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- News - Technology
AgenziaInformatica (agenziainformatica.com) by Cristian Scalise [Review]
Alcatel-Lucent's Connected Social Media Showcase (alcatel-lucent.connectedsocialmedia.com) by Connected Social Media Develop [Review]
All The Analysts (alltheanalysts.com) by David Bradley [Review]
Android Authority (androidauthority.com) by maxelo [Review]
Android Smartphone (androidsmartphone.de) by Christian [Review]
Arabtronics (arabtronics.net) by scavenger [Review]
Ars Technica (arstechnica.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Ars Technica (Featured) (arstechnica.com) by Andrew Steele [Review]
Autotitre.com Actualité auto (autotitre.com) by Lionel [Review]
Biovolts (biovolts.com) by kdbifes [Review]
Bits&Chips (bits-chips.nl) by Pieter Edelman [Review]
Busca no site Info Online (info.abril.com.br) by Infolab [Review]
ChileHardWare (chw.net) by Carlos S. A. [Review]
CNET - Buzz Out Loud Ep. # (bol.cnet.com) by Eric Geller [Review]
CNET News (news.cnet.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Computer Sweden (computersweden.idg.se) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Connected Social Media (connectedsocialmedia.com) by Connected Social Media Develop [Review]
DailyTech (dailytech.com) by Tom Corelis [Review]
dientuvietnam (dientuvietnam.net) by Falleaf [Review]
Digg (digg.com) by Andrew Steele [Review]
Digital Alchemy (21st-search.blogspot.com) by Alchemist [Review]
Digital Inspiration Search (labnol.org) by Shahrzaad M. Parekh [Review]
Dsfc (dsfc.net) by Denis Szalkowski [Review]
DSL und Kabel Internet News (internettarifvergleich.net) by Steffen Greiner [Review]
Duke Walk (dukewalk.com) by Anon [Review]
E-Access Bulletin (headstar.com) by Nick Freear [Review]
E=mc2 (eigualmc2.com) by Javier Gonzalez [Review]
Early-Adopter (early-adopter.info) by Early-Adopter [Review]
Edno23 (edno23.com) by Bogomil Shopov [Review]
EMC's Connected Social Media Showcase (emc.connectedsocialmedia.com) by Connected Social Media Develop [Review]
FayerWayer (fayerwayer.com) by Carlos S. A. [Review]
FierceBiotech (fiercebiotech.com) by Lee [Review]
flatpanels.dk (flatpanels.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Fresqui - tecnología (tec.fresqui.com) by Fresqui - tec [Review]
FullFotolog (fullfotolog.com) by FullFotolog Staff [Review]
Gadgetmania.ro (gadgetmania.ro) by Adrian Spinei [Review]
Geekissimo (geekissimo.com) by Andrea Guida (Naqern) [Review]
gHacks (ghacks.net) by maxelo [Review]
Gildot (gildot.org) by Marco Rodrigues [Review]
Google LAT Tech Blog (google.ca) by Anon [Review]
google search (google.com.ar) by Hector Avila [Review]
GrabCAD (grabcad.com) by Anon [Review]
Guia de Cascavel (google.com.br) by Renato Almeida [Review]
Hacker News Search (via hn.algolia.com) (news.ycombinator.com) by amindeed [Review]
heise News (heise.de) by Schdefoon [Review]
Hiperia3D News (news.hiperia3d.com) by Jordi R. Cardona [Review]
HNSearch (hnsearch.com) by Anon [Review]
How-To Geek (howtogeek.com) by maxelo [Review]
IDG SE (idg.se) by Erik Lundmark [Review]
Imprimante-Info.com (imprimante-info.com) by Imprimante Info Dev [Review]
Intel's Connected Social Media Showcase (intel.connectedsocialmedia.com) by Connected Social Media Develop [Review]
iPhónes.co.il (iphones.co.il) by Omri David [Review]
iPhones.ru (iphones.ru) by Leonid Klyuev [Review]
IRCReport (ircreport) by Krisstoffer [Review]
IT- og Telestyrelsen (itst.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
it24 (it24.idg.se) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
iXBT.com (ixbt.com) by dingo [Review]
Linux.com (linux.com) by Stephen Judge [Review]
MACNOTES (macnotes.de) by Macnotes [Review]
Make You Go Hmm (makeyougohmm.com) by TDavid [Review]
Marotochi News (marotochi.it) by Marotochi [Review]
