stazybo Horn [Review]
Λεξ. Γ. Κάτου
(georgakas.lit.auth.gr) by Stazybo Horn [Review]
Λεξ. Κ. Λέντζιου Τρίκου
(georgakas.lit.auth.gr) by Stazybo Horn [Review]
Λεξικό Liddell, Scott, Κωνσταντινίδου
(myria.math.aegean.gr) by Nikolas [Review]
Λεξικό της Κοινής Νεοελληνικής
(greek-language.gr) by LGR [Review]
Παροιμίες | ΚΕΕΛ
(repository.kentrolaografias.gr) by Stazybo Horn [Review]
Армянско-Русский Словарь, Glosbe
(ru.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Белорусские словари - Словопедия
(by.slovopedia.com) by Anon [Review]
Вікісловник (uk)
(uk.wiktionary.org) by beroal [Review]
(ru.wiktionary.org) by Anon [Review]
Викисловарь (ru)
(ru.wiktionary.org) by Anon [Review]
(drevo-info.ru) by Alexander Ivanov [Review]
Морфологический анализ
(starling.rinet.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Мультитран (русский-английский)
(multitran.com) by Andrey Luzhin [Review]
Мультитран (русский-испанский)
(multitran.com) by Andrey Luzhin [Review]
Поиск ассоциаций
(slovesa.ru) by Sharky [Review]
Правила русского языка
(therules.ru) by Антон Им [Review]
Речник на българския език
(rechnik.chitanka.info) by trpakov [Review]
Речник на българския език - ИБИ (БАН)
(ibl.bas.bg) by Hristo Stoev [Review]
Речник на българския език 2.0
(rbe.chitanka.info) by trpakov [Review]
Рускорпора, основной корпус
(ruscorpora.ru) by Anon [Review]
Русско-Армянский Словарь, Glosbe
(ru.glosbe.com) by Nalbandov [Review]
Словари в сети ДВО
(dict.dvo.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Словник української мови
(sum.in.ua) by Max Sanzharov [Review]
(slovnyk.ua) by Anon [Review]
(slovopedia.org.ua) by Anon [Review]
(slovopedia.com) by Anon [Review]
Тълковен речник
(eurodict.koralsoft.com) by Blagovest Petrov [Review]
Универсальный декодер кириллицы
(2cyr.com) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Этимология РАН
(etymolog.ruslang.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(slovari.yandex.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(kizur.co.il) by bluePostIt [Review]
(vajehyab.com) by حسن صدیقی [Review]
پارسی ویکی
(parsi.wiki) by حسن صدیقی [Review]
(ja.uncyclopedia.info) by 話切徒 [Review]
(dic.nicovideo.jp) by Anon [Review]
三省堂 Web Dictionary
(sanseido.biz) by Gaijin [Review]
(cdict.freetcp.com) by Denis Lin [Review]
(91dict.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
(youdict.com) by han [Review]
(youdict.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(youdict.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(cn.uncyclopedia.wikia.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
(shenyandayi.com) by zhtt [Review]
(juzimi.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
( by fauzty [Review]
(zi.tools) by 丹 [Review]
(yun.buzhundong.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
( by 林哲群 [Review]
(fanyi.baidu.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
(dict.youdao.com) by Liekong [Review]
(dict.youdao.com) by Liekong [Review]
(termonline.cn) by RunningCheese [Review]
(termonline.cn) by RunningCheese [Review]
(kwuntung.net) by Ting [Review]
(kwuntung.net) by Ting [Review]
(dict.eudic.net) by RunningCheese [Review]
(zdic.net) by iwo [Review]
(zdic.net) by Anon [Review]
(zdic.net) by jack [Review]
(dict.hjenglish.com) by Anon [Review]
(kakijun.jp) by Anon [Review]
(kanji.jitenon.jp) by Anon [Review]
(humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk) by Anon [Review]
(humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk) by Anon [Review]
爱词霸 词典
(iciba.com) by Yin Wenyou [Review]
(hanyu.baidu.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
(dict.baidu.com) by Anon [Review]
(chinesecj.com) by phl [Review]
(humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk) by Wai [Review]
(humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk) by Wai [Review]
(qiushibaike.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
(zh.wikiquote.org) by RunningCheese [Review]
(dictjuggler.net) by xxxphew [Review]
(shortof.com) by RunningCheese [Review]
英辞郎 整列表示(KWIC)
(eowkc.alc.co.jp) by strayDuck [Review]
英辞郎 頻度集計
(eowkc.alc.co.jp) by strayDuck [Review]
(moedict.tw) by shyangs [Review]
(moedict.tw) by Michael B [Review]
(cilin.org) by RunningCheese [Review]
(youdict.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
(iciba.com) by Max Wang [Review]
(quword.com) by Anon [Review]
(mydict.com) by zlin [Review]
( by 林哲群 [Review]
(iciba.com) by 刺客出品 [Review]
顏氏美語 - 網路辭典
(onlinedict.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
(dictjuggler.net) by xxxphew [Review]
구글 사전
(dic.google.co.kr) by Anon [Review]
국립국어원 표준국어대사전
(stdict.korean.go.kr) by Jaein Park [Review]
네이버 국어사전
(krdic.naver.com) by Anon [Review]
네이버 사전
(dic.naver.com) by Anon [Review]
네이버 영어
(endic.naver.com) by Anon [Review]
네이버 지식백과
(search.naver.com) by KS [Review]
네이트 영어사전
(alldic.nate.com) by eond [Review]
네이트 영한 미니사전
(alldic.nate.com) by DragonLord SungHo Abraham Jang [Review]
다음 백과사전
(100.daum.net) by Anon [Review]
(urimal.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
외래어↔한글 표기 상호 변환기
(loanword.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
(urimal.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
(word.tta.or.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
존 한자사전
(zonmal.com) by Anon [Review]
(urimal.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
(stdict.korean.go.kr) by Jaein Park [Review]
표준국어대사전(Standard Korean Language Dictionary)
(stdweb2.korean.go.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
표준발음 변환기
(pronunciation.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
한국어 맞춤법/문법 검사기
(speller.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
한국어 맞춤법/문법 검사기(임시)
( by Anon [Review]
한국어/로마자 변환기
(roman.cs.pusan.ac.kr) by Yuncheol Park [Review]
(search.zokugo-dict.com) by StefaanDP [Review]
(和英)研究社新和英中辞典 第4版(エキサイ
(excite.co.jp) by StefaanDP [Review]
(excite.co.jp) by StefaanDP [Review]
(eowp.alc.co.jp) by StefaanDP [Review]
(英和)研究社新英和中辞典 第6版(エキサイ
(excite.co.jp) by StefaanDP [Review]
- Dictionaries - Translation
Aare Dictionary en->et
(aare.pri.ee) by David [Review]
Aare Dictionary et->en
(aare.pri.ee) by David [Review]
aare.edu.ee EN-ET (English)
(aare.edu.ee) by Mihkel K [Review]
aare.edu.ee ET-EN (English)
(aare.edu.ee) by Mihkel K [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo de-ru
(lingvo-online.ru) by alex [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo de<->ru
(lingvopro.abbyyonline.com) by Martin Podolak [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo en-ru
(lingvo-online.ru) by borg [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo en-ru [word]
(lingvolive.com) by Maxim Eremciuc [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo en<->ru
(lingvopro.abbyyonline.com) by zomylkend [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo es<->ru
(lingvopro.abbyyonline.com) by pro64 [Review]
ABBYY Lingvo ru<->es
(lingvopro.abbyyonline.com) by pro64 [Review]
About.com : German
(german.about.com) by FlatFourVW.com [Review]
(adsotrans.com) by JD Burgess [Review]
Akademic EN > RU
(translate.academic.ru) by caivad [Review]
Akademic RU > EN
(translate.academic.ru) by caivad [Review]
Akademika DA > RU
(translate.academic.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
Akademika RU > DA
(translate.academic.ru) by Martin Podolak [Review]
(almanca-sozluk.net) by Anon [Review]
Alpha Beta Charlie
(fromhungarian.com) by Alpha Beta Charlie converter [Review]
Amajambo en->rn
(amajambo.ijuru.com) by Rowan [Review]
Amajambo rn->en
(amajambo.ijuru.com) by Rowan [Review]
Andhra Bharati Sanskrit multi-dictionary
(andhrabharati.com) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
(vds-ev.de) by Alexander Raabe [Review]
Animelab.com: Japanese <-> English Dictionary
(animelab.com) by Theo Alvarez [Review]
AULEX es->ja
(aulex.org) by AlanLara [Review]
AULEX es->myn
(aulex.org) by carlos josé duarte casilllas [Review]
AULEX ja->es
(aulex.org) by AlanLara [Review]
Ayalon Arabic-Hebrew dictionary
(arabdictionary.huji.ac.il) by Shaul Reznik [Review]
Ayalon Hebrew-Arabic dictionary
(arabdictionary.huji.ac.il) by Shaul Reznik [Review]
(pt.bab.la) by Gustavo Ribeiro Croscato [Review]
bab.la (en-pt)
(pt.bab.la) by Zezão Tradutor [Review]
bab.la (nl-en)
(en.bab.la) by Jamy Mahabier [Review]
bab.la (ru-pl)
(babla.ru) by alojzy [Review]
bab.la (sv-en)
(sv.bab.la) by Mirellanmål [Review]
bab.la (sv-en)
(sv.bab.la) by Mirellanmål [Review]
bab.la EN-PT
(bab.la) by Zezão Tradutor [Review]
bab.la EN-PT
(pt.bab.la) by Zezão Tradutor [Review]
bab.la EN<>DE
(bab.la) by Papa Bear [Review]
bab.la EN<>ES
(bab.la) by Papa Bear [Review]
bab.la EN<>JP
(bab.la) by Papa Bear [Review]
bab.la EN>IT
(en.bab.la) by massic80 [Review]
bab.la IT>EN
(en.bab.la) by massic80 [Review]
Babylon - Chinese (S)
(babylon.com) by The8thSpirit [Review]
Babylon - Chinese (T)
(babylon.com) by sub [Review]
Babylon - English
(babylon.com) by Diogo Rangel Pruchneski [Review]
Babylon - German
(babylon.com) by Nikko Pfoser [Review]
Babylon - Hebrew
(info.babylon.com) by Laserline [Review]
Babylon - Portuguese
(babylon.com) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
Babylon en->es
(translation.babylon.com) by Phoenix7g [Review]
Babylon en->es
(translation.babylon-software.com) by FGP [Review]
Babylon en->he
(translation.babylon.com) by bug [Review]
Babylon en->it
(translation.babylon.com) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Babylon en->pt
(babylon.com) by Jonatas B. De Lucca [Review]
Babylon it->en
(translation.babylon.com) by Michele Floreanini [Review]
Baidu Translate Chinese S->English
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Chinese S->English URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Chinese S->Japanese
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Chinese S->Japanese URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate English->Chinese S
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate English->Chinese S URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate English->Japanese
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate English->Japanese URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate English->Thai URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Japanese->Chinese S