Mechatronica Magazine (mechatronicamagazine.nl) by Pieter Edelman [Review]
mobile.mail.ru (mobile.mail.ru) by samylkin [Review]
mobile.mail.ru by google (google.ru) by samylkin [Review]
MobileAndroid (mobileandroid.de) by Anon [Review]
Naqernet (andreaguida.wordpress.com) by Andrea Guida [Review]
Nature (nature.com) by mindboom [Review]
nextbig (nextbig.de) by Anon [Review]
NoTrial.info (notrial.info) by Bogomil Shopov [Review]
O Esclerosado (esclerosado.ovelho.com) by Fernando Brito [Review]
Oberhauser Blog Search (oberhauser.it) by Andreas Oberhauser [Review]
Obsessable (obsessable.com) by Gx7 [Review]
OSXi (osxi.de) by Anon [Review]
PBC Linear Search (pacific-bearing.com) by Pacific Bearing [Review]
PC World (pcworld.com) by MASA [Review]
pchayat.com (pchayat.com) by Serkan ÇAKMAK [Review]
PhoneArena (phonearena.com) by Anon [Review]
pianetaPDA.com Search (pianetapda.com) by pianetaPDA.com [Review]
Popular Science (popsci.com) by Mycroft Project [Review]
Portal Android (portalandroid.org) by Equipe Portal Android [Review]
Radiaciones (radiaciones.net) by Radiaciones [Review]
Search Y Combinator (searchyc.com) by Justin Thiele [Review]
search.informatica (search.informatica.com) by informatica [Review]
Seguridad Hackeos (es.xiaomitoday.com) by Adri [Review]
SEO-Search (seo.wuestenigel.com) by Marco [Review]
Shaarli sebsauvage.net (sebsauvage.net) by Anon [Review]
SiviSogutma.Com (sivisogutma.com) by Serhan Bastug [Review]
Slashdot (slashdot.org) by Mycroft Project [Review]
SmartMania.cz (smartmania.cz) by Ruslan Botsyurko [Review]
Smartphones24 (smartphones24.org) by Rainer Knaust [Review]
Smd code (tkb-4u.com) by GELAY [Review]
Solarthermie (solarthermie-solaranlagen.de) by junkt [Review]
Spyware Site Search (spyware.it) by Andreas Oberhauser [Review]
Steegle.com Site Search (steegle.com) by Anon [Review]
Stefan Klenk Blog (stefanklenk.de) by Stefan Klenk [Review]
Surka (surka.pl) by Anon [Review]
Swinkle (swinkle.net) by Brandon [Review]
Tagga.com Free SMS (tagga.com) by Stefanello [Review]
Tech Update (tech-update.de) by Anon [Review]
Technology Liberation Front (techliberation.com) by Berin Szoka [Review]
techPowerUp! (3rd Party - Google) (techpowerup.com) by aliquidparadigm [Review]
Techtites (techtites.com) by Shahrzaad M. Parekh [Review]
TecnoBITA.com (tecnobita.com) by Erick Ospino [Review]
Tecnologia.net (tecnologia.net) by Gabriel G. [Review]
TGspot (tgspot.co.il) by Itai Makmal [Review]
The Progress & Freedom Foundation (google.com) by Berin Szoka [Review]
The Tech Blog (myirctechblog.blogspot.com) by Ankush Das [Review]
TheRegister (search.theregister.co.uk) by Michael Valentine [Review]
Thongtincongnghe.com (thongtincongnghe.com) by Hoang D. Le [Review]
Ti-Planet.org (tiplanet.org) by AlexRider38 [Review]
Ti-Planet.org - Author Search (tiplanet.org) by AlexRider38 [Review]
Tinhte.com (tinhte.com) by Dihuta [Review]
Tom's Guide (tomsguide.com) by maxelo [Review]
topzone.lt (topzone.lt) by Justas [Review]
TouchFans (touchfans.de) by TouchFans [Review]
TunisieHautDebit.com (tunisiehautdebit.com) by DisconneKt [Review]
Turkce Yazilim (turkceyazilim.net) by Kenan Balamir [Review]
Veergle (veergle.com) by Veergle [Review]
Version2 (version2.dk) by Kenn A. Thisted [Review]
Web 2.0 Website Search (hype20.com) by AU Interactive [Review]
Web de Pinterest (descargarpinterest.net) by Elen [Review]
Wuestenigel.com (wuestenigel.com) by Wuestenigel [Review]
Xakep (xakep.ru) by Aleksandr Kolbasov [Review]
XO Communication's Connected Social Media Showcase (xo.connectedsocialmedia.com) by Connected Social Media Develop [Review]
ZDNet (zdnet.com) by Andrew Steele [Review]
ZDNet Asia news (zdnetasia.com) by Victoria Ho [Review]
[토렌트] Wakua (메타 검색) (wakua.com) by WebChobo [Review]
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