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Japanese->Chinese S URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Japanese->English
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate Japanese->English URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Arabic
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Arabic URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Bulgarian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Bulgarian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Classical
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Classical URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Simplified
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Simplified URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Traditional
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Traditional URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Yue
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Chinese Yue URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Czech
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Czech URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Danish
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Danish URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Dutch
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Dutch URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->English
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->English URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Estonian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Estonian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Finnish
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Finnish URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->French
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->French URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->German
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->German URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Greek
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Greek URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Hungarian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Hungarian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Italian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Italian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Japanese
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Japanese URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Korean
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Korean URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Polish
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Polish URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Portuguese
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Portuguese URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Romanian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Romanian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Russian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Russian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Slovenian
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Slovenian URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Spanish
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Spanish URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Swedish
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Swedish URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Thai
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Baidu Translate [Auto]->Thai URL
(fanyi.baidu.com) by strel [Review]
Beluka Wörterbuch Deutsch<->Türkisch
(beluka.de) by Taner [Review]
(dict.zero-g.net) by Evil.2000 [Review]
Berndeutsch Lexikon
(berndeutsch.ch) by weeesel [Review]
Better Translator
(better-translator.com) by Sumin Byeon [Review]
Bing Translator Deutsch -> Spanisch
(bing.com) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
Bing Translator Polish
(bing.com) by Anon [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Arabic
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Arabic URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Bosnian (latin)
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Bosnian (latin) URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Bulgarian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Bulgarian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Catalan
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Catalan URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Chinese S
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Chinese S URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Chinese T
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Chinese T URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Croatian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Croatian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Czech
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Czech URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Danish
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Danish URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Dutch
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Dutch URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->English
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->English URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->English URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Estonian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Estonian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Finnish
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Finnish URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->French
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->French URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->German
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->German URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Greek
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Greek URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Haitian Creole
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Haitian Creole URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hebrew
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hebrew URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hindi
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hindi URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hmong Daw
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hmong Daw URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hungarian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Hungarian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Indonesian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Indonesian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Italian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Italian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Japanese
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Japanese URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Kiswahili
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Kiswahili URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Klingon (latin)
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Klingon (latin) URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Klingon (pIqaD)
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Klingon (pIqaD) URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Korean
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Korean URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Latvian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Latvian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Lithuanian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Lithuanian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Malay
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Malay URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Maltese
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Maltese URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Norwegian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Norwegian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Persian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Persian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Polish
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Polish URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Portuguese
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Portuguese URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Querétaro Otomi
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Querétaro Otomi URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Romanian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Romanian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Russian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Russian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Serbian (cyrillic)
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Serbian (cyrillic) URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Serbian (latin)
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Serbian (latin) URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Slovak
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Slovak URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Slovenian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Slovenian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Spanish
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Spanish URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Swedish
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Swedish URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Thai
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Thai URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Turkish
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Turkish URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Ukrainian
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Ukrainian URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Urdu
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Urdu URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Vietnamese
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Vietnamese URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Welsh
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Welsh URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Yucatec Maya
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
Bing Translator [Auto]->Yucatec Maya URL
(bing.com) by strel [Review]
(cn.bing.com) by Anon [Review]
(bkrs.info) by Alexander Rusakevich [Review]
(tech.groups.yahoo.com) by Patricia Piolon [Review]
(cafeuni.de) by Karsten Bandlow [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English-Portuguese
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Hacker Gaucho [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English-Spanish
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - English-Turkish
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by Anon [Review]
Cambridge Dictionary - Español-inglés
(dictionary.cambridge.org) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
(patrick-nagel.net) by Patrick Nagel [Review]
Centrum.cz Slovníky en->cz
(slovniky.centrum.cz) by Honza Sipek [Review]
Chine Nouvelle
(chine-nouvelle.com) by tida [Review]
Chinese Annotation Tool
(chinese-tools.com) by Manuel Riliz [Review]
Chinese to English Translator @ UofM
(lib.umanitoba.ca) by los martinados [Review]
Chinese Vietnamese Dictionary
(vietnamtudien.org) by Duc Bui [Review]
ChinesePod Chinese-English Glossary
(chinesepod.com) by paramour [Review]
(cibo.cn) by Jian Wu [Review]
Collins English - Spanish
(collinslanguage.com) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Collins English-German Dictionary
(collinsdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Collins English-Spanish (New)
(collinsdictionary.com) by David Arnau [Review]
Collins French Dictionary en->fr
(collinsdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Collins French Dictionary fr->en
(collinsdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Collins German-English Dictionary
(collinsdictionary.com) by Anon [Review]
Collins Spanish-English
(collinslanguage.com) by César Sánchez Alonso [Review]
Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon - Apte en->sa
(sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
Comrite ZH<->EN
(comrite.com) by Comrite [Review]
Consulta ao DeCS (inglês-português)
(decs.bvs.br) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
Corriere de->it
(dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere en->it
(dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere fr->it
(dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere it
(dizionari.corriere.it) by fedcas [Review]
Corriere it->de
(dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere it->en
(dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
Corriere it->fr
(dizionari.corriere.it) by LP [Review]
CorTec - inglês; instrumentos contratuais
(nilc.icmc.usp.br) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
CorTec - português; instrumentos contratuais
(nilc.icmc.usp.br) by Fausto Magalhães da Silveira [Review]
Cosnautas - Libro rojo
(cosnautas.com) by Miguel Armentia [Review]
Credo Reference English/French (Subscription)
(xreferplus.com) by Michelle Oswell [Review]
(crodict.com) by Hörer [Review]
DAI Paravia
(dizionariodai.it) by coyote83 [Review]
(webapp.rrz.uni-hamburg.de) by Teebeutel [Review]
DE <-> SE
(schwedentor.de) by Schwedentor.de [Review]
(de.bab.la) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
de.bab.la Deutsch-Spanisch
(de.bab.la) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
de.bab.la Konjugation
(de.bab.la) by Enrique Fuenzalida [Review]
DeepL (en-zh)
(deepl.com) by youcanguesswhoiam [Review]
DeepL ANY -> DE
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY -> EN
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY -> ES
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY -> FR
(deepl.com) by sohka [Review]
DeepL ANY -> IT
(deepl.com) by Daniele Rizzo [Review]
DeepL ANY -> NL
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY -> PL
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY -> zh-CN
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY > JA
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY > JA
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY > RU
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY > UK
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ANY > UK
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL DE->FR
(deepl.com) by Quentin [Review]
DeepL EN -> RU
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL EN > PT(BR)
(deepl.com) by Julio Souza-PVH [Review]
DeepL EN > PT(BR)
(deepl.com) by Julio Souza-PVH [Review]
DeepL EN->DE
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL EN->ES
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL EN->FR
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ES->EN
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL ES->EN
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL FR->EN
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
DeepL SLO -> EN
(deepl.com) by Anon [Review]
Denshi Jisho - Kanji details
(jisho.org) by Steven Smith [Review]
Denshi Jisho - Kanji Meanings (English)
(jisho.org) by Steven Smith [Review]
DEP.PL (pl<->de)
(dep.pl) by Krzysztof Baranek [Review]
Deutsch-Schwedisches Wörterbuch
(deutsch-schwedisches-woerterbuch.elch.nu) by Andre Schade [Review]
(deutsch-tuerkisch.net) by Anon [Review]
Dic. Fraseologia es->gp
(agal-gz.org) by J. Manuel Outeiro [Review]
Diccionari Castellà-Català (Vox-Larousse)
(diccionaris.cat) by David Arnau [Review]
Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana - multilingüe
(multilingue.cat) by Donatus Halpaap [Review]
Dicionario CLUVI galego-ingles
(sli.uvigo.es) by Xavier Gomez Guinovart [Review]
Dicionario CLUVI ingles-galego
(sli.uvigo.es) by Xavier Gomez Guinovart [Review]
Dicionário de Italiano-Português Infopédia
(infopedia.pt) by ds451 [Review]
Dicionário Michaelis (inglês -> português)
(michaelis.uol.com.br) by Hacker Gaucho [Review]
Dico JF
(dico.fj.free.fr) by Laurent Fallet [Review]
dico.lu lu <-> fr
(dico.lu) by Schlesser Claude [Review]
(dict.pl) by Anon [Review]
dict.cc - mash
(dict.cc) by mash [Review]
dict.cc DE<->BG
(debg.dict.cc) by Martin Podolak [Review]
dict.cc DE<->HU
(dehu.dict.cc) by Anon [Review]
dict.cc DE<>DA
(dade.dict.cc) by jorgento [Review]
dict.cc DE<>EN
(dict.cc) by Brian Croom [Review]
dict.cc DE<>ES
(dees.dict.cc) by dehein2 [Review]
dict.cc DE<>FR
(defr.dict.cc) by Anon [Review]
dict.cc DE<>IS
(deis.dict.cc) by spacebirdy [Review]
dict.cc DE<>NL
(denl.dict.cc) by jannisan [Review]
dict.cc DE<>NO
(deno.dict.cc) by Anon [Review]
dict.cc DE<>PL
(depl.dict.cc) by karl.n [Review]
dict.cc DE<>RO
(dero.dict.cc) by Fabian O [Review]
dict.cc DE<>SV
(desv.dict.cc) by gonelogom [Review]
dict.cc EN<>RU
(enru.dict.cc) by Anon [Review]
dict.cc SynDeKon
(dict.cc) by Armando Gutierrez [Review]
Dict.CN en<->zh
(dict.cn) by Anon [Review]
Dict.com Danish to English
(dict.com) by Florin Salam [Review]
Dict.com Serbian to English
(dict.com) by Anon [Review]
Dict.info: English/Danish Dictionary
(dicts.info) by Rafael Holt [Review]
dict.leo.org EN <--> DE
(dict.leo.org) by Anon [Review]
DictIndustry German English
(en.dictindustry.com) by Ray Culp [Review]
DictIndustry Italian English
(it.dictindustry.com) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Dictionar online
(dex.3dglow.com) by Paul3dglow [Review]
Dictionary EN-FI (sanakirja.org)
(sanakirja.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Dictionary FI-EN (sanakirja.org)
(sanakirja.org) by Jari Aalto [Review]
Dictionnaire Chinois <> Français
(chine-informations.com) by DavidH [Review]
(dictionnaire-japonais.com) by mAn [Review]
Digital South Asia Library - Pali
(dsal.uchicago.edu) by Vayira [Review]
Digital South Asia Library - Sanskrit - Apte
(dsal.uchicago.edu) by Tim Bellefleur [Review]
Digital South Asia Library - Sanskrit - Macdonnell
(dsal.uchicago.edu) by Vishvas Vasuki [Review]
DIX (Osola) es <-> de
(dix.osola.com) by Anon [Review]
Dizionario Italiano - Tedesco online Hoepli
(grandidizionari.it) by Franck Japon [Review]
DrEye.com 譯點通辭典
(dreye.com) by Alice Chang [Review]
DRNO's Dictionary [Anh -> Viet]
(informatik.uni-leipzig.de) by dokblok/wordpress [Review]
Drupal Norge | Engelsk-norsk ordliste
(drupalnorge.no) by John Noceda [Review]
Eana Eltu na-de
(dvi.clonk2c.ch) by Anon [Review]
Eana Eltu na-eng
(dvi.clonk2c.ch) by Anon [Review]
Eana Eltu na-nl
(dvi.clonk2c.ch) by Anon [Review]
Eana Eltu na-ptbr
(dvi.clonk2c.ch) by Anon [Review]
(easytrans.org) by Arno Teigseth [Review]
(eow.alc.co.jp) by rob [Review]
(electropedia.org) by Simon Dreher [Review]
Electropedia - IT
(electropedia.org) by Mark Dobson [Review]
Elhuyar - Es>Eu
(hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus) by Miguel Armentia [Review]
Elhuyar - Es>Eu
(hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus) by Miguel Armentia [Review]
Elhuyar - Eu>Es
(hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus) by Miguel Armentia [Review]
Elhuyar - Eu>Es
(hiztegiak.elhuyar.eus) by Miguel Armentia [Review]
Elhuyar hiztegia es-eu
(euskara.euskadi.net) by Edupedrito [Review]
Elhuyar hiztegia eu-es
(euskara.euskadi.net) by Edupedrito [Review]
EN/RO - dictionare.com
(dictionare.com) by Robert VASILE [Review]
English-Finnish-English online dictionary
English-Thai Dictionary
(th.w3dictionary.org) by Anon [Review]
enro.ro en->ro
(dictionarenglezroman.ro) by Vlad Dulea [Review]
(denisowski.org) by GydeonMylls [Review]
ET house DIC
(et-house.com) by Horaian [Review]
EUdict Cro -> Eng
(eudict.com) by dreedmg [Review]
EUdict en>jp
(eudict.com) by Mateusz [Review]
Eudict Eng -> Cro
(eudict.com) by dreedmg [Review]
EUdict jp>en
(eudict.com) by Mateusz [Review]
eurodict DE<->BG
(bulgariandictionary.com) by Martin Podolak [Review]
EuroVoc EN
(eurovoc.europa.eu) by gerdami [Review]
Eurovoc en->lt
(www3.lrs.lt) by Saulius [Review]
EuroVoc FR
(eurovoc.europa.eu) by gerdami [Review]
Excite ch simp->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ch trad->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite de->en
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite de->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite en->de
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite en->es
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite en->fr
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite en->it
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite en->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite en->pt
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite es->en
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite es->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite fr->en
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite fr->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite it->en
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite it->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->ch simp
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->ch trad
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->de
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->en
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->es
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->fr
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->it
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->ko
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ja->pt
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite ko->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite pt->en
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
Excite pt->ja
(excite-webtl.jp) by strel [Review]
(franceterme.culture.fr) by gouchi [Review]
Frasi.net de->it
(frasi.net) by Gabriele Galati [Review]
Frasi.net en->it
(frasi.net) by Gianluca Moretti [Review]
Frasi.net es->it
(frasi.net) by Gabriele Galati [Review]
Frasi.net it->en
(frasi.net) by Gianluca Moretti [Review]
Frasi.net it->es
(frasi.net) by Fabio Varesano [Review]
FreeDict En->Jp
(freedict.com) by Marcel Jackwerth [Review]
French to English Translator @ UofM
(lib.umanitoba.ca) by los martinados [Review]
Garzanti en-it (Login)
(garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Garzanti fr-it (Login)
(garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Garzanti it-en (Login)
(garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
Garzanti it-fr (Login)
(garzantilinguistica.it) by fedcas [Review]
(gawdi.com) by Victor San Kho Lin [Review]
(vitrinelinguistique.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca) by Goozak [Review]
Geiriadur cy->en
(geiriadur.net) by Lluwch [Review]
Geiriadur cy->en part
(geiriadur.net) by Lluwch [Review]
Geiriadur en->cy
(geiriadur.net) by Lluwch [Review]
Geiriadur en->cy part
(geiriadur.net) by Lluwch [Review]
Gematria Calculator
(gematrix.org) by T. J. C. [Review]
GenişSözlük Beta
(genissozluk.com) by yekmer [Review]
Georges 1913
(sharpeleven.net) by Anon [Review]
German to English Translator @ UofM
(lib.umanitoba.ca) by los martinados [Review]
Germana Esperanto Vortaro
(vortaro.timo-horstschaefer.de) by Michael Schroeder [Review]
Gigatran Custom Search
(gigatran.ru) by ArtS [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary EN -> NL
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary EN -> NO
(en.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary EN -> NO
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary NL -> EN
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary NL -> NO
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary NO -> EN
(en.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary NO -> EN
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Dictionary NO -> NL
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe RU>EN
(ru.glosbe.com) by ArtS [Review]
Glosbe Translator EL>EN
(glosbe.com) by ΔeMo™ [Review]
Glosbe Translator EN>EL
(glosbe.com) by ΔeMo™ [Review]
Glosbe Translator EN>ES
(en.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Translator EN>HU
(glosbe.com) by gh [Review]
Glosbe Translator EN>LA
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Translator EN>RU
(ru.glosbe.com) by newquaker [Review]
Glosbe Translator EN>SK
(en.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Translator ES>EN
(es.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Translator LA>EN
(glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glosbe Translator PL>EN
(pl.glosbe.com) by Scooby [Review]
Glosbe Translator SK>EN
(sk.glosbe.com) by Anon [Review]
Glossa - Lewis & Short
(athirdway.com) by Kef Schecter [Review]
Glova J2E Search
(trans.glova.jp) by Anon [Review]
Google AutoTranslate (Syntax eg. es|test or en|Versuch)
(translate.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Çeviri (Auto) -> TR
(translate.google.com.tr) by Ahmet Atuğ [Review]
Google Dictionary ko<->en
(google.co.kr) by Kim Myeong Soo [Review]
Google Dictionary zh-CN<->en
(google.cn) by snowfly [Review]
Google Traduction
(translate.google.com) by Anon [Review]
Google Traduction (Anglais -> Français)
(google.fr) by Anon [Review]